Houston: A City of Diversity and Growth - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Houston: A City of Diversity and Growth - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Society World
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 938 words
8 min read


Houston is a city located in Texas, the fourth largest city in America. In 2020, the population of the area is 2,340,890 (World Population Review, 2020). The city covers approximately 672 miles and has a population growth of 0.33% annually. The average household income is $81,995 and has a poverty rate of 20.57% (World Population Review, 2020). The city is multicultural with racial demographics of Whites 57.63%, Black or African American: 22.54%

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other races, 10.50%, Asian: 6.89%, two or more races: 2.07%, Native American: 0.32%, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.06% (World Population Review, 2020). Also, Deam and Dempsey (2019) indicated that Houston is one of the major cities where the number of people with health insurance is low. The authors added that according to the results from the Census Bureau, one in five people living in the city lacks health insurance, which gives the city the highest insured rate in the metropolitan areas of America.

Available Resources

One of the complex facilities available in Houston, Texas is the Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center. Some of the complex care services offered by skilled physicians in the facility include palliative care, organ transplant, IV antibiotic therapy, diabetes management services, wound care, rehabilitative services, stroke and brain injury, post-intensive care syndrome, pain management, surgical services, geriatric services, endoscopy, nutritional support, and chaplain services (Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center, n.d).

Another complex care facility in Houston Texas is the American Family Clinic urgent care West University. The available resources at the hospital include immunizations, primary care services, flu shots, lab, and drug testing, treatment for minor injuries, and routine checkups (AFC Urgent Care West University, n.d).

Another complex care facility in Houston Texas is the Memorial Medical Center and Weight loss. Services available at the facility include weight loss, weight management programs, acute illness treatment, family care, trauma, minor surgical care, walk-in clinic, and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (Memorial Medical Center and Weight Loss, n.d).


Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center uses a myriad of technologies to foster patient engagement. The technologies include the “rehab tracker,” “rehab relay,” and “rehab viewer” where patients manage to view their goals, share their progress with their loved ones, and receive support from them. The other technology present in the hospital is Ekso technology, a wearable exoskeleton that helps patients to learn to stand and walk. Also, the hospital uses electronic health records (EHR). Memorial Medical Center and Weight loss offers current technology such as EHR. American Family Clinic urgent care West University offer current technologies such as EHR and a patient portal to help provide urgent care.

Unavailable Resources

The unavailable resource in the community is a burn center. From the research, the burn centers in Texas are in the surrounding areas of Houston. If an individual has a critical burn, they will need to be airlifted or transported by ambulance in the burn centers.

Barriers to Access

One of the barriers to access at Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center that they do not provide emergency services. Its rehabilitation unit offer care to patients over an extended period (Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center, n.d). More so, the American Family Clinic urgent care West University and the Memorial Medical Center and Weight loss do not offer emergency services and only provide urgent care.

Public Awareness

Every information about Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center can be found on the internet. More so, the hospital allows patients to visit and inquire about the services they provide. Its website has the hospital’s contact information where the support answers any questions regarding the facility. At Memorial Medical Center and Weight loss, its website provides information about services provided and the health professionals who provide care. Also, the hospital has a page on social media where they update information about the services. Additionally, they have a telephone number where people can contact them. American Family Clinic urgent care West University has a website that is easily accessible to individuals. Also, they have a telephone number on their site. Additionally, the hospital allows walk-ins where individuals can go to inquire about their services.


The paper has investigated three complex care facilities in Houston Texas. All three hospitals provide specialized care. Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center offers rehabilitation services. American Family Clinic urgent care West University offers urgent care to patients. Memorial Medical Center and Weight Loss specializes in weight loss programs. The current technologies in the three facilities are electronic health records. In the Houston area, all three hospitals are well known as they have running websites and have signs where people can see. The three hospitals have skilled providers who give patient-centered care.

The area has large hospitals that provide services such as rehabilitation, urgent care, and weight loss. The unavailable resource in the community is a burn unit. The hospitals that offer burn treatment in the area do not specialize in burns. If a person needs critical care for burns, he or she will need to be airlifted or taken by ambulance to the centers.


American Family Clinic urgent care West University. (n.d). About. Retrieved July, 22nd 2020, from https://www.afcurgentcare.com/about/

Deam, J., & Dempsey, M. (2019, September 26). Houston area rate of uninsured highest in nation among big cities — and getting worse. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved July, 19th 2020, from https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/Houston-area-rate-of-uninsured-highest-in-nation-14468575.php

Kindred Hospital Houston Medical Center. (n.d). About us. Retrieved July, 22nd 2020, from https://www.kindredhealthcare.com/about-us

Memorial Medical Center and Weight Loss. (n.d). About. Retrieved July, 22nd 2020, from https://www.urgentcarememorial.com/insurance-at-memorial-urgent-care-and-walk-in-clinic-in-houston-tx

World Population Review. (2020). Houston, Texas population 2020. Retrieved July, 19th 2020, from https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/houston-tx-population

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Houston: A City of Diversity and Growth - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/houston-a-city-of-diversity-and-growth?pname=speedypaper.com

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