A Quality Analysis Process for Labor & Delivery Unit in Primary Care Setting - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
A Quality Analysis Process for Labor & Delivery Unit in Primary Care Setting - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business Analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read


A quality analysis process identifies the requirements and standards relevant to the improvement plan. The process is key as it reviews the organizational structure and leadership of the hospital department that is being analyzed. The quality improvement plan will focus on the labor and delivery unit in a primary health care setting. The process is crucial as it guides how the quality improvement plan will be validated and managed. Thus, this paper aims to provide a summary report of the quality analysis and improvement plan in health care.

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Summary Report

Name of Department: Labor & Delivery Unit


The labor and delivery unit offers comprehensive care for obstetrical patients to ensure the safe delivery of healthy babies. Besides, the staff provides care and nurtures the infant and the patient.

Organizational Structure:

The department is headed by the labor and delivery unit administrator. The department administrator reports to the core management of the hospital, which comprises of senior executive officers. Within the department, patient care managers offer assistance to the unit administrator. They oversee schedules and basic HR functions. The care team comprises physicians, residents and fellows, registered nurses, perinatologists, neonatologists, dietitians, physical therapists, and social workers. The physician offers direction and oversight for the care of obstetrical patients. Residents work under the direct supervision of attending family medicine physicians. Registered nurses monitor the patient’s status, administer medications, and ensure comfort and hygiene standards are met. Perinatologists manage high-risk pregnancy issues. Neonatologists provide critical care to premature or ill infants. Dietitians offer nutritional counseling and ensure that daily dietary requirements are met. Physical therapists offer guidance on acceptable exercises to enhance the patient’s physical well-being while on bed rest. Lastly, social workers facilitate the unit’s support services.

The Role of Leadership:

The key decision-maker(s) in the labor and delivery department is the unit administrator. As previously mentioned, the unit administrator reports directly to the hospital’s chief executives. The unit administrator is responsible for all the multifaceted operational services in the labor and delivery unit. Besides, the unit administrator oversees the department’s needs, such as staffing, supply, and purchasing, and ensures compliance with regulatory standards.

The Role of Board of Directors:

Large hospitals are overseen by the board of directors since they have complex organizational structures. The board of directors' top priorities are the quality of care and the hospital's financial sustainability. Besides, the board of directors steers the hospital's strategic plans and annual objectives (Price, 2018). Although departmental level decisions do not require the board of directors' approval, the board is interested in the outcome of the quality improvement plan. Thus, the board provides oversight of the quality analysis and improvement plan in the labor and delivery unit.

Information Management (Technology):

The hospital information system comprises of different tools that support the services of various departments. The health information systems help collect and compile data for decision-making purposes (Brook, 2020).

Health information systems include:

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) – it is a digitized version of a patient’s medical history.

Practice Management Software – automates daily operations such as billing and scheduling.

Patient Portal – enhances access to a patient's health data such as appointments, lab results, and medications. Besides, a patient can initiate active communication with the department’s care team.


Brook, C. (2020). What is a Health Information System? Retrieved from https://digitalguardian.com/blog/what-health-information-system/

Price, N. (2018). The Roles and Responsibilities of Board of Directors for a Hospital. Retrieved from https://www.boardeffect.com/blog/roles-responsibilities-board-directors-hospital/

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A Quality Analysis Process for Labor & Delivery Unit in Primary Care Setting - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/a-quality-analysis-process-for-labor-delivery-unit-in-primary-care-setting?pname=speedypaper.com

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