Free Essay Analyzing Love and Jealousy in Othello The Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare

Published: 2022-07-07
Free Essay Analyzing Love and Jealousy in Othello The Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  English literature Other Shakespeare Dramatic literature
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1154 words
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Shakespeare's are the most important plays in the English Literature; his style, technique, and, the tone in the writing of these plays demonstrate his high degree of experience and mastering in writing and creating of these literary masterpieces. According to Eagleton (4), his selection of theme are still applicable in the modern society, by depending on the power of his words, he has managed to establish a new world in his own audiences' imagination. Shakespeare has a deep understanding of nature of human beings; he has incorporated it with his prodigious, several fancies, and, invention and used characters drawn with the trust, strongest, and. most superb blows to develop themes that convey the nature of the real world. The fundamental is that Shakespeare's play is not generated on artificial of dramatic composition but on the world itself. For instance, in his play Othello the moor of Venice, the major theme depicted from it, it the theme of love and jealousy. The misfortunes in the relationship among characters and raises much more disturbing feeling, illustrating how the feeling of jealousy that disrupts life are for more extremes; focusing on jealousy in man, an evil energy that to death of one of the major character, who was innocent and good. Therefore, demonstrating that love needs devotion and stability as its essentially vital or risen discourage that can result to the destruction of the lives of not only the love ones but also those who have allowed the feeling of jealousy to control them.

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In the play, love is the element that overcomes great restrictions and is staggered up by little ones. According to McMullan (102), it offers Othello with force but not directly and supplies Desdemona access to his heart but not his mind. Despite the fact that Othello finds the pleasure of his marriage, he feels he needs time to gather trust while his rival: Iago works too fast for Othello to take time to lay trust in the marriage. The happiness between the two couples takes a short zeal Desdemona enlarges on that energy a passionate guarantee that swiftness and quality Othella is unable to equivalent. On the other hand, Iago untruthfully affects love in kinship for Roderigo and Cassio, finally betraying both of them. Desdemona's love friendship for Cassio is real yet is puzzled by the resentful feeling of Othello as hypocritical love (Weissbourd, 532). The excellent friendship is demonstrated by Emilia's act of remaining loyal to Desdemona, against Iago, her deceitful spouse, which led to her death due to revealing of plans of Iago which could have resulted to a conclusion that Desdemona is guilty of infidelity.

Jealousy is the cause of overwhelming feeling inside Othello. In Act 3, Scene 3 of the play, Othello's jealous wrath instigates as he spies Cassio and Desdemona nattering in the castle's garden (III.iii.41). Similarly, Iago knows how it feels, having experienced it in his interaction with Emilia to the extent to which Emilia beliefs are part of the personality of men. Barrell and Anne (40) assert that Iago's desirously is fragile and his thought has no ability when compared with the tempest of longing he fuses in Othello. Up to the point he kills his wife; Othello's develop desire, which triggers his anger that surpasses review of logic. After his revelation, the wife was blameless and that he punished her shamefully, Othello temper cools down. Conversely, when resumes to himself, that is when he starts lamenting upon his evil act; at this moment he comes to realize jealousy can be monster has echoed by Emilia as "monster / Begot upon itself, born on itself" (III.iv.162-163) and that is why Iago once told, him to beware of the "green-eyed monster" (III.iii.166). Lastly, the feeling of guilty hunts him and executes himself. Shakespeare's Othello is close to Aristotle's instigation of catastrophe, exclusively in respect of the representation of the hero Othello. Similar to outdated scandalous Othello in the misadventure, Othello falls from his place because of his 'appalling blemish' jealousy. Hence, jealousy is the dreadful defect which apprehends Othello's calamity, misery, and, death.

Further, the fire of resentment is animated in Othello in Act III: Scene 4. When Othello arrives, he undertakes a brainy pain and approaches her wife for a cloth to tie his head. Desdemona is unable to locate the cloth she was asked and attempts to divert his reviews concerning the lost handkerchief, bring into the discussion of Cassio, heightening the anger of missing the cloth. Furthermore, Othello turns bitter and he is under influence of anger when he sees his significant other's hanky in the hands of Cassio's fancy woman Bianca. Envy hanged Desdemona's hanky to resemble reality, rather than of Desdemona's words themselves. In the act three, scene five, Othello keeps repeating "the handkerchief" as he is consumed with envy (III.iv.92). This piece of cloth symbolizes the real emotion of jealousy that pushed him to think that her wife is guilty of infidelity and he vows to kill both Desdemona and Cassio.

His ill attitude that is driven by the feeling of betrays demonstrating the conflict between love and jealousy between two couple. He changes and no longer calls her wife dear, instead he speaks rudely to her and one instance, and he slapped her. Nevertheless, Desdemona chooses to devote herself to him. Othello's attitude represents the caustic nature of jealousy, while, Desdemona, enduring love illustrates how truelove pushes through the abuse. Furthermore, is frequently regarded as an outsider, he is the only dark-skinned character in the play, perhaps his bitterness could have been stimulated by the thought of feeling inferior when compared to the rest of the characters.

Thus, the concept of envy is disclosed throughout the scenes as it drives the action characters to choose to pursue. According to Weissbourd (530), the important function of Iago's and Othello's consist element of envy and shows how it can affect them and their loved ones. Envy in Iago pushes him to unveil his true nature, while in Othello it forces to experience an amassed revolution from a classic human to an angry monster. Seemingly, envy is the origin of horrible changes of characters. The stimulating strangeness is that the most envious facades are communicated over offenses that did not occur: Othello desirous concern his substantial other; Bianca green-eyed regard Cassio; Iago some time ago envious revolved around Emilia. Consequently, all character part from Emilia persisted to become accustomed as a person, but Emilia postulates the desire is a fundamental piece of manhood. The approval before her own eyes moves down her judgment.

Works Cited

Barrell, James J., and Anne C. Richards. "Overcoming Jealousy: An Experiential Analysis Of Common Factors." Personnel & Guidance Journal 61.1 (1982): 40.

Mcmullin, Irene. "Love And Entitlement: Sartre And Beauvoir On The Nature Of Jealousy." Hypatia 26.1 (2011): 102-122.

Terry Eaglton. William Shakespeare. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), p. 14.

Weissbourd, Emily. "I Have Done The State Some Service": Reading Slavery In Othello Through Juan Latino." Comparative Drama 47.4 (2013): 529-551.

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