A Death-Denying Society - Free Essay

Published: 2023-08-23
A Death-Denying Society - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Society Healthcare Social psychology Public health
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1357 words
12 min read

What is a death-denying society?

A death-denying society is a society that believes that death is a personal failure, and therefore, dying patients are denied full benefits and hospice. A death-denying society is a society that creates strategies to avert awareness about people’s vulnerability and mortality to avoid the fact that we are immortal.

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Describe where, when, and how people die today.

In the current world, people die in different areas depending on the situations in the background of their lives. Most people die when they suffer chronic diseases for a long period, while others die as a result of old-age. People die through road accidents; others die at home while others die in hospitals.

Identify characteristics of what good death might be for you. Include characteristics that are related to your culture.

The characteristics of a good death for my-self include comfort, dignity, emotional well-being, and family presence. Comfort and emotional well being are very important aspects because they describe death in a pain-free condition. Dignity and family presence are characteristics related to my culture because the family members must be present to wish me well and share the last words in peace.

What are advances in medical technology that impact chronic illnesses and ultimately dying?

The advances in medical technology include wireless wonders and genome editing. Wireless wonders are pulse oximeter devices clipped on patients’ fingertips to check on the oxygen saturation in the blood. Genome editing is a technology that uses Clustered, Regularly Interspaced, and Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR) to adjust genomes for the desired goals.

Death, to me, is a permanent cessation of the life of people and other living organisms through the destruction of cells and tissues. It is also the end of subtle consciousness when there is no connection between the body and mind resulting from the failure of essential body fuel supply such as sugar and oxygen.

Dying to me is the gradual cessation of functioning that occurs at the time when someone dies. Dying is the period during the final point of existence and the start of a journey from earthly life to an unknown spiritual world. Dying also, to me, is being on the verge of death in connection with the time of vanishing.

I wish to live to the age of 90 because I will have accomplished my responsibilities, and my body will instruct me to die. Ultimately death is a critical topic to discuss openly due to its torment effects, but at the age of 90, I will have done so much such that my body will just be wishing to rest, and I will have no otherwise other than to die.

I do not wish to die before I accomplish my life goals on earth, such as having children who are financially stable and as well as witness the continuity of my generation. I would like to see the fruits of my sweat evident in my children through prosperity in life such that every child will be able to sustain their life after I die.

But I do wish to die before I become excessively old such that I am not able to comprehend simple life issues. There is a critical age above which someone becomes practically dormant and bothers the family members. I do not want to give the family members a hard time taking care of me at the levels of old age.

To me, the most comforting aspect of dying is that there are solace and comfort during the end of the gift of life and transition to another unknown spiritual world. sometimes people face harsh life challenges that make them wish they would die peacefully in their sleep like

To me, the most frightening aspect of dying is that no one knows what will happen after death. Dying imposes traumatic experiences on people’s minds whenever they remember certain instances of their beloved ones who departed some time ago. Dying is frightening in the sense that one leaves their family members and join the unknown world of spirits.

I would not want to be told that I am dying because death is so cruel, and it can take many years of torment and devour. Life on earth is very important because I can do so many tangible things that can ultimately benefit my family members, friends, and the entire state than when I am dead.

What will be important to you when you are dying?

The most important thing to me when I am dying is preparing my loved ones by informing them that I am dying. In this instance, I will have to compile my emotions and tell them to my friends and family to get relief. It is, however, difficult to mention that I am dying, but I will gain support from healthcare specialists.

How do you feel about the use of life-sustaining measures in the face of terminal illness?

In my opinion, the life-sustaining measures are not beneficial in the face of the end of life. In the terminal illness, death becomes inevitable, and therefore, the life-sustaining measures would impose needless efforts which would ultimately deplete family resources and leave the members with fewer finances.

Do you have strong feelings about particular medical procedures?

Genuinely, I have a strong feeling for some particular medical procedures defined as medical examinations. There are medical procedures that help in sustaining life, such as therapies and other medical tests. These medical procedures are important in detecting, protecting, and treating some prevalent diseases as they are identified.

What limitations to your physical and mental health would affect the healthcare decisions you would make?

The limitations to physical and mental health that would affect the healthcare decisions I make are the cost of healthcare and chronic failure of body response at old age. The cost of medication could be very high such that I will not be able to pay even with support from the family members.

Would you want to be placed in a nursing home if your condition warranted?

Truly, I would want to be placed in a nursing home following the warranty of my health condition. Some advantages would accrue to my family and me at large, including around the clock care and special care by healthcare professionals. I will be safe at the nursing home because there is continual reputable healthcare.

Would you want to have financial matters taken into account when treatment decisions you would make?

I would not want financial matters to be taken into account because I may not be able to pay the amount due in the end. In the instance of a serious illness that would require a very large amount of finances, I would seek other sources of finance to cater to my treatment rather than shouldering all the expenses.

Would you prefer hospice care with the goal of keeping you comfortable in your home during the final period of your life as an alternative to hospitalization?

I would not prefer hospice care during this period of my life because I would not be safe at home. Hospitalization is ultimately the better option in this case because I will be served closely by the healthcare providers anytime I need slight attention as well as relieving the family members of the burden of taking care of me.

In general, do you wish to participate or share in making decisions about your health care and treatment?

Yes, I would wish to participate in decision-making about my healthcare and treatment because it is all about my personal life. The decisions made by other people may not be comfortable to me, and therefore I may face severe challenges if I do not take part in making sound decisions about my treatment.

Would you always want to know the truth about your condition, treatment options, and the chance of success of treatments?

Yes, I would ultimately want to receive true updates on my health condition, treatment, and the chances of success of treatments to make decisions regarding future preparedness. I would like to prepare my family members based on the treatment results I get from the healthcare providers in advance.

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A Death-Denying Society - Free Essay. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/a-death-denying-society?pname=speedypaper.com

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