Free Essay Example - Motivation Results

Published: 2023-08-01
Free Essay Example - Motivation Results
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Motivation Organizational culture Leadership style
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1190 words
10 min read

Motivation refers to the procedures that justify a person's direction, persistence, and intensity of effort applied to achieve a goal (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.247). The motivation in the discussion, in this case, involves the push toward the achievement of the organizational goals. Motivation is paramount in achieving high performance, enhancing appropriate personality, and making work-life balance among employees. Therefore, motivation counts as an essential assignment of a leader toward achieving organizational goals.
A leader ought to enhance motivation to enhance the improvement of the performance of the workers and the organization. Motivated employees, through the various motivational techniques the leader employs, the workers gain satisfaction and gratification by their work and hence result in high performance (Ganta, 2014, p.224). Therefore, the personal performance of the employees leads to the improved performance of the organization.

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Motivation is essential since it helps the leader in developing a positive attitude among the employees. Leaders, through appreciation, recognition, and reward of employees, motivate them in implementing their maximum potential (Choi, Goh, Adam and Tan, 2016, p.10). Perhaps, motivations have a positive attitude towards the organizational goals and perform to their very best. The elimination of the adverse reaction among the employees results in the effective accomplishment of the organizational goals.

Motivation helps the leader in lowering of turnover among the employees. The leader, through the realization of the motivational requirement of the employees, offers the appropriate opportunities to meet their needs. This action leads to the satisfaction of the employees and enhances them to maintain loyalty and work harder for better results (Ganta, 2014., p.225). Therefore, the organization reduces the turnover and hence saves the cost of recruitment and training of new employees.

Additionally, motivation helps the leader in reducing absenteeism and smoothing the introduction of changes. The leader needs to create a sound motivational system that meets the needs and drives of the employees (Landy and Conte, 2016, p.304). This results in pleasure and enjoyable experience for the workers at the workplace hence reducing absenteeism cases. Moreover, motivation results in open-mindedness and acceptance of changes in achieving organizational goals.

Motivation assists the leader in creating friendly and supportive relationships in the workplace. Leaders ought to engage in offering financial support, rewards, and recognition, and promoting the workers to enhance their satisfaction. Therefore, through the actions, a cordial and friendly relationship develops between the leader and the employees (Landy and Conte, 2016, p.305). This results to increase morale and reduced workplace conflicts. The employees are encouraged to working together to achieve organizational goals.

Motivation is essential, assisting the leader to maintain workforce stability (Onnis, 2014, p.12). The employees, through the satisfaction of their needs, reciprocate through offering a commitment to the organization's work. The employees become loyal and devotedly accomplish the tasks assigned to them. Therefore, the employees experience reduced temptation of leaving the organization and hence curb the adverse effects of increased turnover. Moreover, it enhances regular attendance to their organizational duties and thus altogether leads to the stability of the workforce.

How is culture transmitted to employees?

Organizational culture is defined as the system of common implication upheld by participants of an organization different from other organizations (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.555). Organizational culture is transmitted in various forms that include stories, language, rituals, and material symbols.

Stories transmit the organizational culture to the employees. They precisely involve narratives of important events or personalities like the founders, reactions to past mistakes, workforce sanctions, replacement of employees, rule violations, successes, and organizational management. According to Levinson and Rothensal, myths and stories concerning heroes of the organization act as powerful instruments to strengthen cultural values in an organization and also in the positioning of new members (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.579). The stories provide vital examples from which the employees learn. Stories act as newscasters of current in the past, offering descriptions and legality of the current activities and epitomizing the essentials to the organization.

Materials and symbols play a role in the transmission of culture in an organization. Material culture expresses to the employees of the critical person, level of egalitarianism high management desires, and appropriate behavior. Moreover, it reveals natures like conservation, risk-taking, authorization, sociality, participation, or individualization (Nica, 2013, p.180). For example, the parking space left for the top executive leaders and the type of vehicles packed conveys a message to the employees. The employee can identify the top-ranked and egalitarian level of the managing team. Material symbols tend to transmit unspoken communication (Nica, 2013, p.180). They portray the cultural orientation of the organization and make declarations concerning the organization.

Rituals also transmit the organizational culture to the employees. Rituals precisely refer to the repetitive arrangement of activities that portray and emphasize the central values of the organization, paramount goals, essential people, and unimportant (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.581). For example, Kimpton hotels uphold their culture through housekeeping Olympics traditions like vacuum contests and blindfolded bedmaking (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.580). The rituals also involve ceremonies where successful members of the organization are recognized and awarded. For example, if an organization offers silver medals to graduating members of an organization, it echoes the culture of the institution. Another example of organizational ritual is Wal-Mart's chant (Smith and Stewart, 2011, p.115). The ritual was started by Sam Walton, who was the founder as a means of enhancing unity and motivation at the workplace. It says, “Gimme a W, gimme and A gimme an L, gimme a squiggle, give me an M, A, R, T !" which unifies the employees and strengthens the company's belief on the essentiality of workers towards company's success.

Finally, the culture of an organization is transmitted to the employees through language. The company members use language in assisting one another and new members in noting the culture, embrace it, and its preservation (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.581). Different terms are used to refer to particular individuals, suppliers, equipment, customers, or products of the organization. The new members of the organization may be astonished by the acronyms and jargon, which, after embracing become shared terms that unify the organization.

How is leadership different from power?

Power refers to the capacity to influence another person or a group of people's behavior to act according to the wishes (Robbins and Judge, 2017, p.461). This implies that a person may have power but incapable of using it to do their desire hence a function of dependence. This means that the more dependency of the subject on the one in power implies higher power in the association. Therefore, one has power over the subject when in charge of something they desire. For example, a student who wants to attain a college degree and has to pass particular courses to graduate is under the power of the course instructor. In this case, the instructor of that course is the only person in the faculty to grade the student and has power over the student since he or she determines if the student graduates. However, once the student graduates and secures a job, the instructor's control reduces significantly. Leadership involves the voluntary influence of the subject to act as per the wishes of the leader.

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