Can't Sit Still? Understand What's Going On: Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-14
Can't Sit Still? Understand What's Going On: Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Anxiety disorder Disorder
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

The inability to sit still is characterized by someone finding it hard to stay calm in his or her chair or is somewhat restless when sitting down. People may find it hard to sit still because of either physical damage to the body, emotional factors, or mental disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ADHD. It is therefore important for people with this condition to understand it hence enable them to cope and manage this condition.

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Sitting still is a challenge for some people. It is often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is a common mental illness. This condition is also characterized by people's inability to concentrate. However, this condition is not limited to these two symptoms. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is common but not limited to children (Holland). Persons not diagnosed with this condition during their childhood discover the condition later in adulthood as a result of poor concentration and other associated issues. A better understanding of the symptoms and disorder help the individual cope with ADHD. Causes of ADHD are surrounded by myths where people believe that children transmit the syndrome by consuming too much sugar or watching a lot of television (Holland). ADHD can also be transmitted from parent to child. Mental disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder tend to coexist with ADHD. Symptoms associated with this ADHD include difficulty with standing or sitting still, fidgeting, difficulty in concentration or keeping focus, being distracted easily or impatience (Holland). It is also important to note that not everyone can have all the symptoms collectively however they have a collection of these symptoms which may end up disrupting their day to day activities. ADHD can be managed by medication as the first option. Other patients combine therapy and medication, (Holland).

Anxiety also causes people to find it hard to sit still. When someone is anxious it’s difficult to sit still which is the body’s natural way of responding to fear or in anticipation of something that’s about to come or happen (Tzoneva). A good example is during an interview, the first day in school, or when someone is about to give a speech. Anxiety is also a mental condition therefore people suffering from anxiety may find it hard to sit still. A type of anxiety that may exhibit difficulty in sitting still is a social anxiety disorder where someone experiences extreme fear in a public place or social situation. People suffering from anxiety also appear restless (Tzoneva). Causes of anxiety are not well known but researchers believe factors such as genetic environmental or areas in the brain responsible for fear control are impacted. Anxiety can be managed through therapy or medication and this in turn can reduce someone being restless. Physical damage to the body such as after an accident may create problems that may result in a person being restless or inability to sit still (Tzoneva).

In general, the inability to sit still is a common problem and may be caused by several factors such as ADHD common in children, physical damages to the body, or situations where someone is anxious or in anticipation of something. However, the condition can be managed through therapy or medication in cases such as ADHD or anxiety hence people with this condition are able to live their day to day lives without experiencing difficulty.

Works Cited

Holland, Kimberly. "Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More." Healthline, Accessed 18 Aug. 2020.

Tzoneva, Dessy. "Adults Who Cannot Sit Still." The Mail & Guardian, 4 May 2012, Accessed 18 Aug. 2020.

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