Business Ethics and Environment - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-16
Business Ethics and Environment - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Business ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 601 words
6 min read

Business ethics are unwritten or written codes of values, morals, and principles that seek to ensure good conduct in business relations. Ethical issues in business seek to ensure that both internal and external relations within a business are successful in allowing the business to conduct itself in a manner that can enable the organization to meet its operational goals and objectives. The ethical values within a business are important since they oversee the overall environment surrounding a business and how they are used to execute priorities within a business enterprise successfully. Preventing any form of pollution is a priority within a business that businesses seek to ensure that an organization operates within standards that can help ensure that its operations cannot violate the environment codes that seek to ensure that the environment is free from pollution (Velasquez, 2012). Environmental damage is a current environmental issue that hinders operational strategies within an organization. The process brings conflicts between an internal and external variable that are factors that predict the overall performance of a business organization. Maintenance of a favorable environment is the root goal of conducting business activities in an economic environment and, at the same time, ensures that there is good interaction between the external environment and the internal affairs of a business enterprise (Velasquez, 2012).

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Commitment is one of the essential ethics in business operations. Commitments seek to ensure that businesses are committed to their goals and objectives and, at some time, carry out their activities responsibly towards ensuring that there is the satisfaction of customer wants (Velasquez, 2012). Air pollution is a priority that businesses have to put into consideration towards ensuring that there are ethical practices that seek to ensure that they do not destroy the environment and at the same time ensure that there is no environment damage that can cause harm to the internal and external environment that are related to the business (Velasquez, 2012). Pollution is a violation of the ethical values that seek to ensure there are ethical practices within business operations. It is important to ensure that it is important there is an ethical amendment of operations towards ensuring that the business enterprise can carry out its objectives that ensure the attendance of all goals that are the main aims of operating a business (Velasquez, 2012).

Environmental damage is a business environmental value that needs to be considered to ensure that there is ethical practice in business. A business needs to ensure that it puts in place strategies that can help eradicate pollution and, at the same time, ensure that there is a cordial relationship between a business and the external physical environment (Velasquez, 2012). The physical environment that surrounds the business and at the same time ensures that the business is one of the organizations that ensure that there is the proper handling of the external environment towards ensuring that there is a healthy internal and external. In summary, every business organization has to ensure that it participates actively in ensuring that it participates in ensuring a healthy working and physical environment that surrounds the business. Every business needs to ensure that it participates in maintaining the physical environment that surrounds a business to prevent the inconveniences that cause pollution within a business. Businesses have to participate in maintaining the environment to facilitate relations between the internal and physical business environment. Businesses have top operated within ethics that ensure safety to the physical environment to protect the environment from air, water, and land pollution.


Velasquez, M. G. (2012). Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, Edition Seventh.

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