Culture of India, Free Paper Sample from Our Database

Published: 2022-03-23
Culture of India, Free Paper Sample from Our Database
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Culture India
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1910 words
16 min read

India is one of the nations that have the most extensive population of Individuals across the world. Far from this, the country is famous for its cultural beliefs and traditions which have been practiced for ages. Up until now, some of the myths are still existent. One of the common elements among the Indian people is the spirit of togetherness fostered in the family structure whereby people coexist together in extended family unions. There is a lot to be desired especially about marriage, whereby the Indians are revered for having some of the strongest bonds and formidable matrimonies. It is indicated that some of the aspects such as Family dynamics, marriage rituals, social dynamics, religious practices, communication and health practices play a critical role in contributing to the culture of Indians. The following analysis will seek to establish the validity of this.

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Family Dynamics

There is no doubt that family plays a relevant role in the transmission of identity to the next generation of individuals in all cultures around the world. Families act as building blocks of the entire Indian society. According to the culture of Indians, both the parents and children are expected to be specially connected. The former is likely to contribute towards all the needs of the latter including Material, social, emotional and religious needs (Duenas, 2017). Besides, the family is also expected to spend quality time together. In addition to this, the mother and father are supposed to be good role models. The term family in the Indian tradition is used to denote a group of people who live together during some critical phase of their lives (Duenas, 2017). Contrary to the western way of life which is based on individualism, the Indian society is concerned with collectivism. There are interdependence and enhanced cooperation between individuals with a family appearing to be the focal point.

The Indian people have a greater responsibility to family compared to many other cultures. In this case, it appears that they bear part of the most significant burden regarding caring for the ill individuals. Therapeutic attention offered to people within a particular family is far much higher than that provided to people in the western world. The traditional family is typically large and patriarchal (Duenas, 2017). Families comprising of Indians are known to be robust, resilient and stable owing to the togetherness of individuals (Duenas, 2017). Additionally, loyalty is more inherent in this culture, and it is highly unlikely for a person to turn against their own family. Three to four generations of individuals encompass a single family unit among the Indians (Duenas, 2017). It is characteristic for such individuals to coexist together in a single household. Changing from this family structure ends up being very slow and unresponsive. Despite matrimonial unions, the family is in most cases observed to stick together while welcoming the new members. It is apparent that the only way that an individual exits the family is when they get married, and this happens mainly to the women. On the other hand, the latter is expected to be subservient to their male counterparts.

Marriage Rituals

Marriage is one of the most important rites in the culture of Indians. The most common form of a way for people to be joined together in matrimony in India is through arranged marriages. In such a case, parents or relatives are obliged to find a preferable suitor for their child. In the contemporary society, this is still common to the extent that up to 85 percent of individuals prefer their family to choose a life partner for them. This is because there are higher success rates in arranged marriages compared to situations whereby the individuals court partners of their own choice. Initially, whenever someone from a royal family was about to get married, a Swayamvar was organized to invite all interest suitors from around the country. In such a case, the suitors were under the obligation to woo the bride. In some other cases, people who were in love would elope and undertake a `Gandharva` marriage (Duenas, 2017).

Years later, around 500 BC, Hinduism was developed leading to the establishment of things that people ought to do and those that they were supposed to avoid if they were in family institutions. As a result, the woman lost her freedom leading to the termination of the independent woman since such a lady was considered to be a propagator of promiscuity (Duenas, 2017). In this case, the female personalities resulted in a situation where they were under the care of male individuals throughout their lives. As small girls, they were under their fathers` attention and then resulted in being under the supervision of their husbands and in unfortunate scenarios when the spouse died; they were left under the care of their sons. The degradation of the woman gave rise to derogatory customs such as exchange marriages and child marriages (Duenas, 2017).

Social Dynamics

It has for long been known that cultures are never stagnant, they evolve with the changes occurring in the world. One thing that is, however, startling is the slow pace at which this happens. Indian social dynamics has on many occasions been characterized by the large sized families. Most Indians belong to a group, with the family appearing to be the essential pillar of their lives. The extended family of Indians defines their norms and customs as they come up with binding traditions that are meant to unify them further. Independence among Indians is perceived as being selfish and self-centered.

Hierarchies are unavoidable in the Indian way of life. The social ties that bind individuals together are influential to the extent that they all look out for one another. For instance, an individual who has begun earning is compelled to support the parents and other members of the extended family (Duenas, 2017). Such unity could be disconcerting though it is in some cases considered to be valuable owing to the limited incidences of divorce among married couples. Changes in the western world are, nevertheless, appearing to influence young individuals in the Indian society who are currently seeking to change their way of life.

