Leadership Strengths: Key to Achieving Professional Goals - Paper Example

Published: 2023-10-15
Leadership Strengths: Key to Achieving Professional Goals - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1718 words
15 min read


Leadership strengths encompass qualities and traits that enable leaders to effectively execute their obligations within the workplace (Barr & Dowding, 2019). The application of leadership strengths in any leadership role is critical in realizing the set objectives. Notably, achieving professional goals is premised on the ability of a leader to optimize leadership strengths in all undertakings. Successful leaders always create an elaborate framework that outlines how they apply their leadership strengths to ensure that daily workplace situations are adequately reviewed and solved with necessary tools (West et al., 2015). My leadership strengths have been instrumental in accomplishing various projects I have been assigned as a project leader. Participating in the BetterUp coaching session has imparted me vital knowledge on the best way to use my leadership strengths to achieve my professional goals. The paper will identify my leadership strengths and how coaching can optimize them to achieve my professional goals.

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My Strengths

From the BetterUp assessment, I have three strengths that are premised on coaching, growth mindset, and relationship building. More fundamentally, I have received strengths from my current colleagues, family members, and friends.

BetterUp-Identified Strengths


Guiding and supporting other people to develop through coaching has always been the core of my leadership strength. Undeniably, coaching empowers individuals to achieve great results within the workplace. I have effectively used coaching to unlock the hidden potential that they can use to accomplish assigned roles. More significantly, coaching has enabled me to impart nurses and doctors with skills that allow them to provide quality care to newborns. Healthcare is an important sector, and using coaching as one of my leadership strengths has created new insight that enables healthcare providers to achieve Baby-Friendly designation. Moreover, my focus is always to enhance the performance of others. I am currently using coaching as my strength to undertake targeted coaching that has effectively impacted positively on other people's abilities and attitudes, hence improving their performance.

Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is hinged on the belief that putting consistent effort in undertaking various activities amid challenges always result in success (Barr & Dowding, 2019). A growth mindset has enabled me to enhance my focus on all processes within the workplace rather than a single outcome. Equally important, a growth mindset has allowed me to correctly interpret challenges and devise appropriate leadership techniques that can holistically address them. Still, growth mindset has provided me with an opportunity to invest substantial time and effort into developing an elaborate framework that creates a much-needed path for continual growth. It should be noted that a growth mindset always provides an environment for enhancing the team's potential. My growth mindset has enabled me to create a healthy environment that enriches my colleagues' potential in achieving growth. Further, my growth mindset has made my team morph into being proactive and greatly motivated to seek solutions. At the workplace, I am currently using my growth mindset to expand my possibilities as a leader and tackle different challenges relating to healthcare. Additionally, my mindset has enabled me to create a workplace culture that recognizes failure as a learning tool and encourages the team to innovate risks.

Relationship Building

Notably, one of my leadership strengths is anchored on relationship building. Success in the workplace is always attributed to effective relationship building premised on values, concepts, and actions. My relationship building strength has enabled me to reinforce values that have effectively created a unifying factor, thereby allowing people to work as a team. More importantly, my relationship-building strength has spurred motivation among the workers and enhanced their focus on achieving set objectives. Also, relationship building has fostered mutual respect and trust between healthcare workers and me to provide quality services. Moreover, relationship building has enhanced my ability to embrace the diversity that has emerged as a contemporary workplace issue. Undoubtedly, this strength has bolstered my engagement to bring positive change in the workplace. I am currently using relationship building to develop a strong relationship between workers and leaders to enhance the provision of best healthcare services, especially to newborns. Additionally, I am using relationship-building to improve my network that has been critical in encouraging the team focus to achieve set goals.

Strengths Based on Feedback

I interviewed my colleagues within the workplace, friends, and close family members. The interview questions on which the feedbacks are based were; who am I when I am at my best? Can you provide a specific example of a time when I was at my best? The summary of the feedback is as follows;

My colleagues demonstrated that I always possess collaboration skills as leadership strength when I am at my best. Both my current and old colleagues pointed out that I have adequately used this strength to foster collective work. More significantly, my colleagues have noted that my collaboration skills have been instrumental in enriching some of my strengths, such as relationship building that is equally critical for improved services. Still, they indicated through their response that when I was at my best, I helped enhance the provision of high-quality services through my collaboration skills.

