Free Paper Sample: The Role of Cultural Research Institutions in Sino-Thai Cultural Exchange Activities

Published: 2022-06-10
Free Paper Sample: The Role of Cultural Research Institutions in Sino-Thai Cultural Exchange Activities
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Culture
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1805 words
16 min read

The role of Cultural Research Institutions in the construction of Cultural Cooperation Mechanism and the design of Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Platform in Sino-Thai Cultural Exchange Activities under the One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR)

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Introduction and Background Information

The belt and road initiative is one of the project which was launched by China to develop countries and also improve on the global connectivity. It was first unveiled in the country in the year 2013 by president of the Republic of China Xi Jinxing. Since then the initiative has grown in both scale and popularity. The objective of the initiative is primarily focus on the creation of the networks that is intended to basically allow for a more efficient and also productive free flow of c trades. Also, it is intended to help significantly in the interrogation of international markets both physically and initially. One of the area which has been significantly affected by this initiative is the cultural research institutions and cultural corporation mechanisms. To link the two; this research papered will therefore examine the : The role of Cultural Research Institutions in the construction of Cultural Cooperation Mechanism and the design of Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Platform in Sino-Thai Cultural Exchange Activities under the One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR)

Aim of the research

The role of Cultural Research Institutions in the construction of Cultural Cooperation Mechanism and the design of Cultural Exchange and Cooperation Platform in Sino-Thai Cultural Exchange Activities under the One Belt and One Road Initiative (OBOR)

Objectives of the research

To determine some of the world institution and the belt and the road initiative.

To identify some of the possible challenges presented by the initiative.

To identify some of the countries which are involved with the initiative?

To examine the possible scope of policy and some of the tools which ac n be used in steering the development of cultural awareness desired directions.

To determine the kind of impact and the aspect of cultural influence which can be expected from various cultural activities and the aspect of investment on the and economic development trends.

Research Methodology and project output

The overall research methodology of the project will rely much on the qualitative analysis. Also, it will focus on the use of case studies. The available case studies that will be used during the study will be significant in the testing of the result findings

The research will also be based on the comparative descriptive reach. This will be aided by a number of case studies that will be connected to the research. All these kind of information will be in long run supported by available qualitative information which will be significantly used in the reconstruction of the profile of the case studies.. it will mapping of the existing cultural activities within the partner cities. When it comes to this, it will be purely based on secondary data. In light of this, the study will focus on the impact of culture on the avail be sustainable economic development. The secondary sources that will be used will also be a good avenue for the identification of some of the unbalances and certain areas of unutilized potential in the dynamic relation which can be seen between culture and economic development.

The empirical survey will be carried out through various interviews. Some of the key plays in the overall interview will be some of the cultural decision makers. cultural customers, their respective organizations, and PR actioners the interview will also comprise of key cultural planners. Finally, the interview will also comprise the community which is affected by the cultural activities.

decision makers during the study will help with the description and the addition of knowledge on links between culture and the aspect of economic development in the area. The possible questions during the study are intended to cover both the existence and the structure of the urban networks which will be significantly used in the upholding of various cultural activities. It will also comprise of the permeability that exists between culture and economy.

Literature review

This section of the study will l look at some of the peer-reviewed sources which strongly related to the research.

The goal of BRI

As explained by Bennett, (2017 ),(BRI tend to focus on five main objectives. The first goal is the policy coordination. In this objective, it only means that some of to encourage most of the countries to work jointly and also corporate with each other so as to achieve their respective projects. The second goal is the cultural exchange. This the aim which the aspect of people to people bond. It also, it includes some of the friendly interaction between enterprises. Also, it will focus on the deeper cultural understanding with the intent of furthering the international corporation. The third goal is the financial integration. The BRI is basically designed to help in enhancing both monetary and also a financial corporation. This is normally used when dealing with both risk and financial integration. Furthermore, this particular objective also looks at the overall expansion currency exchange and scope. The fourth objective is the concerned with the trade and investments finally; the fifth goal is facility connectivity. This is basically focused on building of the facilities so as to enable greater connectivity between countries which lies on both the belt and the road.. some of the activities which are significantly highlighted in this goal is the aspect of rebuilding and also the development of sports, fixing of the roads and the removal of the barriers.

