Essay Sample on European Overseas Expansion

Published: 2023-08-27
Essay Sample on European Overseas Expansion
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History International relations
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 452 words
4 min read

Typically the European overseas began there operations in the western African countries. In the 15th century, the European sea traders were able to arrive along the coastlands that are in guinea. The pioneers were the southwestern Europeans, which were regarded to have the necessary knowledge, experience in developing the trade routes with westerns Africa and Asia (Sukarieh & Tannock, 2019). Portuguese crown quickly took steps in the excluding foreign rivals from the western African trade and was able to bring it into direct control. In the early 16th century, Portugal, which was not naturally wealthy, extended its overseas interest to other foreign countries like Congo, Angola, Brazil, and the East Indies.

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A various number of things motivated the European overseas exploration to the western African countries in the 15th and 16th century. The reasons included the sake of the economy of West African countries, religion, and glory (Wijaya et al., 2018). Most African countries wanted to improve their economy by acquiring more spices, gold, and better navigating routes to allow for ease in transporting their products in and out of their nations. Similarly, they also wanted to improve their religion by spreading their Christianity to neighboring nations since this could also gain some experience that they may be lacking in their country hence implementing them. Lastly, they showed their interest in discovering new land to be eager to understand what exactly was taking place in these various new lands.

The European colonists impacted a lot of world nations. For instance, European colonization of the northern American lands led to a demoralizing effect on the native population among these areas. Due to these colonists, over a short period, the lifestyle of the countries that they visited was changed forever (Wells et al., 2019). Additionally, these changes were a result of various factors consisting of the loss of land, spread of different diseases that were not their before their colonization periods implementation of enforced laws that eventually violated the African culture and many other impacts.


Sukarieh, M., & Tannock, S. (2019). Subcontracting academia: alienation, exploitation, and disillusionment in the UK overseas Syrian refugee research industry. Antipode, 51(2), 664-680.

Wells, E. C., Goudge, C., Tricarico, A. R., Murphy, R., & Fox, G. L. (2019). Social and Environmental Impacts of British Colonial Rum Production at Betty’s Hope Plantation, Antigua. In Archaeologies of the British in Latin America (pp. 235-253). Springer, Cham.

Wijaya, S., Wahyudi, W., Kusuma, C. B., & Sugianto, E. (2018). Travel motivation of Indonesian seniors in choosing destinations overseas. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research.

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