Free Paper Example on Evidence Based Practice

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Paper Example on Evidence Based Practice
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Healthcare Human services
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 822 words
7 min read


As the healthcare sector evolves to become more sophisticated and the concentration on patient satisfaction increases, nurses continue to advance and engage in research educations, quality improvement (QI), and evidence-based practice (EBP) initiatives to enhance patient experiences (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). EBP, QI, and research have indirect variations and numerous connections that can create problems for nurses to determine the best decision in assessing a clinical issue. The purpose of this paper involves an examination of evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and research in the nursing sector.

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EBP refers to a lasting medical practice strategy that adds a systematic exploration, assessment, and fusion of significant clinical knowledge, research, and patient values and preferences (Grove & Gray, 2018). EBP conveys information to enhance clinical practice. The evidence-based practice incorporates the best existing study data with medical proficiency and patient ideals to enhance conclusions. The process entails enquiring about the appropriate scientific question, determining the best proof to reply to it, employing the confirmation to practice, and assessing the evidence centered on medical results. QI refers to the collective and perpetual exertions of people, such as educators, researchers, families, patients, planners, and healthcare personnel, to generate alterations that will transform into the better patient experience, enhance system performance, and improve professional growth (Wells et al., 2018). QI influences patient healthcare processes and contentment in certain healthcare environments.

QI plans do not encompass comprehensive literature analysis and normally involves one healthcare institution. The tenacity of QI schemes involves streamlining workflow operations, enhance efficiencies, solve medical administrative issues, eradicate differences in healthcare, and resolve clinical, educational challenges. Research involves a systematic examination, including testing, research development, and appraisal, formulated to generate or support generalizable awareness. Research in healthcare helps build novel ideas for nursing practice and improves professional information (Stavor et al., 2017). In case a study evaluation recognizes variations, a nurse may carry out research to create new information or authenticate prevailing data to respond to a particular research problem. Human subject endorsement remains essential before carrying out an investigation.

Advanced Practice Nurse Role

The clinical practice nurse role involves the treatment, diagnosis, and continuing management of patients, offering professional and assistance to other healthcare nurses in caring for patients, drive clinical revolution and transformation and ensure implementation of best practices and standardized healthcare to attain the best likely patient experiences (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). In EBP, executing a novel evidence-based medical practice framework at a healthcare facility minimizes or avoids chemotherapy extravasation for patients getting vesicant treatment. An example of QI includes evaluating and deploying urinary catheter amputation strategies with the intent of eliminating catheters inside a demarcated outline. For instance, in research, a randomized controlled experiment of different kin healthcare treatments for patients getting external-beam radiation psychoanalysis.


Comparing results from studies by employing search words, medical subject headings (MeSH), or a combination of both revealed the impact of EBP, QI, and Research on nursing practices. MeSH refers to an inclusive meticulous terminology to determine indexing periodical articles and files in the medical field (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). MeSH can get utilized by the archive to categorize diseases researched by trials documented in ClinicalTrials, MEDLINE/PubMed editorial catalog, and by US National Library of Medicine's (NLM's) database of book holdings.

EBP Models

EBP models include the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation that provides a simple but complete framework to convert information into practice. The ACE Star Model involves unearthing significant research reviews on a certain topic, review, and summary of research findings, decoding the information of the research into practical medical usage, incorporation of the evidence-based practical usages into the medical profession, and assessment of the success of the modifications developed in the healthcare environment (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). The John Hopkins Nursing Model determines a scientific question to reply to, research, and analyze data and studies concerning the clinical inquiry and interpret the successful EBP discovered in the healthcare process.


Nurses at different healthcare sector levels engage in asking essential questions and responding to focused medical queries to enhance patient experiences. It remains vital to know the connections and variances between evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and research. Each of these aspects helps in refining healthcare outcomes.


Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2016). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, & management. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2018). Understanding Nursing Research E-Book: Building an Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Stavor, D. C., Zedreck-Gonzalez, J., & Hoffmann, R. L. (2017). Improving the use of evidence-based practice and research utilization through the identification of barriers to implementation in a critical access hospital. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(1), 56-61.

Wells, S., Tamir, O., Gray, J., Naidoo, D., Bekhit, M., & Goldmanns, D. (2018). Are quality improvement collaborative effective? A systematic review. BMJ Quality & Safety, 27(3), 226-240.

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