Factors That Affect Decision Making - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-23
Factors That Affect Decision Making - Free Essay Example
Essay type:  Autobiography essays
Categories:  Fast food Personal experience Human behavior Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 844 words
8 min read

The last time I was ill, I suffered from food poisoning after consuming contaminated food unawares. The factors that influenced me to decide to seek proper and urgent medical care were the severity of the illness and its symptoms. The illness was self-diagnosable, but I needed a second opinion from a medical professional and a lab test to be sure of what I was suffering from. The symptoms appeared one hour after consuming some fast food from a nearby restaurant. The most severe symptoms were diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever, dehydration, headache, and general body weakness.

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Cultural and Personal Factors

According to my culture, people are supposed to practice stoicism during sickness. Thus, during expressing and experiencing pain, one is supposed to persevere even when the symptoms are unbearable. Thus, when I suffered food poisoning, I moderately expressed my pain even when the symptoms were too much for me to handle. However, when the symptoms worsened, I felt that it was necessary to seek medical attention. I explained to the doctor how I was feeling, and the symptom I had, and tests were taken before a diagnosis was made. The second cultural factor that influenced my decision on whether or not to seek medical care was about the causes of disease. For example, in my culture, some diseases and conditions are stigmatized even before a medical diagnosis is given. Furthermore, there are multiple notions and beliefs regarding the causes of specific diseases (Brannon et al., 2013). Thus, developing some symptoms may cause people to be suspicious and stigmatize the affected person. In some cases, my cultural beliefs that the course of events cannot be changed, and people can only accept circumstances as they unfold. Therefore, I had some fear in me that the norms and beliefs of my culture could prevent me from seeking the necessary medical attention. However, I had to visit the hospital due to severe symptoms.

The first personal factor that affected my decision on whether to seek care was past experiences (Revenson, 2019). In the past, I had another instance of stomach flu, and the symptoms were severe too. However, due to a delay in seeking medical intervention, my health deteriorated, and I became very dehydrated, such that I had to be admitted for a few days. Thus, due to that experience, it was necessary to seek medical help immediately. The other personal factor that influenced my decision-making capabilities is my age (Brannon et al., 2013). I am a grown-up person, and I am aware that seeking medical attention is critical, especially after food poisoning. Therefore, I know that symptoms might worsen if I stay at home, and it necessary to get tested in a health care center and be given the correct diagnosis and a treatment plan for a quick recovery. I also believe in personal relevance, and making medical choices is essential. I believe that what I decide matters significantly, and the best option must be considered. For example, I decided to go to a healthcare center to get tested to be provided with an accurate medical diagnosis instead of buying over-the-counter drugs using assumptions based on my signs and symptoms (Revenson, 2019). Thus, personal factors play an important role in critical decision-making.

Role of Lay Referral Network

When I started experiencing the first symptoms of food poisoning, I was alone at that time. Due to the severity of the symptoms, I was not in a position to go to the hospital on my own. I called my mother and my sisters, who came from work and came home to see what was happening. When they arrived, I narrated what had happened and explained my symptoms. My mother, being a nurse, said that first aid would be the first step before seeking proper medical care. She rubbed my back as I vomited and told me to drink a lot of water. She then said that it was important for me to go to the hospital and get a medical diagnosis as well as getting proper treatment. My sisters were also in support of the idea of taking me to the hospital as soon as possible since I was in a horrible state. Since I had already decided to go to the hospital, there was no conflict among us regarding the course of action to take.

What Would Have Been Done Differently

If I were to do things differently, I would have sought emergency help as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, I waited for my mother and sisters to come home and take me to the hospital. The symptoms were severe, and I could barely walk. I was in excruciating pain, and my mobility was limited. However, I could have found some means and gotten to an emergency clinic nearby to get first aid before I proceeded to a hospital for laboratory tests and a medical diagnosis.


Brannon, L., Feist, J., & Updegraff, J. A. (2013). Health psychology: An introduction to behavior and health. Cengage Learning.

Revenson, T. A. (2019). Handbook of health psychology. R. A. Gurung (Ed.). Routledge.

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