Become a Clergy - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-26
Become a Clergy - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Church Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 630 words
6 min read


The church remains the only establishment Christ vowed to develop and sanctify. He asserted that 'I will form My Church; and the doorways of Hades shall not subdue it' (Matthew 16:18). I take outstanding security and assurance from that verse, grateful for participating in the Lord's administration and ministry. The joint operations of the Body holistically occur in the church (Beck 76). God's people gather to worship, edify, and encourage one another. It is my happiness to inspire people to worship and praise the Lord, our God. Moreover, evangelization remains the essential human aspect God employs in bestowing His grace. Apostle Paul commissioned Timothy to spread the gospel to the masses. I have the honor each time to announce God's words to the population, in which individuals get transformed and saved. The time I spend studying the bible gives me peace and brings me closer to God.

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I am directly accountable to Almighty for the lives of individuals I minister to in a church. It remains a constant motivation to draw on Jesus' life in everything I do or say to my congregation. I enjoy the challenge of developing an efficient leadership crew from my community and making them successful managers. God discloses His authority by proving that the despised earth remains His most treasured resources (Beck 77). Becoming a pastor allows me to close the gap between God and His people. I feel appreciated, loved, trusted, needed, and admired as an outcome of becoming a tool God utilizes in His citizens' spiritual development. The benefits of becoming a clergy far supersede any frustration I will ever encounter in the ministry.

Best Part

Developing sermons make me continuously research, write, and edit, which enhances my cognitive development. I am always at the center of the most crucial moments in people's lives, such as birth, marriage, baptism, death, divorce, celebration, and depression. I take part in encouraging and transforming their feelings. Blessing people remains the best part of the ministry, such as blessing a child to have a healthy and progressive life (Conner 139). Counseling people also make the job one of the most cherished. Furthermore, pastors enjoy associating with all people of various statuses, from the poor to the wealthy, servants to lords, and the vulnerable to the endowed. The job offers flexibility, variety in terms of responsibilities, and friendship.

Hardest Part

The tricky part of being a pastor involves having to make crucial decisions, solving people's problems, the stress of enduring criticism, and the consequences of personal resolutions (Conner 141). Also, dealing with people's expectations makes the job challenging.

Religious Portrayal

Media can support, promote, and educate, or spread, indoctrinate false truths. Religious groups may use the media to propagate their ideologies and expand their faithful base worldwide (Ratcliff et al., 17). However, the media can also spread hate and bigotry about a specific group or religion, leading to extremism. I think that the clergy and religious groups should aim to streamline media messages to benefit the masses instead of creating divisions, extremism, and violence.


Becoming a pastor entails extraordinary mental, interpersonal, and communication skills in dealing with the public and personal life. Clergy people take the responsibility of those they minister to by shaping their lives as they frequently interact, play role models, and encourage them to live better lives. A pastor links peoples to their God through prayers, sermons, and rituals done under Christianity.

Works Cited

Beck, Duane. "The Beatitude pastor." Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology 17.1 (2016): 75-81.

Conner, Benjamin T. "“How do you think you are going to be a pastor?” Vocation and disability." Theology Today 77.2 (2020): 138-153.

Ratcliff, Amanda Jo, Josh McCarty, and Matt Ritter. "Religion and new media: A uses and gratifications approach." Journal of Media and Religion 16.1 (2017): 15-26.

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