Future of American Society - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-10-31
Future of American Society - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics United States Employment Government Society
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 961 words
9 min read


America has been referred to as the superpower country in the world. Due to its attainment of independence in the earlier days in the 17th century, America has made significant milestones in its entire framework from social, economic, and technological frameworks. The American founding fathers made key foundations in the form of principles that guided the actions and conduct of America even after their demise (Heclo, 2009). The founding father set policies and principles that would guide in establishing America to being a successful nation and a global leader to the rest of the world (Heclo, 2009). However, American pillars of autonomy and individual liberty have been distorted, including collective beliefs that held the country together have been eroded due to various factors and conditions within the American economy.

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Political Framework

The American political framework has changed drastically, and American citizens have long lost faith in their governments and policies (Bellah, 2013). Due to distorted American democracy, the citizens lost faith in their governments; the citizens have had access to government information, both current and past information, which has led to individual liberty and loss of faith in the American government (Heclo, 2009). Despite having access to information, the level of engagement and patriotism among the citizens has decreased. Some of the values embedded in America include autonomy, individual right, and liberty (Bellah, 2013). This novel form of individual liberty has greatly affected the morality and values shared within American society (Heclo, 2009). In the 21st century, there have been significant changes in the American conduct, and behavioral patterns, the underlying values by the founding fathers have greatly been depreciated therefore enhancing a sense of individualism that is detrimental to the future of America. This paper shall discuss the futuristic framework of America based on inequality and individual behavior.

America is built on the foundation of providing an equal framework that allows all migrants, natives embers of the society to develop exponentially and tap into the opportunities that enhance the standards of living (PEW Research Center, 2018). However, this is not the case; gender and economic equality have been far from being perfect in the country. Some of the forms of inequalities practiced in America include racial, income, and gender. In September 2019, the Census Bureau reported that the level of income inequality had reached its peak in the last 50 years. By the year 2019, the index was at 48.7. The economic gap is tied towards racial discriminations whereby the whites are predominant in the American market despite the nation having a ton of migrant workers that are essential workers to its economy (PEW Research Center, 2018). The essential migrant workers are exposed to poor working conditions and low remunerations even though their jobs are much intensive and beneficial to the economy. During this COVID-19 pandemic, the level of inequality is growing drastically as the Trump administration has implemented stringent measures for migrant workers from Mexico.


The U.S government has failed to support the essential workers in the U.S economy and has been subjected to deducted hourly wages and, consequently, poor living standards (Mascolo, 2016). The gap between the rich and poor in America is sure to widen, especially due to the increased racial discrimination measures implemented by the Trump Administration. America has been an oasis for the world. Immigrants from Mexico, South America, and all corners of the world have pursued job opportunities in the country; however, in the next twenty years, this roe might change greatly (Haidt, 2017). This racial and economic inequality shall prove to be detrimental to the multicultural diversity of America (Mascolo, 2016). This shall consequently lead to the widening gap between the rich and poor. Currently, Wall Street and Silicon Valley companies are majorly constituted of whites as very few black Americans, Latin-Americans, and other races have been given employment positions in prestigious companies (Haidt, 2017). This income inequality hall grows gradually, and the size of the lower class shall constitute a large portion of the American population. Inequality in income distribution shall lead to slow economic growth and reduced foreign investments in the country to boost its revenue basket due to low purchasing power in the economy (Mascolo, 2016). Another major change in the next twenty years is the novel form of individual liberty. The new form of liberty has distorted the shared values of America, and this has resulted in individual beliefs that govern each person. The sense of unity and togetherness no longer exists, and this means that the moral values of America shall be affected negatively (Haidt, 2017). Consequently, insecurity and immorality are expected to grow because of changes in behavioral patterns among the Americans and especially the lack of shared values within the communities (Haidt, 2017).


The futuristic image of America is in great jeopardy. Inequality is growing rapidly, and its effects shall be detrimental to the economy and social status of Americans. The increasing levels of inequality shall result in a widening gap between the rich and poor. The income inequality gap shall lead to an economic downturn. The distorted shared values shall greatly affect the morality of the country, leading to high levels of insecurity and instability.


Bellah, R. (2013). Individualism and the Crisis of Civic Membership – Religion Online. Religion-online.org. Retrieved 5 August 2020, from

Haidt, J. (2017). Where Does Morality Come From? | Moral Foundations Theory. Youtube.com. Retrieved 5 August 2020, from

Heclo, H. (2009). Hyperdemocracy. Archive.wilsonquarterly.com. Retrieved 5 August 2020, from http://archive.wilsonquarterly.com/essays/hyperdemocracy.

Mascolo, M. (2016). Is Radical Individualism Destroying Our Moral Compass? Psychology Today. Retrieved 5 August 2020, from

PEW Research Center, P. (2018). 9. The responsibilities of citizenship. Pew Research Center - U.S. Politics & Policy. Retrieved 5 August 2020, from

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