Free Essay on Computer Systems: Memory Management

Published: 2023-09-28
Free Essay on Computer Systems: Memory Management
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Management Computer science Information technologies
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1746 words
15 min read

The computer system is a set of incorporated devices that process, output, input, and store information and data. Memory Management is the procedure of coordinating and controlling the memory of a computer, allocating blocks to numerous running programs to improve the overall system performance. It aids processes to move onward and back amid the execution disk and primary memory. Also, it helps the computer system to maintain track of each memory location, regardless of whether it is assigned to some procedures or it remains free. Computer systems with virtual memory permit the technique of eliminating recollection structures from physical hardware (Zhu & Qiao, 2012). Hence this process enables the separation of procedures and upsurges the amount of RAM by disk swapping. Besides, scientists have developed numerous methods that improve the efficacy of computer memory management. The virtual memory quality manager can have a broad impact on the overall computer system. In the device, memory management entails the distribution and constant reallocation of particular memory blocks to separate processes as the user demands modifications. This paper aims to examine the components, applications, and future trends of memory management.

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Components of Memory Management

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is an incorporated circuit memory chip that permits data to be accessed or stored, and the information is utilized by other programs in the system while using the computer. RAM is volatile; hence it occurs only while the computer system is powered on and fluctuates along with the immediate necessities of the device. It is used with high speed by the operation of the computer and software and maintains applications and information along with processes (Faraz, 2016). Also, RAM stores the graphic user interface (GUI). RAM clears when the user turns off the computer and starts again after rebooting the system.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Computer CPU is a micro-chip that performs numerous of the data processing and is an internal component fixed directly on the motherboard socket. It does the elementary logical, arithmetical, and output or input processes of a computer system (Dashti & Fedorova, 2017). CPU acts as the device's brains as instructions pass through the microprocessor regardless of the complexity or simplicity. It operates the applications and computer system, consistently obtaining input from the active software processes or users. Thus, CPU programs the data and generates output displayed on the screen or processed by an application.


It is a software or hardware component that preserves information to enhance faster production of future data requests from frequently utilized central memory locations. Cache has a high-speed memory that performs as a buffer between CPU and RAM (Zhu & Qiao, 2012). It maintains commonly needed instructions and data to be readily accessible to the CPU when required hence minimizing the average time to obtain information from the primary memory. The CPU shifts into the main memory if the information seems unidentified in the cache memory. Caching is particularly useful when the application displays a corporate pattern in which it frequently obtains data previously used. Also, cache stores data calculations that seem time-consuming to work out, thus evading the repetition of the evaluations.

Virtual Memory

It is a component of an OS that helps a processor to compensate scarcities of physical memory by shifting pages of information from RAM to disk storage. The procedure occurs momentarily and intends to perform as the incorporation of hard disk space and RAM. Also, when RAM goes low, virtual memory can shift information from it to a paging file. The process enables RAM to free up so that a processor can complete the task (Tskhakaya & Schneider, 2007). Virtual memory permits the execution of uncompleted processes in the recollection hence acting as a substitute for several locations. The space of a virtual address is augmented using inactive memory in hard disk drives and dynamic remembrance in RAM to establish contiguous addresses that maintain both its data and application. Virtual memory aims to expand the address space; for instance, it might comprise twice as many addresses as primary memory (Mishra & Kulkarni, 2018). A system deploying virtual memory utilizes a unit of the hard drive to emulate random access memory. With virtual memory, a computer system can load more significant or various processes functioning at the same time. Thus, virtual memory enables users to have memory safety, as there exists an interpretation of every address to a physical location.

Disk Storage

It is one of the memory components implementing a storage device run by the operating system. The drives used in the systems execute single processes at a time. Numerous programs may write or read requests to a distinct drive simultaneously. However, the sole drive performs one of those tasks at any set period with the other applications queuing for processing. Thus, disk storage acts as a general storage category device where several optical, magnetic, electronic, or mechanical variations record information to a surface layer of different rotating disks (Raghuvanshi, 2018). The input or output abilities of a drive can be used entirely irrespective of whether the write or read queues are virtually empty or full of applications, as long as there exists an executing request from the drive.

