Free Paper Sample on Matrix Structure in Terms of an Integrated Global Structure

Published: 2023-11-07
Free Paper Sample on Matrix Structure in Terms of an Integrated Global Structure
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Culture Employment Business management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 998 words
9 min read


An organization with procedures that enable people to have more than one boss to report to is called matrix structure. The reporting structures support the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal sharing of responsibilities among bosses (PMI). Employees working on a particular project can report to a specific manager in a vertical form. On the other hand, the employees can be working on a particular project, but they belong to a particular department; hence they report horizontally to their functional boss (PMI). If the project team reports to a headquarters in a different country, this will support a diagonal matrix encompassing geographical areas. The matrix structures support either a strong or weak reporting system. This structure is one of the best management systems since it allows seamless communication and collaboration between departments working on a similar project (PMI). Furthermore, since the matrix structure encompasses departments from the whole organization, it encourages all the employees to interact freely, thereby working as a single-family. Furthermore, the multiple reporting structures facilitate quick resolution of issues that need urgent attention hence enforcing effectiveness.

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Define Ethnocentric and Polycentric Staffing Approaches

An ethnocentric staffing approach is whereby the human resource department of a company that is expanding on a global scale opt to recruit managers from the parent to headquarter company rather than recruiting from the local talent (Desai 4). The main aim is usually to streamline communication with the headquarters, transfer headquarters organization culture to a subsidiary company, and also to provide top-notch leadership skills. On the other hand, a polycentric staffing approach is the human resource practice of hiring managers of a multinational country from the country's citizens hosting the subsidiary branch of the company (Desai 4). The polycentric approach benefits the multinational company in that it is easy for managers to penetrate the local market because there are no language barriers. Also, problems faced by expatriates and their families while settling in a new country will be avoided. The government of the hosting country will also be at the forefront in supporting local leadership hence avoiding problems while assimilating to local laws.

Define Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock and Explain How Do You Avoid Them

Culture shock is a situation where individuals feel confused, frustrated, and depressed as a result of moving to the new environment or country (Desai 5). Usually, when the foreigners’ culture is cut-off after moving to a new country, they will end up struggling with the new social norms and ethical practices in their new environment. On the other hand, an individual can stay live in a foreign country for a long time, hence making one adapt to the new culture and unlearn their old culture. Thus, when such people return home, they find it extremely difficult to adapt to the old culture they left behind.

An individual planning to move to a foreign country can avoid culture shock by researching the destination country before the actual visit. Furthermore, one can openly talk about home culture with individuals in a foreign country so that they can easily break the ice and adapt. Moreover, one should keep an open mind when visiting a foreign country and accept various approaches to doing something. In cases where an individual is a student, one can join an international club of international students since it will make it easier for them to receive any help.

Similarly, an individual living in a foreign country ought to keep a schedule that will enable them to keep in touch with their people. On the actual date of returning home, one ought to endeavor to talk about their experiences abroad while reconnecting with their people.

Selection Process

When Lawrenceville considers hiring an expatriate to work in China, the human resource team should look at the candidate’s suitability to adapt to the Chinese culture, diversity knowledge, technical skills, and willingness to work in a foreign country. China has a sharp culture-changing compared to the western countries; thus, it is important to pick someone with diversity skills. Other tests, such as the psychometric tests, assessment centers, and the coffee machine system, need to be among the selection process. These processes will ensure that only a suitable candidate will get the job.

Differentiation and Integration

Differentiation is a strategy that some companies use to tailor products to appeal to a specific target market – usually two markets or more (Kobrin 20). For instance, smartphone companies started manufacturing android phones, which targeted young people and educated adults. On the other hand, integration is a company's strategy of combining several activities to operate using similar methods. For instance, a company can seek to standardize their products while implementing development in their technologies. The strategy is further categorized into vertical and horizontal integration.

When a company uses differentiation techniques within the global market, it will be able to set apart its products with competitors while emphasizing uniqueness and quality. Thus, it will make it easy for the company to penetrate a local market where people were initially underserved. Similarly, integration strategies are also important in the global market since there is consistency due to numerous advertisement messages. The customers usually get enough satisfaction from the numerous advertisements before buying the product.


On a global scale, it is common to find the manager's operation on geographical and project structure. For instance, a project manager will work hand in hand with employees to ensure the production and distribution of goods in all regions of the world. On the other hand, the geographical manager is responsible for each subsidiary branch's success. However, the project manager and geographical manager work hand in hand while sharing data.

Works Cited

Desai, Mrs. Deepali. "Study on International Staffing approaches and Pre departure training." Journal of the Gujarat Research Society 21.11 (2019): 512-517.

Kobrin, Stephen J. "Bricks and mortar in a borderless world: Globalization, the backlash, and the multinational enterprise." Global Strategy Journal 7.2 (2017): 159-171.

PMI. “Learning.” Project Management Institute, 2020,

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