Culture and the city

According to Bennett, (2017), the most important and also the aspect celebrated in the form of an organized human system currently is the city. Cities are significantly relevant to the modern economy and the society at large. Bennett, (2017 ), urges that the Performance of the cities in most cases will determine the destiny of the entire groups and the region at large. Also, coming up with a sustainable development of the cities require that the c cities themselves are also sustainable. It is also recognized that the existence of the cities themselves should be sustainable. One such aspect which seems to be affecting most of the cities is culture. According to Alexia, & Giuliano (2015), culture can be defined as the social development and the aspect of economic growth. however, at the same time, the aspect of culture may be affected or can be significantly affected or could be even destroyed during the whole process. As such, there is a great need to come up with the sustainable urban development. This kind of developments make it quite easy and also necessary to strike a balance which can be extensively used in achieving some of the opportunities. at the same time, it is normally used in the preservation of various assets and some intangible elements that can be used in the constitution of the cultural identity of the particular city.

Culture and urban development

As explained by Alesina, & Giuliano (2015), the importance of culture as an engine which is used for the urban development can be maximumly gauged by considering some of the roles which it performs when it comes to the regeneration of cities. Over few years, been a growing interest in the cultural industries which has been seen as an economic force. Some of the Ares which has significantly looked at the issue is the European common. The commission has since identified the aspect of culture and the various sectors of the cultural industry. These in the region have since been identified as economic and also social force in Europe.

Model of culture-oriented economic development for the city

This section will look at how one can concept tallies the role of culture as an engine which is used for the sustainability of economic development for the cities. It will also evaluate the full range of the same effects. To address this concept, there few analytical steps which will be needed to help in the development of the analytical framework.

Findings Remarks

When there is greater connectivity in the developing nations, the c concept of tsar intuitive will significantly make it quite easy for some large multinational startup organizations to effectively reach their goals. It has been since estimated that the overall growing middle class of Asia could be about 4 billion by the year 2021. Significantly, the aspect of cultural integration has also shown to be posing some key investment opportunities. Some of these opportunities which will be addressed in the paper can be seen in the following areas; banking and financial services, legal services in the city, infrastructure planning and development, energy. when it comes to energy, for instance, it's identified that almost half of the infrastructure funds which are present along the Belt and Road are normally seen to be directed towards electricity supply. This, therefore, implies that there are numerous opportunities which can be exploited in the sector.


This section will comprise the summary of the major findings of the research. It will highlight the fact that culture is an important sector which can be used constructively in the development of the economy. This brought to the fact that it has the potential of providing name roust job opportunities. It will also show that culture can be an aspect of Knowledge input. This is brought about by the fact that it can be internalized in the local economic en ironmen. This can be seen in a better location and the aspect of local market characteristics. Finally, this section will highlight the fact that culture can be significantly used an s a catalyst for urban change since it affects the spatial organization of the available city functions. This can also be brought by that it is a form of social composition and contains the likeable community values and norms. It also comprises the very identity and the rural image of the city.


Alesina, A., & Giuliano, P. (2015). Culture and institutions. Journal of Economic Literature, 53(4), 898-944.

Bennett, J. W. (2017). The ecological transition: cultural anthropology and human adaptation. Routledge.

Duxbury, N., Balta, J., Hosagrahar, J., & Pascual, J. (2016). Culture in urban development policies: An agenda for local governments. Culture: Urban Future-Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development, 204-211.

Fullan, M. (2014). Leading in a culture of change personal action guide and workbook. John Wiley & Sons.

Guiso, L., Sapienza, P., & Zingales, L. (2015). Corporate culture, societal culture, and institutions. American Economic Review, 105(5), 336-39.

Lindlof, T. R., & Taylor, B. C. (2017). Qualitative communication research methods. Sage publications.

Norenzayan, A., Shariff, A. F., Gervais, W. M., Willard, A. K., McNamara, R. A., Slingerland, E., & Henrich, J. (2016). The cultural evolution of prosocial religions. Behavioural and brain sciences, 39.

Pennycook, A. (2017). The cultural politics of English as an international language. Taylor & Francis.

Schwandt, T. A. (2015). The Sage dictionary of qualitative inquiry. Sage Publications.

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