Cover Letter: Accounting and Finance

Published: 2023-12-16
Cover Letter: Accounting and Finance
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Finance Accounting
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 901 words
8 min read

Since I was a child, my mother always made me watch the news, observe and learn what was happening in the economy and how different factors boosted or slowed its growth. Since then, I fell in love with accounting and finance, and I could not think of anything else that I would have liked to pursue as a career. If you hate something, you will be bad at it, if you love something, you will be good at it. Knowing this I can attest with sincerity that I got a genuine passion for accounting, economics and finance. Therefore, choosing this course was a natural choice since I will have a chance to get into the economic world and benefit from the high demand for accounting and finance currently in the job market. Additionally, finance and accounting have struck a chord with me since I have always liked numbers and mathematics. I believe that this course will help me unleash my full potential and skill and further educate me and help me become a successful individual.

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Furthermore, that is what everyone wants to become successful. With a banking/accounting and finance background, I will have various jobs at my display to choose from; From being an investor, working in banking, and financial industries to being a finance office. Taking this course will help me become aware of how a business works and how to make a profit, which will help me create my own company.

I have always been mesmerized with finance, accounting, and economics. It attracts me to learn more and more about the economy as a whole, and how one change in the economy leads to another. Accounting has been my passion, and maybe it is because it has been running in the family for years now as my father is a charted accountant, and my uncle is an investor in Forex, and these two have much inspired me to follow this course further.

I finished IELS with an overall Band grade of 7.0, IGSCE with a B, and School of apolytirion School of 90.3 overall. Since I had already learned what I wanted to pursue, I did not have a hard time picking optional high school subjects. I took accounting and economics as my optional subjects throughout three years and graduated in both subjects with 87%. My passion for accounting and finance keeps growing every day. This is because, during the holidays, I always find a job to engage in connected to the courses. Last summer, I helped my uncle on his job at Forex in which he works as an investor, and I learned a lot on the basics of finance and investing. I have also worked as a waiter at La Isla Restaurant for two months.

Outside of academics, I have been athletic my whole life, and I am always very active in sports. In connection to that, I have served a compulsory 14 months of the army in Cyprus and finished as a special forces Green Beret soldier. I graduated from Pascal Private English School Lemesos. I speak three different languages, with Greek being my first language and English and Russian as my second language. My interest outside School is Gym, Swimming, and boxing.

I believe taking finance and accounting as my career job aligns with my personality since I am an outgoing person and can easily socialize with people. The world of economics is associated with rewarding, and stable long term careers. Hard-working family members have surrounded me since I was young, and this has inspired me to work twice as hard to pursue my goals further and achieve them. I have been raised by a single parent who is my mother, and expressing her struggle due to divorce has motivated me to work hard and strive to be an independent person. I am always responsive to criticisms and strive to improve as a person.

My experiences on a more personal level have helped me understand the importance of listening to others. I believe that my most vital personal strengths as an individual are working quickly and accurately, focusing for long periods, and finishing any assigned work as per the deadline. I am rational and analytical in problem solving, paying attention to every detail, and having the habit of analyzing everything before making any critical decision.

I believe that my characteristics, academic achievements, and related financial experience make me an ideal student. I have a real passion for this course, and I am overly interested in what is going on in the financial world. On top of that, I am an amicable person with exceptional interpersonal skills, which lets me inspire and motivate the people I work with. In this way, I can make a positive contribution to your university because I will actively participate in student events and activities that promote a healthy learning environment for all.

My main desire is to learn more about the areas I have studied so far and, most importantly, to develop the accounting and financial skills that I do not have. I believe that studying in your school will help me achieve these goals and prepare for a better future upon my graduation. I am now challenging university life socially and mentally. Finally, I am confident that I will be a dedicated and committed student concerning finishing the course and making a significant contribution to your school in more ways than one.

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Cover Letter: Accounting and Finance. (2023, Dec 16). Retrieved from

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