Addressing Educational Inequality, Controversies in Sex Education, and Solutions for Housing Segregation in the USA

Published: 2023-12-28
Addressing Educational Inequality, Controversies in Sex Education, and Solutions for Housing Segregation in the USA
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education United States Human sexuality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 643 words
6 min read

Inequality in education is a problem that affects schools in the United States, and Massachusetts has not been spared (Papay et al., 2013). Minority groups such as black Americans and Latinos do not receive quality education because they come from poor district schools. There are various solutions to educational inequality in the state, such as giving the school the freedom to make decisions and organization structures. The solution is effective because it will give the school principals the freedom to decide what is best for their learners instead of a centralized curriculum. Secondly, putting resources on the most urgent needs would be appropriate in solving equality in education. The strategy would solve the problem because each school has its individualized needs, and they are those that suffer more than others. The strategy will help the most vulnerable students. Lastly, the distribution of school funds should not be linked to property taxes. By doing these, schools in poor neighborhoods will receive more funds to acquire resources to assist learners. It should be the best solution for inequality education because poor neighborhoods will continue to suffer if funding is connected to the property.

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Sex education is a controversial issue in the United States, and including it in a curriculum has brought about debates if children should be taught about their sexuality or not (Robinson et al., 2017). Excluding those affiliated to abortion, organizations could be a step to discouraging the teenagers from conducting the practice. Sex education should be made optional for learners. If this happens, the learners will have to decide if to take the lessons or not, and this will clear the issue about forcing children to learn what must think is wrong in a school set up. Secondly, the school heads should be allowed to decide how to carry out sex education without interference from the federal government. If this happens, the school will identify their learners' needs and know what to offer them. Lastly, the amendment is to be passed so that health education becomes constitutional rights. If this happens, then children will be safe since health education in schools will lay a basis for a healthier lifestyle. It is the best solution to the problem because so many health issues arise from a lack of education regarding sexuality. If children are taught from a young age to protect themselves from preventable diseases, they become responsible.

The USA's housing policies have led to segregation, whereby the minorities and impoverished suffer (Medina et al., 2020). These populations cannot afford adequate housing because of the loaning policies that make poorly developed areas receive less funding for mortgages. For there to be equality in housing, all activities should be regulated by the federal government. If this happens, there will be equality; it will limit discriminatory chances, unlike when done at the district level. Alternatively, the government and corporate funding of mortgage firms should not be pegged on the people's productivity or economic income in the locality because these will make low-income earning neighborhoods suffer due to lack of proper housing. Lastly, the federal government can defund the police and use that money to provide suitable housing to the most affected neighborhoods. It should be the best solution because if this is done, there will be reduced homelessness cases in the USA because the most affected ones are low-income earning families. Homeless people engage more in crimes, and by providing cheap housing alternatives, even criminal rights will go down.


Papay, J. P., Murnane, R. J., & Willett, J. B. (2013). Inequality and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Massachusetts. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness.

Medina, R. M., Byrne, K., Brewer, S., & Nicolosi, E. A. (2020). Housing inequalities: Eviction patterns in Salt Lake County, Utah. Cities, 104, 102804.

Robinson, K. H., Smith, E., & Davies, C. (2017). Responsibilities, tensions, and ways forward: parents' perspectives on children's sexuality education. Sex Education, 17(3), 333-347.

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Addressing Educational Inequality, Controversies in Sex Education, and Solutions for Housing Segregation in the USA. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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