Essay on Leonardo DiCaprio: Mild to Moderate OCD Sufferer

Published: 2023-10-13
Essay on Leonardo DiCaprio: Mild to Moderate OCD Sufferer
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Movie World Art Mental health
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 496 words
5 min read


Leonardo DiCaprio suffers from mild to moderate Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the psychiatric diseases characterized by obsessions and compulsions (Trak & Inozu, 2019). The person suffering from this disease has constant unwelcome feelings and ideas. The obsessive thoughts, in this case, include fear of contamination by germs, getting afraid of danger and disaster. The fear is mainly relieved through checking the door locks, stoves, faucets, among others. Those suffering from the illness remain in an uncontrollable cycle of obsession and compulsion—an attempt to resist the compulsion results in the rise of anxiety to very high levels. Performing the required compulsion actions usually relieves the tension. Their situation usually makes it hard for them to focus on the work, task, holding a job. If the situation is not addressed, it can result in disability. In some cases, obsessive-compulsive disorder is related to brain injury or infections. It can easily evolve into clinical depression.

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How it affects his Life

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most talented actors from Los Angeles, California. He has won multiple golden awards, including Oscar and Golden Gloves awards. Despite succeeding excellently in his career, Leonardo DiCaprio has lived with mild to moderate Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. During the interviews, he admitted the situation and the way it affects his life. Leonardo DiCaprio’s obsessive-compulsive disorder focuses around walking repetitively through doorways and stepping on all visible chewing gum stains. He, therefore, fight the urge to walk through the doorway often because he fears that he might succumb to the disorder. However, he can keep his Obsessive compulsion disorder tendencies under control. The disease is not that burdensome to Leonardo because it helps him film his role in his acting career.

Howie Mandel and how he Lives with OCD

Howie Mandel is one of the superstar comedians. He suffers from obsessive compulsion disorder. According to him, the disease has negatively impacted his life in many aspects. Despite being a superstar, Howie Mandel cannot interact with his fans comfortably. He cannot shake hands with any person, not even his children. This situation makes his life uncomfortable because he is a father and a superstar as well. More so Howie Mandel cannot touch surfaces in fear that they have germs. Even when opening the door, he cannot do it with naked hands. Also, he has to keep on washing hands and to bathe all the time because he fears that germs have evaded him. More so, he cannot touch even his shoes, hug or kiss. He as to wear face mask and gloves at home because he cannot touch his children with bare hands. According to Howie Mandel, the disorder makes life so uncomfortable. He even equates it to the terror that has evaded his life.


Trak, E., & Inozu, M. (2019). Developmental and self-related vulnerability factors in relationship-centered obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 21, 121-128.

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Essay on Leonardo DiCaprio: Mild to Moderate OCD Sufferer. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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