Free Paper Sample on Yoga and Mental Health

Published: 2023-12-12
Free Paper Sample on Yoga and Mental Health
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Sport Mental health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 702 words
6 min read


Yoga is a spiritual and ascetic discipline of the Hindu, including control of breath, meditation, and the adoption of specified body postures. Yoga is extensively best for relaxation and health-related benefits. Yoga benefits are under physical, mental, and health benefits. The essay below describes the reasons for pursuing yoga, benefits for patients, and yoga practices' emotional and physical experiences. The essay also elaborates on the use of yoga in nursing practice.

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Research Study Provided

The yoga instructor provided a research study example which constituted of two control groups. The first group was to take medicine purposed to address psychological disorders. The second group had to undergo a daily twenty-minute meditation process (Butterfield et al., 2017). The results depicted that the group on the meditation program had significant results compared to the other group. The group was noted to have reduced anxiety and stress and had fewer symptoms than pharmaceutical drugs.

Healing Technique

The yoga instructor elaborates that embracing yoga as a healing technique alleviates stress and anger. Stress and anger symptoms reduce elevating the levels of joy and relaxation. The instructor explains that yoga helps control other medical disorders developing as a result of stress and anger (Raj et al., 2020). Such disorders include cardiac arrest, high blood pressure, and insomnia. Pursuing yoga, as described by the instructor, helps stabilize underlying conditions due to stress and anger. It also helps and reverses the ravages of mental disorders.

Yoga Medical Benefits

The medical benefits influenced by yoga include improved flexibility and building of muscle strength. Yoga is also responsible for the prevention of the breakdown of cartilage and joint. An increase in blood flow and dropped blood pressure also benefits from pursuing yoga (Butterfield et al., 2017). More health benefits of yoga are maintaining the nervous system, lowering blood sugar, and boosting the immune system functionality. Digestive problems and IBS reduce by indulging in yoga sessions. Yoga still keeps viruses and allergies at bay due to the rapid breathing activities and internal cleansing.

Patients’ Benefits

Patients who would benefit the most from yoga are cancer, depression, psychological, and dementia patients. Yoga helps cancer patients combat exhaustion and improve agility and motion range. Depression patients benefit from yoga by reducing symptoms through rhythmic breathing and meditation activities (Raj et al., 2020). Patients with psychological disorders also benefit from yoga practices through increased body awareness, stress-relieving, sharpening focus, and calming of the nervous system centers. Dementia patients benefit from yoga through improved memory, brain strengthening, mood stabilization, and soul liberation.

After yoga practice, my emotional experience is reduced stress and tension, and I developed a sense of well-being. Yoga practices also significantly boosted my self-esteem. My Concentration and creativity levels improved due to yoga practices (Butterfield et al., 2017). Physical experiences of yoga practices include fat reduction, and my athletic performance and flexibility have improved. Respiratory disorders are in existence due to yoga, and my vitality levels have increased. Yoga is also responsible for maintaining a balance in my metabolism.


Yoga activities can be imposed on nurses to reduce fatigue and stress and elevate their psychological levels effectively. Yoga in nursing will significantly boost the agility of the nurses towards effective body responses to situations. Yoga in the nursing practice can also be used directly to the patients towards managing their disorders (Raj et al., 2020). Depression, dementia, and psychological patients require yoga practices towards the reduction of their symptoms. Nurses can, therefore, equip themselves with yoga practice procedures to effectively address the disorders. Nurses can also use yoga practices on disabled patients to improve their physical stability and postures.


Butterfield, N., Schultz, T., Rasmussen, P., & Proeve, M. (2017). Yoga and mindfulness for anxiety and depression and the role of mental health professionals: a literature review. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education, and Practice.

Raj, N., Khan, I., & Nair, H. M. (2020). A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding the Beneficial Effects of Yoga in Mental Health among 3rd-Year B. Sc. Nursing Students in Selected Nursing Colleges at Bangalore. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 11(5), 265-269.

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