A flash-based SSD

It is a solid-state drive that utilizes flash memory, referred to as NAND. The NAND flash is a nonvolatile storage method that is crucial for enabling SSDs to match the HDD's capabilities and performances. Numerous users utilize SSDs trumping HDDs as it lacks the latent for breakdowns mainly caused by the shifting HDDs parts. NAND flash memory reads and writes information from cells in a memory chip, which is typically embedded, but at times external. Every flash memory device has a particular cycle number it can perform and reach its capability; the user must replace the memory; however, the drive can continue to be used with the new memory card ( HYPERLINK "" Ugah & Igboke, 2015). Doing this tends to be more inexpensive and appealing than swapping the entire drive disk. Consequently, NAND flash does not require the power to recollect data, which reinforces its appeal.

Application of Memory Management

Memory management application entails distributing the memory required for data structures, and program's objects from the inadequate resources obtainable, and recycling that recollection for reprocessing when it is no longer needed. Application programs cannot calculate in advance the amount of memory required; hence they need extra code to manage their varying memory requests. Application memory management exists in two forms, allocation, and recycling.


It is the procedure of preserving a complete or partial section of computer memory for the implementation of processes and programs. When the package requests a memory block, the recollection manager must assign that block from the bigger holes it has obtained from the system (Mishra & Kulkarni, 2018). The system allocates the services and programs with a particular memory according to their requirements after execution. After the program completes its operation, it releases recollection, which is merged in the main remembrance or assigned to another database.


Blocks no longer needed by the application for its appropriate functioning should be recycled for reprocess to preserve the resources required from the computer system. There exist two methods of recycling memory known as manual and automatic management of recollection. Manual management memory (MMM) is the usage of physical commands by the programmer to recognize and reallocate the unutilized object. Besides, automated memory management (AMM) is a method in which a request automatically keeps the distribution and transfer of memory. AMM helps a programmer save time by not writing code to make recollection management tasks when enhancing an appeal. In this case, recycling removes a large class of request programmer inaccuracies.

Future Trends of Memory Management

To build the futuristic globe, individuals need to incorporate and connect numerous distinct databases and technologies. For attainable technology in the future, the most likely trends for memory management are to implement hybrid programs. The system of memory will require higher bandwidth with more significant rates of data, lower power, higher capacity, and throughput since thermal indulgence and battery life are the major challenging concerns in today's devices. Also, the low static random-access memory density and high power leakage are worth to reflect whether other memory types can resolve those challenges. Future primary memory systems will require higher efficacy with multi-core loads (Karim et al., 2020). Virtualization, graphics, and throughput computing usually obtain large data sets that are challenging to cache as a result of low spatial area. In particular, the processing of graphics needs both small relocation sizes and high bandwidth, which is not efficient on primary memory dynamic random access memory with huge core-prefetch rates. Augmenting the cache line size can boost memory transfer efficacy but compromises computer performance due to disparity with secondary level caches on the microchip. It is advantageous to support component advancements and numerous modules per frequency in future systems of memory. Conventional signaling promotes a single unit above 1333Mbps, restraining selections for higher capabilities, and necessitating pre-installed components to detach during memory improvements (Karim et al., 2020). It increases the expenses of memory enhancements, particularly for business servers and workplaces that may have more exceptional capacity elements already fitted. Thus, scientists need to increase efficiency and automation without receiving any dystopian situations. Individuals have issues entailing the utilization of natural resources, waste, and pollution; thus, improved efficiency aids address all of these challenges.


In a nutshell, memory management is essential to all computer systems as it enhances the productivity of a device. The key to managing memory is to focus on the system by producing precise reports and fixing difficulties. The crucial prerequisite of memory management is to offer techniques to dynamically assign sections of memory to databases at their application and free it for recycle when not required. It is vital to any progressive computer system where numerous processes may take place at any time. The device must maintain some operation in memory to enhance CPU utilization and reaction period to users. Memory management ensures that all programs are always capable of obtaining their recollection. To achieve this task, it requires incorporation between the operating system and computer hardware. Throughput is limited to fixed jobs into an accessible memory. Also, virtual memory is a component of most operating systems like windows. It is a replicated memory written to a page file on the hard drive. It has substantial responsibility in the operating system as it enables users to run several applications. Storage is a source that allows users to store and recover data.


Dashti, M., & Fedorova, A. (2017, June). Analyzing memory management methods on integrated CPU-GPU systems. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management, pp. 59-69.

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