Essay on Communication in Workplaces: Vital for Business Continuity

Published: 2023-09-30
Essay on Communication in Workplaces: Vital for Business Continuity
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Business Employment Job
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 871 words
8 min read


Communication is a process of sending a message from the sender to the receiver through a channel. The channels of communication can be through a phone, email, fax, or face to face. Some theories explain the communication process of humans, which includes the transmission model, interaction model, and transactions model. Communication in workplaces is crucial as it builds relationships and boosts business deliverables. Communication in workplaces, therefore, is vital for business continuity. This paper, thus, explains the communication situation in a construction company and proposes the model that best suits its operations.

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The communication process in construction involves sending messages to the employees, contractors to the payroll office, dispatch department. The supervisors often keep track of the construction progress through the reports send to them through emails.

A construction company has many projects that must be completed within the stipulated time. The team leaders are assigning to oversee the process of each project and ensure that they are executed. The supervisor must have an effective communication channel. The supervisors will have to look for the most qualified people to work on the projects depending on their previous work experience and the skills they have. The selection process of the employees involves the factors and the technical skills related to the project. After the selection process, the essential part of this is to inform the selected individuals on the new projects they have been assigned. The culture of the company has it that the team leader of every project in question is responsible for notifying these employees about their new roles through emails. Also, the employees are supposed to be checking their emails frequently, preferably daily, because the company management will send them emails when necessary. This agreement was made in the management meeting when they agreed that the employee’s phones might not be on every time, and there is a possibility they cannot be reached when needed urgently. It is easy for them to log in to their email accounts using the company’s computers. The team leader creates a group mail so that it will easy for them to send letters to the group at once.

The Message sent is written in a template that constitutes the company logo. The embedment of the company logo on the model will prove that the Message received is indeed official and valid as per the company’s culture. The Message sends also includes the roles that each employee will be undertaking in the projects assigned. The employees on the other end are supposed to reply to the letter acknowledging receipt and acceptance of the role assigned to them. Also, they are notified about the stakeholders attending the meeting and the possible agenda of that meeting. The emails sent should include the date and location of the group meeting. The employees, therefore, are expected to confirm their availability for the meeting. The company, therefore, is concerned that there should be consistent and direct communication between the management and the employees by imposing a shared culture of sending emails and that the employees should be regularly checking their emails in case official communication. The culture of the company has made it easier to communicate promptly without disruptions.

Despite the prevailing culture that the construction company has developed, they still face some challenges in communicating effectively. One that is likely to happen is the concept of perception of the Message by the recipients. The employees will interpret and understand their roles differently. The employees selected will have worked in different projects, and it likely that they will try to link the positions of those projects to the one they are yet to do. Too much analysis of the Message can lead to the employees misinterpreting their role, thus gathering different requirements. Another barrier to the Message is that the team leader is likely to have used the phrases that are common to them and those that worked with, but to the new employees, it will be ambiguous to decode.

The misunderstanding of the Message by the employees could make email communication to be not effective in delivering official messages to the employees. The misconception can make the employees no prepare well for the meeting with the exact requirements, and thus the meeting goal will not be achieved. Some employees may fail to attend the meeting. To curb this, the construction company should consider the need for feedback and instant replies from the target employees. Feedback helps the company to clarify any misunderstanding to the employees when necessary depending on the responses they send.


In conclusion, for the communication to be complete, any organization should consider the need for feedback and do away with one-sided communication culture. Due to the possible misinterpretation of the Message, it is more evident that the company must have to consider sending the clarified messages. Therefore the company must apply the model of Shannon and waiver where there is a need for feedback as it will make the communication to be decoded and clarified later.


Ashman, M. (2018, June 13). 3.2 Communication models. Retrieved July 11, 2020, from

Gabriellerichard. (2013, December 08). Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication. Retrieved July 11, 2020, from

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Essay on Communication in Workplaces: Vital for Business Continuity. (2023, Sep 30). Retrieved from

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