From a Troubled Neighborhood to a Passion for Psychology - Free Essay

Published: 2023-11-19
From a Troubled Neighborhood to a Passion for Psychology - Free Essay
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Psychology Application letter Profession
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 541 words
5 min read

Our environment shapes most of our dreams and perceptions as young people. In most instances, we may end up becoming what we are exposed to frequently. I grew up in a neighborhood where crime and violence were rampant. These instances were occasioned by the conflicts between gang members and drug addicts who were mostly comprised of former military officers. I later came to understand that their reactions and character were a result of limited community support and post-traumatic stress disorder. However, there was a lady who began a community center where she tried to assist those who were willing to reform. With time, I became interested in her work, and that is how I got engaged in the community and social work even while in school. These activities formed a critical part of me having desire to become a psychologist for me to assist my community.

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Point A

Due to the nature of my dreams, I took a keen interest in community engagements. Despite resistance from my conservative parents, I felt the urge to listen to the challenges that other children faced. Much of their problems were occasioned by the effect of violence and drug abuse either directly or indirectly. As a teenager, my understanding of their issues grew to a point where I could join social workers in having community drives to sensitize the public against violence. At the community care center, I served as the receptionist and a junior counselor for children who were affected by their home environment. It was at this point that I developed excessive compassion, and this strengthened my resolve to offer solutions to such individuals.

Point B

After transitioning to senior school, I became a member of the counseling and psychology club, and this gave me a more comprehensive view of the societal challenges experienced across various communities. This exposure allowed me to engage in projects that allowed me to focus on the mental health effects of drug abuse and violence in marginalized communities. My studies allowed me to interact with students from minority groups, and this fueled my desire to be of better service not only to my community but to the country. By the end of my senior school, I was a certified counselor. I worked at a local clinic where I engaged with patients, victims, and their families. Seeing their transformation allowed me to develop a stronger passion for psychology as a career.

Point C

I am currently pursuing psychology while giving particular focus to the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on former military officials and their families. Having a broader perspective on the issues that the people who have served in the military undergo once they come back into the community has made me a better professional and individual. This is because I strive to understand them and create harmony among them, their families, and the community.


I am hoping to embark on a study that could strengthen the already existing policies within the department of Defense. The research entails having better support for military officers while at war and in the camps to ensure that they are in the right mental health state when they retire. This will help in creating safer, healthier, and sustainable communities.

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From a Troubled Neighborhood to a Passion for Psychology - Free Essay. (2023, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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