Free Essay Sample on Charisma as a Communication Strength

Published: 2022-12-14
Free Essay Sample on Charisma as a Communication Strength
Type of paper:  Dissertation
Categories:  Communication skills Leadership style
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 600 words
5 min read

Leadership is a dynamic concept which has the capability to influence the behavior of others in almost every setting. In the education segment, for instance, leadership is superior such that it is only second to the teaching of students. It is, therefore, no wonder that the element manages to influence the learning experiences of individuals. A leader is tasked with the responsibility of inspiring others to excel. In this case, they need to possess attributes which are capable of engendering such influence on those they encounter. Besides, a leader has to be visionary by ensuring that they are able to perceive what others need and means they can use to address the challenges they are encountering. Other aspects of leadership include courage, confidence and determination; all which are used by leaders as a means of conveying their abilities. Also, charisma should be considered a communication strength rather than a model for leadership.

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The essence of charisma in leadership is exceptional. It occurs whereby leaders tend to feel that their success is connected to the actions of others around them. This implies that the commitment and dependability of individuals determines the level of charisma possessed by the leader. As a result, a charismatic leader is expected to possess key communication strengths which help strengthen their leadership abilities. Moreover, in a school setting such charisma is responsible for the exchange of valued sources between the teachers and leaders in the institutions (Bush & Glover, 2014). It is a means of communication which makes it possible for the teacher to receive a salary or reward for transferring resourceful knowledge to learners. It, therefore, appears as a major communication strength required by those who wish to accomplish different purposes.

Through charisma, a leader within a school setting is capable of influencing the performance of learners. This may occur where they summon the students and offer guidance by communicating the critical essence of learning. Besides, by exuding such confidence in the delivery of their speech, it is highly likely that others will become motivated to become elements of success depicted in the leaders' delivery. A charismatic leader could also be viewed as one who is transformational (Bush & Glover, 2014). This is someone who can manage to impact on other people through words. People like hearing thought provoking words of encouragement seeking to motivate them through their learning experience. It is, thus, apparent that by communicating with learners verbally they tend to perceive the real meaning of what is being said. Furthermore, the communication becomes more effective when it is done through face-face interactions. Also, such transformation language has also been utilized by government institutions while seeking to encourage others to adopt certain policies thus indicating that charisma is more of a communication strength.

To sum it up, charisma appears to be more of a communication tool rather than a model of leadership. In most scenarios, leaders tend to feel that their success is determined by the people around them. Charisma, thereby, manages to motivate such people to succeed in influencing others through their words. Also, teachers tend to interpret the same as a scenario where they exchange information and ideas with learners for remunerations. Charisma also has the potential to prompting the performance of students. This implies that the kind of confidence possessed by the leader succeeds in offering the right level of motivation to individual learners. Based on this, it can be concluded that charisma is less of a leadership model and more of a communication strength.


Bush, T., & Glover, D. (2014). School leadership models: What do we know? School Leadership & Management, 34(5), 553-571.

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