Free Essay on Nurses Role in Organizational Success

Published: 2020-04-27
Free Essay on Nurses Role in Organizational Success
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Nursing
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 911 words
8 min read

The nurse practitioner as a part of the medical care providers in the hospital form a pivotal position in ensuring the organizational success of the general in hospital. This can be seen in their role with the direct interaction with the patients, which forms a large part of the patient satisfaction requirements. This paper looks at the general role of the nurses and nurse practitioners in the success of the organization, especially focusing on organizational culture as the main vehicle of this success.

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Organizational culture describes the systems that are put in place based on experiences that the hospital has had on dealing with challenges and ensuring successful adaptation to changes within the organization (Allan, 2013). Nurses and nurse practitioners play a key role in this because they are the implementers of change within the healthcare organization. The success of new methods of working and dealing with challenges largely depend on how the nurses as the people on the ground take to it. The first role that they play in ensuring that the organization is running smoothly is ensuring that there is sufficient human resource that will make sure that the patients receive adequate and specialized treatment. This reflects on the hospitals economic performance, so that no hospital can function properly without a good number of nurses (Wooten & Crane, 2003).

It is also important to note that within the same framework of the organizational culture within which the nurses are boosting, the nurses themselves are engaging in practices that are boosting employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Within this framework, the nurses themselves are responsible for ensuring that they have the correct working environment and creating a favorable environment for the treatment of the patients. Their role thus comes out as a double-edged one and they become a hinge in the door of success for the organization.

Furthermore, the nurses are key in ensuring that the risks to the organization are significantly reduced. In this case, risks are situations that would otherwise cause economic loss to the institution if they are not addressed. For example, nurse practitioners have a role in the hospital that requires them to take necessary measures to avoid the occurrence of never events. Never events in this case means that these are accidents that happen within the hospital scenario which cause damage but are wholly avoidable without extra costs to the hospitals (D'Andrea, 1984). Nurse practitioners are vital in ensuring that the right procedures are followed in the course of treatment, surgery and medication of patients within the hospital to avoid cases of wrong dosage, wrong treatment, confusion of patients, mismatching in donors and so on all of which are avoidable mistakes. The success of the organization in this instance is dependent on the fact that the nurses will take their duties seriously and be keen at all times in their work (Wooten & Crane, 2003).

If we observe carefully, the nurse occupy the largest part of the medical profession with about 3 million nurses in the United States in the whole of the profession. With this thought in mind, they are the single most powerful body of people within the medical profession and thus provide the muscle of the medical care and access to healthcare. Nurse practitioners come in to add to the numbers. As a result, the satisfaction of the nurses within the medical profession ensure that the largest part of the organization is satisfied with the levels of work that are being provided. As such, we see that the nurses can either have the positive or negative effect on the profession if they want. This could reflect on the success of the organization simply because in such an organization, the nurses are the largest part (Dossey & Keegan, 1996).

With the consideration of the numbers within the medical profession and focusing on the nurses section, this means that nurses now should have a more active role in the leadership of the profession. Because of their numbers, scholars have said that for the success of the work that they do within the institution, they need to be fairly represented within the leadership of the organization. Indeed, nursing professionals in the organizations have proved to be quite instrumental in the general outcomes of the services offered within the hospital. Promotion of nurses to sit on the board of a particular hospital ensures that the views of the nurses as the largest part of the grassroots of the organizations are heard out in the top echelons of the institution. Higher levels of employee satisfaction are likely to be achieved where the organizational leadership is aware of nurse challenges and are in an active role of ensuring that the nurses are positively engaged (Sargent, Sedlak, & Martslof, 2005).


In conclusion, the role of the nurses is important in ensuring that the organizational cultures of success are upheld, to ensure the proper working of the institution and to ensure high levels of patient satisfaction. These are three fundamental roles that are basic to the running of the hospital.


Allan, H. (2013). The anxiety of infertility: the role of nurses in the fertility clinic. Human Fertility, 17-21.

D'Andrea, K. (1984). The role of the nurse practitioner in artificial insemination. JOGN Nursing.

Dossey, B., & Keegan, L. (1996). Holistic nursing: a handbook for practice. Nurse Practitioner.

Sargent, S., Sedlak, C., & Martslof, D. (2005). Cultural competence among nursing students and faculty. Nurse Education Today.

Wooten, L., & Crane, P. (2003). Nurses as implementers of organizational culture. Nursing Economics.

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