Essay Sample Describing the Case Studies in Nursing Practice

Published: 2022-04-20
Essay Sample Describing the Case Studies in Nursing Practice
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1045 words
9 min read

Chapter 17: Judy Case Study

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Q1. Judy's nurse was not negligent when she unlocked the bathroom door for Judy to take a shower. First, Judy has a right to privacy while taking a shower just like any other average person. Secondly, Judy had not received a bath for past days; therefore the nurse was prudently right to allow Judy clean up herself. Besides privacy and the need to be clean (Varcarolis, 2016), Judy had shown improvement in character and action for the past 15minutes of monitoring. Therefore, Judy exhibited stable mental conditions that allowed her nurse to let her shower by herself. In fact, Judy did not show any sign of inability to use her hands while taking a shower.

Q2. It is below the standard of care to leave an open bathroom door while Judy was taking a shower because the psychiatrist unknowingly could have breached Judy's physical privacy. The nurse should have informed the psychiatrist that Judy is taking a shower, hence needed some time to finish up.

Q3. The facility's policy and procedures are weak since there is lack of proper communication between the nurses, the patients, and the psychiatrists. It is because of lack of appropriate reporting procedures that made the psychiatrist unaware of Judy's bathing. More so, lack of updates on the patient progress led the psychiatrist bump into Judy's room without prior knowledge, in fact, he walked out without informing the nurse about the current condition of Judy (Guido, 2014).

Q.4I would hold the nurse liable for assuming that Judy was mentally stable to take a shower. It is because of this assumption that led to Judy's permanent brain damage and cardiac problem. If, the nurse could have observed the mental stability of Judy for the next 45minutes after the chair drama, then, she could be certain that Indeed Judy is not mentally stable to be left alone.

Chapter 18: Gonzales Case Study

Q1. The nurse is guilty of negligence while advising Mr. Gonzales about his condition. It is right to prescribe aspirin as a fever and pain reliever, but she could have phoned the physician responsible if he or she can return to the hospital to check on Mr. Gonzales condition. The physician responsible for colonoscopy surgery and the nurse are liable because they had to check on the progress of a patient after surgery (Guido, 2014).

Q2. The nurse exceeded the boundary of nursing care practice since the role of a professional nurse is making prescription decisions as advised by the Physician. The nurse should have consulted the physician before prescribing the drug because the physician understands the medical condition of the patient.

Q3. The nurse should have advised Gonzales to turn up to the hospital facility for purposes of examination regarding the condition. Many patients die because severe abdominal pain can lead to death in extreme circumstances. If Gonzales had been given a call to show up at the hospital, the officer in charge during that time could have recalled colonoscopy doctor to assess him other than wait until the following morning. Waiting time is a determinant in ensuring better treatment outcomes.

Q4. The physician and the nurse, in this case, are liable for negligence. A professional nurse and physician must ensure patients' security and safety against risks that might arise in the course of treatment. The nurse had an obligation to inform the physician and relevant medical officer on duty about Gonzales condition before prescribing the Aspirin drug. More so, When Gonzales phoned the physician at 2.00p.m, the physician should have referred him to another physician if not available to ensure the patient is in the safe hands until he comes back for a briefing, but instead, the attending physician ultimately did nothing to save Mr. Gonzales. The charge, in this case, draws on patient abandonment during treatment which led to colostomy condition.

Chapter 20: Mr. Aburu Case Study

Q1. A patient who has cerebral vascular accidents require intensive care within the first 24 hours to monitor patient health improvement. During this period, respiratory management is core standard of care that ensures patients' are supported using supplementary oxygen, especially aging patients at the age of 70 years and above. Respiratory control maintains lung ability to pump enough oxygen around the body. Other standards of care include fluid management, blood pressure management, bedside monitoring and cardiac care (Levin et al., 2016).

Q2. As a prudent nurse, checking the wound after one hour to identify wound complications such as failure of the injury to heal or excessive bleeding. Wounds are prone to infections, therefore, checking on the patient is essential to avoid infectious complications. In the case of Mr. Aburu, the nurse could have checked the signs and risks of the wound to stop healing and report on the progress of the patient regularly (Guido, 2014).

Q3. The Surgeon made a wrong decision to accommodate the patient in a nursing home immediately after surgery because the wound was still delicate and needed intensive care before transfer to a nursing home. If the surgeon could have insisted for acute care within 24 hours, then the conditions of the wound could have been assessed appropriately. Filing a lawsuit against the physician decision is possible because there is an element of abandonment during the treatment process.

Q4. I would hold the physician and the nurse liable for abandoning Mr. Aburu during treatment. Mr, Aburu was not left in the safe hands at the nursing home as well as the nursing home lacked proper procedures and standard of care regarding patients with the cerebral vascular accident. For this reason, also, I will hold the nursing home facility management liable for having a poor standard of care for patients like Mr. Aburu. In fact, Aburu died of excessive bleeding because of lack of reports on the progress of the wound.


Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and ethical issues. Leading and Managing in Nursing-E-Book, 70.

Levin, A. P., Saeed, O., Willey, J. Z., Levin, C. J., Fried, J. A., Patel, S. R., ... & Colombo, P. C. (2016). Watchful Waiting in Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients With Ongoing Hemolysis Is Associated With an Increased Risk for Cerebrovascular Accident or DeathCLINICAL PERSPECTIVE. Circulation: Heart Failure, 9(5), e002896.

Varcarolis, E. M. (2016). Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-E-Book: A Communication Approach to Evidence-Based Care. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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