Essay Sample on Gender Equality: A Necessity for a Better Society

Published: 2023-06-14
Essay Sample on Gender Equality: A Necessity for a Better Society
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Discrimination Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 985 words
9 min read


Equality is a concept broadly debated for ages. Society believes that everyone should be given equal opportunities based on their skills and experience and not judged based on their race, culture, ethnic background, or gender (Lytle et al., 2012). Throughout the years, women have been regarded as inferior when compared to men, even if they possess similar skills to work on different job opportunities. It is a privilege that is invisible to men. For instance, in a meeting on gender equality, it is most likely that the speakers will be women talking to women concerning issues that affect the female gender. According to (Healey et al., 2020), men do not understand the privileges as well as the advantages conferred by their Y chromosomes. In that perspective, privilege is invisible to those who have it. Consequently, homophobia is another inequality issue affecting the world. It is the negative feeling and attitude towards the lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Therefore, the paper will define and name three Invisibles privileges entitled to men, steps taken to combat homophobia, and the reason why it is challenging to make a public stance against homophobia.

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Three Invisible Privileges Entitled to Men

Invisible privileges are those entitlements normalized by those who have it. Anyone categorized as privileged does not only have co-relation with just gender but education, class, race, wealth, and in more contemporary contexts. Below are some of the examples of invisible privileges that men have due to their male gender.

Sex and Relationships

Sex and Relationships is one aspect that men have invisible privileges. Men are not supposed to change their names when they get married or questioned if they are reluctant about it. It is a different situation to women because changing names is a sign of submission, an attribute expected of women. Henceforth, sex and relationship is a dimension that men enjoy invisible privileges that they are unaware of.

Health and Body

In terms of health and body, men can age naturally without being judged for "letting themselves go." Men can experience changes such as gaining weight, gray hair or get wrinkles without using cosmetic products to cover these alterations up (Morini, 2017). The same cannot be said about women because they always have to look beautiful to please men. As a result, women spend a lot on cosmetics and surgeries to maintain their beauty.

Social Norms

In social norms, men can dominate a conversation without being judged. On the other hand, women are stereotyped as "talkative," even if they communicate less. According to (Healey et al., 2020), women have to constitute at least 70-80% of a group to have increased chances of dominating a conversation. Additionally, men are less likely to be interrupted whenever they speak. According to studies conducted by (Yacoub, 2017) indicated that women had increased chances of being interrupted in group meetings compared to men. In that regard, social norms are another segment that men hold an invisible advantage compared to women.

Three Steps to Combat Homophobia

As earlier mentioned, homophobia is the discrimination against the lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Nonetheless, some strategies can be implemented to curb homophobia which includes:

Openness to Sexual Diversity

Positive attitude and clear signs of openness to gender and sexual diversity help make the environment safe and inclusive and strengthen the ability of the LGBT community members to assertive, defend their rights, and, if desired, take control of their own lives. It is a strategy that will make the general public to be more aware of the facets of realities experienced by the sexual minority members.

Respect and Support for the LGBT Community

Awareness of and data concerning the rights of the sexual minority members is an essential aspect of curbing homophobic behaviors and defend the rights of the LGBT community. The reason being is that homophobia can lead to violence, bullying, and discrimination. Therefore, individuals, regardless of their perception and moral obligations, must adhere to the principle of respect for the LGBT community.

Creation of Inclusive and Safe Environment

The sexual minority needs a safe and inclusive environment in public facilities and businesses. Citizens need to create a climate of trust as well as the adoption of policies that combat and prevent violence and intimidation in workplaces (Morini, 2017). Such initiatives, such as the creation of safe and inclusive environments, help curb homophobia because it entails equality and support of the LGBT community.

Why It Is Challenging to Take a Public Stance Against Homophobia

Nonetheless, it is challenging to take a public stance against homophobia. The reason being in some continents such as Africa, homophobic behavior is repelled by increased violence of intolerance. According to (Lytle et al., 2012), every day, in every, people are persecuted, violently assaulted, molested, and even killed due to their gender identity and sexual orientation.


It is normal to witness demonstrations advocating for equality. Men, due to invisible privileges, have certain advantages such as dominance, and freedom of expression and choice limited to women. The latter experience massive backlash when they attempt things 'expected' only for men. Consequently, the LGBT community faces criticism for their sexual orientation because society perceives them as immoral and irresponsible people. As a result, individuals from the minority sexual community are harassed, beaten, and even killed worldwide due to their gender identity.


Healey, J., Stepnick, A., & O'brien, E. (2020). Race, ethnicity, gender, & class. The Sociology of GH. Retrieved 3 May 2020, from.

Lytle, M., Foley, P., & Aster, A. (2012). Adult Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents. The Counseling Psychologist, 41(4), 530-567.

Morini, M. (2017). Same-Sex Marriage and Other Moral Taboos: Cultural Acceptances, Change in American Public Opinion and the Evidence from the Opinion Polls. European Journal of American Studies, 11(3).

Yacoub, M. (2017). What Knapsack of Invisible Privileges Do Muslim ESL* University Students Wish to Possess? Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 16(6), 408-415.

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Essay Sample on Gender Equality: A Necessity for a Better Society. (2023, Jun 14). Retrieved from

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