Free Paper Reviewing the Articles Dedicated to Nursing

Published: 2022-06-27
Free Paper Reviewing the Articles Dedicated to Nursing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing care Nursing leadership
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1181 words
10 min read

Professional Nursing Roles

Nurses play an essential role in the society. Besides, they ensure a healthy community which is a right for all. The diverse roles in the nursing profession provide a wide range of services that are sustainable through the passion and vision of the service providers. However, apart from advocating for policy changes, there is a need for the change in the nursing vision towards ensuring a healthy society. According to DeGennaro (n.d), these changes will impact the health sector if they are integrated into the nurses' practice and core identity starting from the reexamination of the central nursing role. The future of healthcare lies in partners full partnering of nurses, physicians, and other healthcare professionals. According to the 2010 IOM report, there is a mandate by the Affordable Care Act in the creation of a national healthcare workforce which shall indulge in data collection, analysis and determine the need for new health personnel.

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The document article makes salient points about the health and well-being of the society while underscoring the need to advocate for changes in the nursing fraternity and health sector. The author advocates for the involvement of the nursing fraternity in all matters about people's health including the leadership roles and decision making. The article also makes sufficient argument on the diversity of the nursing profession which involves diverse functions hence calling for collaboration with other care providers to reduce the stress and strain caused by the multiple roles embedded on the nurses.

Effective Communication

The article depicts communication as the act of exchanging data, messages or signals through writing, talking or through the use of gestures (Katherine, n.d). The author likens communication to medicine administration which follows the system of the right dose at the right time through the right route for the right person. Communication occurs at various levels ranging from prominent organizations to small groups, interpersonal and intrapersonal levels. The Johari's window framework is vital in the identification of the limits of self-disclosure based on the anticipated communication form. However, this self-disclosure depends on the patient's intentions and interests in professional relationships. In communication, nonverbal cues significantly manipulate discussions.

The systems theory is a boost to the understanding of the intricacy and dynamics involved in organization interactions. It suggests that in any system's environment, the inputs and outputs differ and are frequently higher than the sum of their constituent sections. The importance of therapeutic communication is also highlighted in its influence on patient's health. The article distinctively analyses the role and effectiveness of discussions and mutual involvement in the health organizations. Interpersonal understanding is also highlighted as a way of understanding each others profession and roles that could aid collaboration. These professional relationships also determine how best the involved medical students could collaborate with their colleagues in other medical disciplines.

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century are inspired by the principles and practices of learning experiences, comparison of theories, the use of technology, and the involvement of various individuals and groups in the nursing learning and teaching process. The nursing occupation has wildly grown over the past few decades; this growth has offered both the problems and opportunities to the teaching, learning in the nursing fraternity. Technological advances have also taken root in this advancement creating more complex, vast and more secure services to the society. According to Maggard (n.d), social media recorded a considerable transformation in discussions involving the pros and cons regarding the evolution which has seen others support the transformation while some become reluctant and difficult to accept change.

Reliance on the internet for learning has brought considerable changes in the teaching sector by making it more efficient, comfortable and reliable. The article focuses on the humanistic, behaviorist cognitive and change theories that have highly informed the role of the influence of internal and external variables in learning. Effective teaching and learning take place in a conducive environment that allows its facilitation. Equally, evaluation of the processes depends on the learners and teachers, abilities and effectiveness.

Interdisciplinary Communication and Collaboration among Physicians, Nurses, and Unlicensed Assistive Personnel

The article articulates the significance of hospital-based collaborative service provision whereby all the healthcare personnel is inclusively involved in service provision. The interdisciplinary care is provided by the nurses, physicians, and other unlicensed groups unlike in the healthcare history whereby provision of these services was actively based on physicians, nurses, and associated healthcare provision triads (AHPs) (Lancaster, Kolakowsky-Hayner, Kovacich & Greer, 2015). The study is also based on the increased synergy caused by working together. Individual talent is essential but cumulative involvements of various personnel who are talented differently lead to a more desirable outcome. It was found necessary to include the AHPs to enhance patient-centered care. Data collection in the study was done qualitatively through semi-structured, face to face interviews and the information was analyzed with the help of NVivo 9.

The study found out that the healthcare providers such as nurses, AHPs, and physicians work as separate entities with limited communication and engagement between them (Lancaster et al., 2015). This gap was wide between the Nurses and AHPs while it was relatively narrow between the physicians and the nurses. The principal argument in the article is focused on the need to merge similar interests to enhance better patient service delivery. Since the AHPs, nurses, and physicians are involved in patient care, their coordination and unlimited consultations should guide their decisions in treatment interventions to limits occurrences of errors and divided care. The study is an eye opener that shall surpass the chains of hierarchy and embrace synergy.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The Role of the Clinical Nurse Leader

The article explores the significance and appropriateness of a clinical nurse leader in promoting interdisciplinary relationship in the contemporary fragmented patient care system. It is also informed of the previous cases associated to errors that lead to loss of lives among other disastrous outcomes in the health provision programs (Bender, Connelly & Brown, 2013). Most cases were conceived from fragmentation within the acute health care Microsystems. The study employs a non-experimental and descriptive design. The study reveals that the involvement of clinical nurse leaders is a feasible idea that helps in collaboration of healthcare services. The primary role of the article was to provide preliminary evidence to support the introduction of clinical nurse leaders to aid the transformation of healthcare services from fragmentation to collaboration (Bender et al., 2013). The article is relevant to the current healthcare service delivery systems whereby there is limited consultation between the nurses, physicians and, the AHPs. This collaboration will ensure better services and reduce unnecessary errors.


Bender, M., Connelly, C. D. & Brown C. (2013). Interdisciplinary collaboration: the role of theclinical nurse leader. Journal of Nursing Management, 21, 165-174

DeGennaro, M. R. (n.d). Professional Nursing Roles

Katharine, C. (n.d). Effective Communication

Lancaster, G., Kolakowsky-Hayner, S., Kovacich, J. & Greer, W. N. (2015). Health policy andsystems: Interdisciplinary communication and collaboration among physicians, nurses, and unlicensed assistive personnel. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47, (3), 275-284.

Maggard, S. T. (n.d). Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century

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