Free Essay Example on the Survivor Movie

Published: 2019-11-08
Free Essay Example on the Survivor Movie
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie Art
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 510 words
5 min read

Additional Details about The Film

Other technical details about the film Survivor include its run time which is a total of 1hr 36minutes and an equivalence of 96 minutes. Also, the films printed format is the Digital Cinema Package (DCP).

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The first professional shooting of the film Survivor took place in London for five weeks and later moved to Bulgaria for three weeks.


The film opens in Afghanistan where an American soldier, Johnny Talbot (Paddy Wallace) son to Bill Talbot (Robert Forster), an American Embassy Superior, is serving in this country is abducted by terrorists and made to witness the murder of his fellow comrade, Ray (Parker Sawyers).

After most of her friends had been killed in in 9/11, Kate Abbott (Milla Jovovich) began working in the American Embassy in London. While in the embassy, Abbott implements new and more lenient visa applications for suspected terrorists. On Bill Talbots birthday, most of Abbots colleagues and team members are killed in a restaurant while Abbot survives by a whisker as she had walked out of the restaurant to get Bill a last minute present. Later on, an investigation on the attack reveals that the restaurant explosion was propagated by a bomb that had traces of Chromium. This leads to Sam Parker (Dylan McDermott), Abbotts workmate, to make an assumption that the possible perpetrator of the bomb was watchmaker (Pierce Brosnan), a worlds most wanted killer.

Abbot decides to carry out her own investigations and finds out that Bill was being blackmailed by the Watchmaker and his team of terrorists to let some visa applicants through with his son Johnny being held as the bait. Bill attacks Abbott in an attempt to make her stop her leniency and her investigations, but she unintentionally kills him in self-defense.

The watchmaker does not give up, and he goes ahead to test a sphere bomb with an explosive gun and destroys the tower block. Later, with the help of his friend Dr. Emil Balan (Roger Rees), who badly wants to launch the attack to avenge the death of his wife, the Watchman plans to attack the City of New York. Dr. Emil fills the New Years Eve ball with an explosive gas similar to that of the tested sphere bomb.

In the end, the Watchman kills his friend Dr. Emil immediately after finishing his part of the job. Abbott gets involved in a long struggle with the watchman in an attempt to stop him from detonating the explosion in the New Years Eve ball. Finally, she manages to throw him to his death, and as a result, Abbott clears her name from all the allegations that had been made (McTeigue, 2015).

Critical Analysis

Survivor is a well-crafted film that combines the ideas of action and crime in its horrific prologue setting in Afghanistan. The film, also, unashamedly exploits the recent American history through its frequent references to 9/11 and later giving credit to the American security forces for their intense battle against terrorism in the country.


McTeigue, J. (Director). (2015). Survivor [Motion picture]. United States: Alchemy.

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