Free Paper Sample on Diagnoses and Treatment

Published: 2023-11-08
Free Paper Sample on Diagnoses and Treatment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ethics Mental health Substance abuse
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1323 words
12 min read


Due to the increased use of marijuana over the last decade, authors have started illustrating how it affects mental health. That is the main reason they have developed studies to understand whether treatment strategies can reduce anxiety and depression as a result of marijuana use. Provided with the behavioral biases linked to harm avoidance (HA), the authors make their predictions that HA can make a positive prediction on the assessment of both anxiety and depression. The authors suggest that dopaminergic abnormalities continue to be inexistence among all individuals experiencing high clinical risk (CHR) of psychosis (Bouchard, 2004). Such studies suggest that there is effectiveness in using the Antipsychotic treatment while reducing the severity of the prodromal-type symptom in the development of schizophrenia as a result of stress and dopamine and the peripheral dopamine metabolites.

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Biological, Psychological and Sociocultural Factors

Most of the authors` findings suggest that they are consistent with some of the traits for most other human physical traits that make their suggestions represent a general biological phenomenon. The biological factors focus on understanding the relationship between the Callous-Unemotional traits and Big Five personality cross-cut both clinical constructs and the different boundaries suggesting their diagnosis. The researchers focus less on the psychological factors suggesting that the CU traits and some of the commonly know domains affecting the normal-range personality make similar reflections of some of the underlying genetic bases (Distel et al., 2012). Personality as part of the psychological factors in humans' genetic influence develops into a higher-order structure that works in a more complex manner. The sociocultural factors play a great role in the reflection of the lower-order CU from the mid-to-late adolescence.


Provided with the various variables involved, especially the symptoms associated with psychopathology, most of the true experiments are not feasible. For example, the researchers made different methodological decisions in measuring the marijuana use, and the temperaments before the symptoms of both anxiety and depression were revealed (Grunberg et al., 2015). While predicting psychopathology's evolution, the authors suggest that the relationship between marijuana use and temperament predicts the risk of anxiety and depression.

Abnormal Psychology

While predicting psychopathology through the simultaneous assessment of the effects of marijuana use, the results show that there are as well other factors that have a great influence other than the linking the temperament dimension with anxiety and depression. It is as well not necessary to perform assessments on the relationship between such factors but also the causal mechanisms that they result. Anxiolytic caused by marijuana use and other effects enhanced by mood raises the question of whether most of the high in HA are motivated to use marijuana. For example, such motivations are considered once there are more marijuana availability and an increase in its acceptance (Stanton et al., 2020). The temperament is one of the most significant characteristics that present the various benefits of marijuana use.

Research Designs

Foundational research in psychology employed action research design revolving around the Big Five Model in foundational research in psychopathology. The model illustrates the individual differences considering extraversion, agreeableness, the conscientiousness of a person's neuroticism, and openness (Bouchard, 2004). The above factors greatly influence a person's abnormal psychological disorder, hence understanding the causing abnormal psychology factors. After discovering the causing factors of abnormal psychological disorder in an individual, researchers also formulated the treatment mechanisms of abnormal psychological disorder regarding the condition's factors.

Conduct Research

The research designs played a great role in the assessment. An individual experiences the state anger during a particular period and how they respond to different situations. Using an equal number of men and women in the research design served as a strength in finding out the high significance of anxiety and marijuana use among a specific age range. The authors maximized their usage of inferential power by making different methodological decisions, including the longitudinal design, which helped measure marijuana use in one year before the development of both anxiety and depression symptoms (Mann et al., 2015). The cross-lag analysis played a significant role in the statistical assessment of the authors` plausibility of their proposed research model.

Issues of Ethics

Ethical issues that presented themselves in the foundational research included communication; hence, prior communication to the participants would be used by researchers to conduct foundational research (Distel et al., 2012). Issuing of Invitations with a detailed explanation concerning the purpose of the research. Acquisition of Verbal or written permission from the parents or guardians of the children involved. The authors had close supervision over the temperament dimension to address the risk of anxiety and depression due to marijuana use by the participants.


The historical evolution of ethical views in foundational research has had a significant significance. That was so due to the high civilization state of society. Ethical issues are highly respected (Howes et al., 2016). That was evident in the foundation research when there was prior communication with the research people. Where children were involved, parents or guardians first had to give consent.


The authors suggest that marijuana use is common among people with schizophrenia since such people are looking for different means to ease their symptoms. It is unlikely that self-medication issues can be used in explaining the relationship between marijuana use and schizophrenia. The low agreeableness and conscientiousness are used as some of the characteristics suggesting the antisocial personality disorder, which can deepen our understanding of the individual differences in the CU traits. Although the trait anger and borderline personality are characterized differently, their observations are often made together. The generic influence increases the serotonin receptor genes (5-HTR), low in cluster B personality disorders, to play a significant role in the genetic susceptibility (Howes et al., 2016). The dopamine, on the other hand, which is high in schizophrenia, is broken down into neurogenesis and synaptogenesis.

Issues of Ethics

Ethical issues evident in the research to fill the gap presented are communication and privacy issues. Targeted participants will be communicated to by using mobile phone or mail for invitation and explanation towards the purpose of the research (Stanton et al., 2020). Establishment of measures to ensure the privacy of the details and the participants' information is essential. Therefore, the research participants' assuring of privacy should be considered by presenting them with valid documentation describing the anonymity levels when conducting the research.


The approach used to address ethical issues in the research is informed by the need for physical and psychological security, as evident in the abnormal psychology research. That has led to establishing measures to address ethical issues such as vivid communication (Howes et al., 2016). Preservation of anonymity is still informed from the research conducted, giving the participants confidence to partake in the research.


Bouchard Jr, T. J. (2004). Genetic influence on human psychological traits: A survey. Current directions in psychological science, 13(4), 148-151.

Distel, M. A., Rolling, M. P., Tielbeek, J. J. (2012). The covariation of trait anger and borderline personality.A bivariate twin-siblings study. Journal of abnormal psychology, 121(2), 458.

Grunberg, V. A., Cordova, K. A., Bidwell, L., & Ito, T. A. (2015). Can marijuana make it better? Prospective effects of marijuana and temperament on risk for anxiety and depression. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29(3), 590.

Howes, O. D., McCutcheon, R., Owen, M. J., & Murray, R. (2016). The role of genes, stress, and dopamine in the development of schizophrenia dopamine and the prodrome.

Mann, F. D., Briley, D. A., Tucker-Drob, E. M., & Harden, K. P. (2015). A behavioral genetic analysis of callous-unemotional traits and Big Five personality in adolescence. Journal of abnormal psychology, 124(4), 982.

Stanton, K., McDonnell, C. G., Hayden, E. P., & Watson, D. (2020). Transdiagnostic approaches to psychopathology measurement. Recommendations for measure selection, data analysis, and participant recruitment. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129(1), 21.

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