Moral Management Essay Sample

Published: 2019-10-28
Moral Management Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Philosophy Ethics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 885 words
8 min read

Moral management as per my understanding is ensuring rules and principles defined by society are upheld at all costs. In this essay, I will act as a top elected official of a county constitutional office that just discovered that some employees are engaging in intimate affairs with their colleagues, something the agency policy forbids according to Menzel (2012). As per the codes of ethics stipulate, it is immoral to watch an immoral act transpiring or taking place when one can act and halt the vice. A married employee having an affair with his or her colleague goes against the agencys policies as well as the societys moral codes. It is my mandate, as an officer in a public office, to ensure the publics needs and expectations are a priority, and that those working for the agency lead the public by example.

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It is my duty as a public officer to ensure the law of ethics and morality is upheld at all costs. I would not turn my head and hope the situation disappears as it would continue and spread to new members joining the team. Moreover, seizing the problem would be for the interest of the organization and all stakeholders. According to numerous religious teachings, it is imperative to uphold ones morals before the eyes of man and God (Shaw, 2015). Committing adultery is a great sin by some of the holy books namely the Bible and the Koran. People practicing the vice end up hurting their loved ones especially the family members as well as their partners. Unfaithfulness at the workplace taints the name of the agency, and a public outcry would result in the downfall of the agency resulting in numerous job losses and a reduction in the countrys GDP.

Being a top elected official in the agency one of my numerous duties would include enforcing the maintenance of morals and ethics in the workplace. Leaders lead by example and standing for what is right ensures the prosperity of good acts in the firm. In the modern society, there never lacks one or two minds that poison other minds leading them to do things considered immoral due to bad exposure or peer pressure. People necessitate a feeling of belonging and association; one may perform the vice to feel a sense of belonging and avoid being discrimination (Perry, Bratman & Fischer, 2015). It is a common scenario to see, for instance, staunch Christians receiving loads of discrimination and insults from fellow beings because of their belief and tightness to the word. The agency clearly condemns any forms of associations among its employees especially those married. However, an exclusion giving a leeway for other members that are single or divorced exists, thus making the process of controlling the vice difficult. The agency considers an association as having intimate relationships, dating, or residing with another.

One of my tactics to control the vice would be to summon individual employees to my office to deliberate on the matter. I would counsel the employees giving them advice regarding adultery and its effects on the firms growth. Associations as defined by the agency can have an adverse outcome on the companys performance since employees will disregard their duties and spend more time associating and thinking of immoral acts. For instance, a scenario where a manager and a low-level employee have an association, the professional respect existing between the manager and the employee would seize to exist thus hindering how the manager performs his tasks. The employee will tend to be reluctant in his or her duties and may at some point gain a sense of job security regardless of the output due to the security the association offers.

Moreover, to deal with the vice, I would revise the original agencys written standards of conduct at the workplace. The currently written standards of conduct give room for exploration and employees may use the loophole to continue with their associations. I would recommend the agency to remove the clause that allows any form of association regardless of whether one is married, divorced, or single. Whether one is divorced, single, or married and wishes to have an association with another member of the agency, the association should be outside the workplace premises and at their own convenient time. At the workplace, employees should practice professionalism and uphold all the codes of ethics and morality.

In conclusion, moral management is ensuring rules and principles defined by the society are upheld at all costs. As per the codes of ethics stipulate, it is immoral to watch an immoral act transpiring or taking place when one can act and halt the vice. It is my duty as a public officer to ensure the law of ethics and morality is upheld at all costs. According to numerous religious teachings, it is imperative to uphold ones morals before the eyes of man and God. Committing adultery is a great sin by some of the holy books namely the Bible and the Koran.


Menzel, D. (2012). Ethics management for public administrators: leading and building organizations of integrity (2nd ed., pp. 30-31). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Perry, J., Bratman, M., & Fischer, J. M. (2015). Introduction to philosophy: Classical and contemporary readings.

Shaw, R. M. (2015). Defining Ethics and Morality. In Ethics, Moral Life and the Body (pp. 11-36). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

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