Concerning feedback from my friends, both recent and old, they demonstrated that I have always depicted situational awareness when I am at my best. Based on their response, my friends indicated that situational awareness had enabled me to understand what is happening around me. Moreover, they demonstrated that situational awareness as my strength has been instrumental in developing different strategic plans aimed at addressing any emerging problem. My friends provided a specific example of a point where I realized that there was a misunderstanding between some of my friends and engaged them in arriving at an amicable solution.

Also, feedback from my family members pointed out that I possess conflict resolution skills. Conflict resolution skills have been integral n solving different problems arising within the workplace. My family members showed that when I am at my best, I always employ my conflict resolution skills to solve problems. A specific example is when I adequately solved a familial issue threatening to break up the family foundation.

Leadership Statement

My focus is always to emerge as a strong and visionary leader who works towards empowering others to realize their potential. I am looking forward to enriching some of my leadership strengths to ensure that I positively impact the workplace. In the same vein, as a leader, I aspire to depict great courage in undertaking different leadership roles to ensure that nurses and doctors working under my guidance provide high-quality services. More fundamentally, courage will enable me to make vital and difficult decisions concerning workplace situations. Further, as a leader, I am more focused on creating organizational engagement and culture to ensure that values and characters are consolidated to bring great results. Equally important, I aspire to create learning programs that will impart my team with the necessary communication skills to limit instances where there is a misunderstanding in the workplace. Also, I am endeavoring to achieve a higher level of competence to hone the leadership skills that I plan to use to expand my possibilities. I have always admired delegation as a leadership trait. As a leader, I look forward to delegating to ensure that different tasks are accomplished by assigning individuals in areas that they can do their best.


My purpose in the workplace as a leader is to motivate employees and create an enabling environment to realize their full potential. Building increased engagement and understanding different challenges facing employees will ensure that they continue to provide the best services. Moreover, my purpose is premised on building workers' morale by recognizing their achievements to reignite their spirits. Additionally, I am striving to create a clear vision that set individuals in the path of achieving workplace greatness. My purpose is to explain the developed vision and align workers towards its realization. Further, my purpose is to strengthen relationships and develop an elaborate strategy that will encourage workers to work hard.


My goals are to build stronger connections that will guarantee the accomplishment of set objectives within the workplace. Notably, cultivating better interpersonal connections at work can bring people together, even during difficult situations. More imperatively, exhibiting more confidence is necessary for achieving success (Barr & Dowding, 2019). In light of this, my goal is to bolster my confidence through the enrichment of my self-awareness strength. Additionally, my goal is to cultivate self-discipline as a leader to enable me to make complex decisions that have considerable bearing on continual growth.


Values are critical in life since they provide much-needed guiding principles (West et al., 2015). I am looking forward to entrenching core leadership values to allow the provision of high-quality services. I am focused on employing integrity in my leadership roles through the embedment of trustworthiness and moral courage. More importantly, I will continue demonstrating humility and dignity to ensure that every worker feels involved in undertaking different activities. Depicting wisdom, especially in making important decisions, will be critical in achieving set objectives and goals.


It is worth noting that applying leadership strengths is important in achieving great results. Achieving professional goals always depend on individuals' ability to effectively use their leadership strengths. My BetterUp coaching has significantly set the foundation for the application of my strengths. Equally important, BetterUp coaching experience has embedded me with the requisite knowledge that prepares me to perform even better in my future leadership roles. The experience can enable me to use relationship building to improve my engagement with workers to enhance workplace performance. Also, BetterUp coaching has helped me identify my growth mindset strength that I can effectively use to identify challenges and develop mechanisms to address them. More fundamentally, I plan to use the future BetterUp coaching sessions to ensure that I hone my leadership skills to ensure that every individual within the workplace is effectively guided to achieve their potential. Additionally, future sessions will enable me to cultivate relationship building necessary for high performance.


Barr, J., & Dowding, L. (2019). Leadership in health care. SAGE Publications Limited. https://books.google.co.ke/books?hl=en&lr=&id=pnWKDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq

West, M., Armit, K., Loewenthal, L., Eckert, R., West, T., & Lee, A. (2015). Leadership and leadership development in health care: the evidence base. https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/439515/

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