3D Printing Technology, Free Paper Example

Published: 2022-04-27
3D Printing Technology, Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Dissertation
Categories:  Technology Design
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1556 words
13 min read

Through advancements in technology, engineers, architects, and designers have developed programs that they can use to create simulations and come up with any form of design possible. The primary purpose of this research, therefore, is to assess the influence 3D printing technology has had on the design profession.

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With regards to interior design, many efforts have been put by developers to come up with software's that allow designers to implement concepts in a precise 3D models, fostering customer satisfaction with regards to the actualization of ideas on site.



Technology has become part of the society for decades now where its integration into the community plays a vital role in creating efficient systems that help in performing day-to-day task with a reduction in production cost and workforce. Implementation of appropriate technological techniques in design and manufacturing can to a great extent improve quality with reduced costs of production. There is a great expectation about the potential of manufacturing technology by addition. Some economists, engineers, designers, governments, companies, and organizations around the world already label 3D printing as a disruptive innovation that is capable of changing the production paradigm, both at the business level and in our homes (Brown, 2014). The professional and industrial sector of manufacturing, also, is the one that is getting the most attention from consumers, producers, governments, and institutions.

From a first approach, professional 3D printing allows the same applications as the two categories as mentioned earlier, with increases in quality, speed and final finish of the objects. Today, the most widespread use of 3D printing is still the manufacture of prototypes with the objective of making product tests and then mass production through traditional methods. However, some companies have begun to take advantage of this technology for what Scott Crump, executive director of Stratasys, calls augmented manufacturing (Brown, 2014). It consists of using 3D printing to make figures, templates, and tools that allow changing the production lines of an object quickly and efficiently. Virtual reality technology since its inception has been the driving force behind the success of most designing companies as it allows the accurate design of prototypes without the need to involve human labor in each step. For instance, in creating of models of various inventions, rapid prototyping (3D) is used to give an accurate representation of how the actual product will look like after production. 3D prototyping uses a various object that allows the designer to appropriate models from a database and position them in the scenes using rotation and scaling properties to create the desired design (Shin & Takeo 2007). Additionally, simulations have allowed designers to test new designs in a virtual world based on its functionality to ascertain its success before investing in the actual production.

As the design and architecture keep on developing its grip on innovation, it is evident that our organizations' practices are changing also. Rising advancements now directly affect how we configuration spaces for customers, as creative thoughts must make a consistent client encounter, oversee sizeable measures of information or help explore the area. These elements change the way individuals collaborate with and encounter professionals. When one makes a reliable brand as a human association with the client or item in a deliberately planned space, therefore using the upsides of rising innovation.

One way we can outfit propelling innovation is by growing our capacity to reproduce virtual spaces. By connecting with a cell phone and tablet innovations, we adjust to an altogether better approach for working. Take, for instance, retail and medicinal services conditions; we are beginning to see these offices go about as expansions to one's cell phone and online way of life, as well as an aggregate and individual experience.

A delineation of this can be found at the Gensler-planned Hyundai Card Air Lounge at Incheon International Airport, close Seoul, South Korea. Space is an antitoxin to the airplane terminal outside. With just 2,700 square feet to work with and no normal light, the planners concentrated on the association and approaches to influence the space to feel greater. The parlor contains, in addition to other things, an attendant, printed materials, travel adornments, sustenance and refreshment stations, video establishments, an automated candy machine and a business focus with PCs. To help with the absence of special light, LED board sky facing windows give sky-mimicking enlightenment; to keep explorers on track, flight status flip-screens have been incorporated into the dividers. Because of the utilization of artistic innovation, travelers can build up an exciting knowledge with the inside space with no additional exertion on their part.

Innovation is adding to building our homes and spaces in more courses than we could have envisioned. Customers, and also architects, have been continuously utilizing on innovation to bring the plan into their own hands for making new home spaces or outlining home and furniture pieces. Innovation is help and advancements in that field add to its productivity in usage and correspondence, be it in form or outline. The impact of innovation in inside outline throughout the years has been eminent from new item offerings to changing the way we plan; a radical new scope of likely outcomes has been made. All right, it is nothing unexpected that innovation is changing everything around us, yet one industry that hasn't had as much headway throughout the years comes as inside outline. It is customarily exorbitant, suspicious, and requires an architect to turn out and fundamentally deal with everything unless the client is one of those convenient sorts. While that may dependably be a prevalent strategy, paying little heed to the tech being presented it doesn't imply that there aren't movers and shakers that are disturbing our universal standpoint of the field to make it faster and less demanding while as yet keeping a significant portion of the power in the property holder's hands (Motley, 2017).


This study is aimed at understanding how the phenomenon of 3D printing: a technology that seems to have certain qualities that could allow changes in the way in which companies manufacture part of their products and add value to their environment. Through a computer, chemical and mechanical processes, a 3D printer can create physical objects from digital information. The paper analyses the state of this type of technology, its different variants and markets in the present, the factors that could lead to success and the consequences derived from it especially in the field of interior design and architecture. Also, we will propose a model that tries to take advantage of the characteristics of this technological innovation when developing new business models for design companies and corporations of the future.

The main purpose of this study is to explore how different software applications such as CAD programs (AutoCAD, IronCAD, etc. integrate with 3D printing technology in the design world to produce actual imagery illustrations of various products that are applicable in architectural work, mechanical, clothing, interior design and other concepts related to human life.

It also aims at proving a clear pathway on how such designs have been improved using 3D technological developments regarding software and applications over the years and how it will affect future productions for the past ten years and future design services.

The study also seeks to identify interior design trends that have shaped the world of interior design into an entirely new level with different concepts developed each day.


Before TechnologyThroughout the human existence period, home design has varied largely regarding design, size, and scope. Back into history, human beings used to live in caves just for shelter; others live in treetops to protect themselves from wild animals (Washburn 2013). Over the years, archaeologists have found evidence of curving inside caves by early man, giving proofs of early in their designs among old man's life. As mechanization evolved during the revolution age, ideas were continually developed to improve the way human life and coexisted amongst themselves. There were no machines to actualize ideas. In this research, the main aim is to determine how technology has brought with it a different approach and experience to interior design and interactions with clients in the current technological world.

Before advancement in technology, interior design was a factor which incorporated into the initial construction. Interior design profession has evolved to a greater extent due to the improvement of architectural design technology and industrial revolution over the years. The constant technological evolution and the need to utilize space to provide a comfortable living area has led to the shaping of interior design capabilities as it is today.

Interior designs in the 17th and 18th centuries were done by employed artisans who would offer the sign's advice and proposals. The artisans were additionally employed by architects to implement the interior designs concepts. In the early 1900s, internal decoration personnel were used in America. They were often referred to as domestic decorators who worked as professionals who dealt with interior designing. Most of them had no academic credentials, but the good ones had a mixture of good taste, broad collective senses, and naturally acquired talent to interpret and address concepts in interior design. Interior design standards and qualifications were later merged into other professional organizations that involved design. Institutions were established to govern the various areas of design. The most significant professional team was the American Institute of Decorators (AID), founded in 1931 chaired by Nancy Vincent McClelland...

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