Mental Health - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Mental Health - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Counseling Mental health Personal experience
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 826 words
7 min read


Working as a community service and healthcare personnel in and around North Albion Collegiate Institute (NACI) brought with it an immense and significant experience necessary for my career in counselling, and helped me actualize by learning outcomes and objectives. High school students, and more specifically, adolescents, undergo a myriad of challenges during their life phase. Some of these challenges impact their parents, guardians, and caregivers, as well as the community they live in. Transitioning from childhood to young adulthood, coupled with issues of studies and relationships, can be stressful. This sort of stress results in a variety of mental health issues for teenagers and possible addictions.

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Existing Treatment Options

One of my first initiatives was to figure out some of the actual challenges the students were going through that affected their mental health. The more I talked with the students, the more I realized how many of them struggled with anxiety and depression problems. I offered options to assist them in coping with these issues, including giving them the time and space to discuss their lives with me and offer effective treatment strategies that consisted of medication, counseling, and other necessary services. However, one case that caught my eye was a case of paranoid schizophrenia. The student had occasional outbursts of frustration and anger, which often led to violent acts. Upon further investigations, I realized that the parents had known that issue, but no proper medication or treatment had been given to the student. Thus, I advised that he visit a mental healthcare provider and be accorded the urgent medical intervention.

Significance of Family and Community

By aiming to involve family members and the school community in some severe cases, I actualized the second learning outcome. Family and community support is an integral cornerstone for mental health and addiction sufferers during the process of treatment and recovery. By involving these support systems, signs and symptoms of worsening mental disorders can be spotted early, and an intervention of the illness can be commenced before it becomes serious. I recognize that love, empathy, and encouragement from the community and family members can help the students cope better with the challenges that affect them. At the same time, some need to be heard or understood by the people close to them to feel better and recover from anxiety and depression.

Treatment Plans

I professionally delivered all my services based on the associated benchmarks and established guidelines for addictions and mental health intervention. I carefully selected my clients’ treatment plans based on individual needs. In severe cases, I initiated contact between the school’s healthcare department and the clients, facilitated communication between them, and further provided relevant information that could help the students manage their challenges. Through this connection that I had formulated with the students, I understood their lifestyle choices.


With the knowledge gained during my course period, coupled with field practice, I prepared documentation and organized workshops to tackle mental health issues. I gathered information that I then compiled into readable resources and guidelines that helped the students become aware of their situations and seek help at the earliest opportunity. Mental health and addiction had been included in the school curriculum for a long time, but its efficacy had not been encouraging. With my timely intervention, all while following the school’s policies, I devised materials and activities favorable to the students, making them aware of their mental health and the steps they could take in individually addressing their issues and challenges.


During my stint working as a personal assistant for students with special needs in Toronto and Korea, I utilized my practical skills in helping them actualize their daily tasks. My selection as a personal assistant permitted me to be near a student, thus, allowing me to follow the directions and requests of the disabled students. I offered emotional support through activities such as opening doors, pushing their wheelchairs, and writing notes, on top of helping them with their academic life. Most importantly, while in Korea, I worked as an English teacher too and volunteered my other skills per the school’s requests. For example, I created specific programs that enhanced the overall health of students and the prevalence of sexual behaviors, violence, and drug use.

One critical area that needs improvement is cognitive disabilities’ learning brought about by addictions and mental issues. These disabilities limit the capacity of adolescents to concentrate on their studies and learn in a comfortable environment. Much needs to be done to help such students optimize their potential in school. After all, it is widely considered that your adolescent years are the peak years of anyone’s life, and should be guided accordingly. Another area that needs to be checked is feeding the idea that life should be stress-free for our young adults. Instead, young adults and adolescents should be guided on coping with the emerging challenges they continue to face.

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Mental Health - Free Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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