Essay Example - Navigating Healthcare Futures: An Insightful Exploration of Healthy People 2030

Published: 2024-01-26
Essay Example - Navigating Healthcare Futures: An Insightful Exploration of Healthy People 2030
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Economics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 725 words
7 min read

The Healthy People 2030

Healthy People 2030 is a set of data and information that facilitates the Ministry of Healthcare and its respective sectors to offer substantial healthcare services in the next decade (Pronk & Ochiai, 2020). Next to this, the Leading Health Indicator (LHI) contains a bit of the healthcare sector's high-priority objectives on how to develop and foster comprehensive actions towards bolstering support and improving the well-being of the performance. Nonetheless, it can be learned that Healthy People 2030 is characterized by objectives geared to help the United States become more committed and aware of the public's health issues like COVID-19 and bolster the necessary support. Interestingly, the program is said to be available for all ages across the individual's lifespan, hence enabling appropriate care for the patients. Nevertheless, substance use disorder seems to cause a range of diseases and health complications, resulting in death if not well attended to. Similarly, an individual's economic status can also dictate the type and level of healthcare one accesses. For such a reason, the Healthy People 2030 program is oriented to bridge the gap between a person's healthcare needs and the level of care one receives.

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For example, the idea is that more than 20 million people in the US have various substance use disorders (Pronk & Ochiai, 2020). However, many people do not get the needed treatment due to economic and lifestyle challenges. As a result, the initiative is to reduce such substance use disorders by addressing the causes of poor health, which is linked to unfavorable economic status. Further information is that 1 in 10 people in the US dwell in poverty and cannot access healthy diets associated with excellent health conditions (Pronk & Ochiai, 2020). On the other hand, it is worth appreciating that unemployment can cause health problems that might arise from socioeconomic disparities or other related health challenges at different levels of life. For example, promising strategies for preventing drug abuse in learning institutions can help curb substance use disorders that, if not responded to in due time, cause death. Therefore, the Healthy People 2030 program denotes that the application of robust objectives in developing a mechanism for curbing and addressing individuals' healthcare needs is essential.

Goals Assessment

Yes, the goals are achievable via the injection of the so-needed efforts; the goals are from robust and measurable objectives, making it possible to assess the objectives at the implementation stages and address the shortcomings in good time. Notably, most healthcare programs are challenged by the social determinants of health, which determine individuals' healthcare conditions. Interestingly, Healthy People 2030 is a unique program as it puts the social determinants of health into consideration. Thus it is almost certain that the objectives have been developed and projected alongside such aspects. For example, poverty is one of the significant causes of health problems – Healthy People 2030 targets to address the causes of poverty as a critical step to averting substance use disorders (Pronk & Ochiai, 2020).

However, if the government and the necessary stakeholders do not take a keen interest in executing and providing the program's goals, it would be a significant challenge. Similarly, a lack of collaboration between the developers and initiators of the goals might be a potential blow to the programs' dreams. Therefore, the government should be at the frontline of providing practical solutions to any unpredictable problematic conditions along the way. On the other hand, healthcare providers should be given the necessary support, such as financial aid and educational advancement opportunities, to bolster the necessary support during and after program enrollment.

Impacts of the Economic Stability

Generally, an individual's level of economic wellness is a vital determinant of the time, frequency, necessity, and type of food one consumes, which can impact the health condition of a person (Pronk & Ochiai, 2020). As a result, elevating people's lifestyles by having them occupied in daily activities can reduce substance abuse disorders, which lead to addiction. Similarly, providing the children with technical education and means of employment shall help reduce the rates of substance abuse in the respective years, impacting the attainment of the program goals.


Pronk, N. P., & Ochiai, E. (2020). Healthy People 2030: Considerations for Workplace Health and Well-being. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 24(5), 65-68. NP Pronk, E Ochiai - ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 2020 -

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Essay Example - Navigating Healthcare Futures: An Insightful Exploration of Healthy People 2030. (2024, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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