A Reflection Free Essay Describing the Achievement of Goals after Going through the Course

Published: 2022-11-08
A Reflection Free Essay Describing the Achievement of Goals after Going through the Course
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Profession
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 977 words
9 min read

Reflecting on the course undertaken is essential in checking on the level of obtaining skills and knowledge from the course. Nursing courses have specific goals that learners ought to achieving completion of classes. In this essay, I am going to reflect on how this course has enabled me to achieve particular goals in pharmacology. Through this reflection, I can know the skills and knowledge acquired during the course.

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One of the goals that the course has assisted me to achieve is to understand the pharmacological features of the broad drugs categories. Through the complex case studies provided in the class, I am in a position to assess the pharmacological features of the various types of drugs. I have known the different characteristics of pharmacology in various kinds of medications like depressants, stimulants, opioids, and hallucinogens. The case studies helped in analyzing the classes of drugs as per the chemical types that make the ingredients as well as their application in the treatment of specific conditions.

The course has also enabled me to achieve the goals of understanding the connection between pharmacologic agents with physiologic/pathologic responses. I can analyze the existing association between the pharmacologic agents and physiologic/pathologic reactions. I can apply the pharmacological knowledge gained in modifying human responses as well as interrupting pathological processes. For instance, I can explore how the body system reacts to various treatments as well as assessing physiological factors like cultural differences and motivation and their relationship with pharmacological agents.

The third goal that the course has aided me to achieve is to know how patients become motivated to seek prescriptions as well as their willingness to follow the instructions of prescribed regimes. Attending to various patients has helped me to understand their motivations in search for prescription and their desire to following the prescribed regimes. I am in a position to motivate patients to adhere to the prescription instruction through mechanisms like training and follow up. Therefore, such sessions have aided in understanding motivation mechanisms for the patient desire for seeking prescription followed by the adherence to prescribed regimes.

Taking the course has been of benefit as it helped to attain the goal of understanding the impact of alternative therapies and herbal on the state of the disease and pharmacologic treatments. Through encountering patients under alternative medicines and herbals, I can relate how these medications affect pharmacologic treatment. The process of comparing the patient outcome when there is the combination of alternative therapies herbs and when there is a pharmacologic treatment only has aided me to know these two cases affect the condition of illness and effectiveness of pharmacologic treatments. I realized that herbs and alternative drugs negatively affect the illness state as well as lowering the efficacy of pharmacologic medication because such procedures have safety, concentration, composition, and efficiency issues.

Another goal that the course has aided me to achieve is the safe and appropriate selection of pharmacological agents. I am in a position to consider factors like the patient variations, the kind of the problem under management, the effectiveness of the drug, and its cost when choosing pharmacologic agents. For example, when using a clotting agent from Microfibrillar products like Avitene and Helitene, I avoid the use of aspirin to prevent the development of emboli. The consideration of these factors has helped in the achievement of positive patient outcome as it contributes to safe and quality patient care.

Also, the course has aided me to attain the goal of knowing how to apply and integrate client-centered, organizational, and culturally suitable concepts when organizing, delivering, managing, and evaluating the administration of medication. The interaction of different patients from varying cultural background, I am in a position to apply and integrate culturally, client-centered, and organizations aspects when delivering, managing, and evaluating drugs administration. Such considerations will help in not only respecting the patient's autonomy but also ensuring client education on prescription regimes.

Lastly, the course has assisted me to achieve the goal of knowing how to assess the role of a nurse in the collaboration, consultation, communication with other healthcare providers. The knowledge on how to interact with other healthcare professional has assisted me to understand my role as a nurse. I am entitled to collaborate, consult, and communicate with other staff in the management and coordination of medication distribution. Such tasks will help me during medication shortages that require an efficient application of communication, teamwork, and consultation. The gained knowledge and skills of collaboration, consultation, as well as communication will enhance my capability of distribution of medication during drugs shortages.

Conclusively, there are specific goals that the course has helped me to achieve. One of the goals that the course has assisted me to achieve is to understand the pharmacological features of the broad drugs categories. The course has also enabled me to achieve the goals of understanding the connection between pharmacologic agents with physiologic/pathologic responses. The third goal that the course has aided me to realize is to know how patients become motivated to seek prescriptions as well as their willingness to follow the instructions of prescribed regimes. Taking the course has also been of benefit as it helped to attain the goal of understanding the impact of alternative therapies and herbal on the state of the disease and pharmacologic treatments. Another goal that the course has aided me to achieve is the safe and appropriate selection of pharmacological agents. Also, the course has assisted me to attain the goal of knowing how to apply and integrate client-centered, organizational, and culturally suitable concepts when organizing, delivering, managing, and evaluating the administration of medication. Lastly, the course has assisted me to achieve the goal of knowing how to assess the role of a nurse in the collaboration, consultation, communication with other healthcare providers. Therefore, this reflection indicates the level of skills and knowledge acquired during the course.

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