Religious Practices

Civilization in the world of Indians happens to have emerged up to 4500 years ago (Hardy, 2005). Besides, this society is revered as being the home of Buddhism and Hinduism which are the fourth and third most significant religions across the globe (Hardy, 2005). Hinduism, for instance, comprises of fourth distinct sects namely: Vaishnava, Shakteya, Shaiva and Smarta (Hardy, 2005). It is evident; however, that 13 percent of Indians practice Islam religion (Hardy, 2005). In this case, India is one of the largest Islamic states. In Buddhism, the teachings of Lord Buddha are continuously observed by the Indians. Formerly, Indians used to worship spirits whom they believed resided in natural areas such as trees and rocks. Hinduism is one of the famous religions in India; it was brought about by Aryans; a group of semi-nomadic people. This group of individuals was initially used to worshipping nature. Brahmins, on the other hand, had the sole responsibility of conducting religious ceremonies. Rituals presided over by the group appeared to be very complicated, and they ended up being very popular owing to their exceptional ability to memorize. The Aryans initially offered cattle as a form of sacrifice to the gods while continually chanting various mantras (Hardy, 2005).

There are beliefs existent in the Indian form of religion the most famous being reincarnation. People believe that whenever they die, they come back in another way, and this belief has been in existence for the longest time. Sacrifices are still made to this day for the gods to be appeased to the extent that they will overlook an individual`s transgressions and bring them back in an appealing form. This is also one of the reasons why Indians are considered to be vegetarians. Besides this, Karma is another yet popular belief especially in the religion of Hinduism. Most notably, however, is that not all of the Indians are confined to such ideas.

Communication Patterns and Healthcare Practices

A traditional Indian is used to communicate by maintaining direct eye contact with the other party. Women are, nevertheless, exempted from such owing to the conservative role leveled against them. Touching someone while having a conversation with them is unacceptable, especially if one does not know the person. An old man, for instance, disregards such an act most especially if the one he is talking to is not Indian (Duenas, 2017). The action could also appear as if someone is making a pass at a lady whenever they do so. Whenever a social gathering is happening, it is common for both genders to stay clustered in groups of their own. They come together mostly during family events. In addition to this, it is wrong to point someone. Making eye contact is the acceptable means of communication when motioning someone.

Healthcare practices in India are some of the best in the world. Owing to this, a vast majority of people are taken to India for specialized treatment. Assimilation of knowledge based on healthcare practices has been happening since ancient times, and the Indians are the source of some of the most effective form of treatments that existed before the introduction of contemporary practices.

Differentiate culturally influenced Approaches to Healing and Treatment

According to scientific records in archaeology, it is evident that interventions in the medical field in areas such as dentistry have been in existence since 7000 BCE in India (Duenas, 2017). Aryan tribes possessed some of the earliest literary knowledge on healing practices. Such involved Vedic hymns which were known to offer insights into various illnesses. Some of the common forms of treatments involve the mantras, surgical intervention, as well as rituals (Duenas, 2017). There are different culturally influenced practices in India such as Unani and Rasashastra (Duenas, 2017). The former differs from the latter since it incorporates indigenous medicine from Ayurvedic sources whereas the second integrates metals such as mercury that has been purified via different procedures.

Create a method of cultural assessment need 10 cultural assessment questions

India is arguably one of the few countries that have stood by its traditions and cultures. This has been exhibited through its family dynamic structures, marriage, religions, health practices, and other related forms. There is a lot that can be gathered from this culturally eroded nation. The cultural assessment questions below will be effective in summing up some of the key issues.

What do you think is the greatest religion in the Indian culture?

Why do you think this religion is more popular than other religions?

What role does family play in the lives of the Indian people?

What can you gain from studying the culture of the Indian people?

What do you think are some of the famous beliefs existent within the culture of Indians?

What are some of the ancient healthcare practices in India?

How do you perceive communication among Indians?

What do you think about the dynamic social structure of the inhabitants of India?

How do you view arranged marriages popular among the Indians?

What appeared to be the most visible element in the culture of Indians?


The elements as mentioned earlier such as Family dynamics, marriage rituals, social dynamics, religious practices, communication and health practices play a critical role in contributing to the culture of Indians. It is apparent that Indians have some of the most influential family bonds in the world. In addition to this, it can be observed that arranged marriages have some of the highest success rates with the Indian...

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