Free Essay with the Journal Entry Reflection: The Importance of Having Good Communication

Published: 2022-04-08
Free Essay with the Journal Entry Reflection: The Importance of Having Good Communication
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication skills
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 422 words
4 min read

In today's contemporary society, good communication plays a fundamental role in all organizations. Additionally, good communication enables business leaders to effectively execute their functions of management, which include planning, motivating, organizing as well as controlling. Moreover, a number of prominent and influential persons in the business world have attested that effective communication is imperative in securing corporate success. This is a personal reflection of an online publication that addresses the importance of having good communication in success attainment.

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First, I agree with the article that taking notes instead of creating a draft promotes a healthy delivery of communication (Ward, 2017). Additionally, this is because it trains a person to be confident when making speeches before a group of an audience. Moreover, I agree with the article that it is essential to be energetic when making a communication. Also, this is because it portrays a person as confident when making communications and subsequently, this captivates the attention of the targeted audience.

Moreover, from personal experience, I believe that remembering and saying the other person's name when communicating is very important. Additionally, this is because it creates a sense of respect, acceptance as well as friendliness towards the other person, which is a fundamental feature of effective communication. Furthermore, the article is right about the effectiveness of using confidence-boosting body language in making communication. In this case, by using voice, gestures, as well as facial expressions the targeted audience pays more attention to the speaker.

Lastly, I agree with the publication that good listening skill is essential in making effective communication (Ward, 2017). Additionally, this is because it enables a speaker to view the other person's point of view pertaining a subject of conversation. Subsequently, proper listening skills also minimize conflicts between two persons when communication. Ultimately, I agree with the article that people should not be excessively eager to speak. Additionally, this is because it prevents a person from hearing the other speakers.

In conclusion, good communication enables business leaders to execute their functions of management effectively. Additionally, taking notes instead of creating a draft promotes a healthy delivery of communication. Also, it is essential to be energetic when making a communication because it portrays a person as confident, which subsequently captivates the attention of the targeted audience. Moreover, it is also important to call the other person's name when communicating and to have good listening skill when making communications.


Ward, M. (2017). 5 communication tricks Warren Buffett and other successful leaders use to get ahead. Retrieved from CNBC:

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Free Essay with the Journal Entry Reflection: The Importance of Having Good Communication. (2022, Apr 08). Retrieved from

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