Emergency Medical Care: Specialist Response to Save Lives - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-14
Emergency Medical Care: Specialist Response to Save Lives - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 906 words
8 min read


The immediate response on medical emergency and life care saving to patients in need of medical health for assistance from specialists in emergencies. The providers of assistance on higher-level personnel at the scene on emergencies considering the medical emergency. The personnel is specialists trained to avail out-of-hospital medical emergencies care. Regarding the training, essential life support and first aid ragging response are the competencies of the different emergency response teams. The essential duties for the emergency response team (EMR) are assisting in a rural region and urban in a medical emergency in the provision of essential life support. The broad view first responder of medically trained personnel in contact with patients can be citizen, volunteer, passerby, police, fire department, or emergency medical service personnel. The attack in Paris,2015, is the bombing and firearms with more than 368 wounded and surveil 130 killed. While in Pulse Nightclub attack in 2016 claiming 49 innocent lives and injured roughly 58 people (Abbasi, 2016). There are so many factors that affected the local command response decision making in the emergency medical response in the scene of the crime. It has contrast and similarities in EMR medical care.

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Factor Affecting Local Command of Decision Making On EMR

In the case of the incidence, there are many response teams that immediacy the incidence occurs. They turn up at the incidents. The means of response and regaining to the norm need some crucial steps. Many factors of the EMR depends on the type of incidents (Bullock et al., 2017). The attacks of bomb blast and the terrorist attacks frequents response are the police officers, and there is a need for the protocols to be observed being the discipline forces (Abbasi, 2016). However, several factors affected the EMR in Paris and the pulse night club attack. The following are some of the factors, command from the police, scene of crime response people, means of communication, infrastructure of the surrounding, the type of crime, population of the people in the scene of the crime, the police response to the scene of the crime and more others on command consideration.


Communication in the scene of the crime is crucial to have a clear understanding of what exactly took place and asking for help and, on the other hand, the police communication to the citizens to call down and follow specific orders for the quick response (Bullock et al., 2017). Communication in the incident scene of the crime is a crucial factor in having a clear response.

Medical Response

Despite the police being the first response to give security reasons, the medical consideration of life first is essential. It alters the local command due to the saving of life motives (Bullock et al., 2017). It is necessary to save more lives in the incidence of attacks and identify the culprits of the mission.

Population Size

In the case of club issue, where many people are accommodating exits and escape from scene is a challenge due to population. The command of local decision is challenged by the massive population of a scene of crime and attack (Ghanchi, 2016). The police face more challenges in such a situation.

Infrastructure And Facilities Situation

The roads and the construction to have more exit doors with clear access in case of emergency response. The surveillance of CCTVs is essential in the coordination and identification of criminal culprits (Bullock et al., 2017). The quick response of the movement is back by infrastructure improvement.

Comparison And Contrast Of Effective Response In Paris And Pulse Nightclub Attacks

The population difference, having more population in Pulse Nightclub than in Paris, influences the difference in the effectiveness in the scene of attacks (Ghanchi, 2016). The people in Paris could move way accessible inaccessible communication, unlike the populate Pulse Nightclub that was challenging due to the population.

The form of attack altered response effectiveness. Paris was a bomb blast, and the pulses Nightclub was shooting by the culprits. The bomb blast in Paris affected the effectiveness of the response due to the machinery needs to respond to bomb attacks (Ghanchi, 2016). The shootings in pulse nightclub affected the challenges of responses to the attack.

The police response to the Pulse nightclub was such coordination and clear commands, and they saved more lives in the scene. Further, they went to the extent of arresting the culprits of the attack (Abbasi, 2016). Unlike the response team in Paris, what was bombast made the police hesitate to the deadly fear of demagogies bombast.

The medical advantage of the response team in the pulse night club was of the great importance of to in EMR. The police were trained in the quick medical response to save lives and give first care aftermath of the incident, unlike the response team in Paris that were depending on medics for first aid.


Abbasi, J. (2016). Expanding the Health Care Response to Mass Violence, Medical News & Perspectives. JAMA.com. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Abbasi,+J.,+(2016).+Expanding+the+Health+Care+Response+to+Mass+Violence,+Medical+News+%26+Perspectives,+JAMA.com&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

Bullock, J. A., Haddow, G. D., & Coppola, D. P. (2017). Introduction to Emergency Management (5th ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann.

Ghanchi, A. (2016). Insights into French emergency planning, response, and resilience procedures from a hospital managerial perspective following the Paris terrorist attacks of Friday, November 13, 2015. Medicine and Public Health, 10(5), 789-794. https://doi.org/10.1017/dmp.2016.21

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