Free Essay: My Strengths, Weaknesses and Improvements on Academic Writing

Published: 2019-09-09
Free Essay: My Strengths, Weaknesses and Improvements on Academic Writing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Writing
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1401 words
12 min read

Academic writing is slowly becoming a common field of specialization in the society and this is due to the requirement for the writing services for various students that require the services. Education is slowly becoming competitive and the need to balance between education and the professionalism leads to the need for academic writing in the society. Academic writing can be conducted in several forms and genres. Additionally, the approaches that are related to academic writing need to be put into consideration in the process of writing on various subjects. Researchers prove that there are variations in the different disciplines of academic writing and this suggests that there is need to analyze the various requirements of academic writing in different fields. In this manner, academic writing requires individuals to acquire different forms of academic literacy to ensure that the different requirements of academic writing are considered and that the challenges in every field of academic writing is analyzed to improve on the effectiveness of writing in the modern society.

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Taking a personal reflection on academic writing, I have several strengths, some weaknesses and I have also identified the platforms through which I can improve in order to develop the academic writing skills. One of my strengths in academic writing is that I have the right grammar that enables me to communicate my thoughts effectively which enables me to put forward my thoughts. The good grammar enables me to organize the language and produce meaningful deliberate sentences. The second strength that I have in academic writing is that I have years of experience in the field and this has enabled me to have the complexity required for academic writing. In this case, I have the ability to construct longer words that are lexically more densely filled with a wide range of vocabulary that help in meeting the high standards of academic writing.

The formality that I put in the process of doing academic writing also serves as my other strength. This enables me to avoid the use of colloquial words and expressions that lead to poor quality academic writing. Additionally, I have the ability to separate the opinion and facts. This helps me to develop precision in my academic writing. Objectivity is another strength that I have in academic writing; this is because I have the ability to choose and use the words and the sentences that do not attract any conflicting opinions and discussions and this makes the clients to accept my views as the truth. In most cases, I use statements that can help in giving out explicit information on the pieces of academic writings that I do. In this manner, I deliver academic writings that are of high quality because I have the ability to use words that give out specific meanings. In this manner, I have the ability distinguish between phonetics and phonemics and avoid the use of general English in academic writing.

Finally, in the course of doing academic writing, I know how to be responsible for the papers that I do, this is because I have the ability to provide evidence and justification for the articles and for the claims that I make in the papers. Additionally, I can demonstrate the understanding of the texts that I use in the production of the academic papers. This is of great importance because it helps in proving that my academic papers are of high quality as they are produced from renowned sources. I have to ensure that all the sources that I use are peer reviewed and that they meet the recommended criteria for the quality standards.

Question 2

Although I have several strengths that help me to deliver quality in academic writing, I have the some weaknesses that affect the quality of my academic writing. One of the weaknesses that I have is carrying out research activities in the process of formulating the paper. It is through this case that I have the challenge of collecting the views of as many authors as possible. This has the negative effect on my quality of writing because I only use the views of few authors that do not adapt well with the quality of writing. The other weakness that I have is that I have the difficulty of meeting the deadlines. This happens because I have the challenge of working within the stipulated deadlines and leads me into requesting for extension of deadlines in order to complete the papers. This is contrary to the rules of academic writing because the deadlines need to be met and my inability to meet the deadlines mostly affects the clients in a negative way because they mostly delay submitting their assignments.

The other challenge is that at times I do not remember to acknowledge the sources used in academic writing. This might be considered as plagiarism and has a negative effect on the quality of writing because at times leads to reduction of points during the marking process. There is need to acknowledge all the sources that are used in writing the academic papers and one of my weaknesses is remembering to acknowledge the sources. Another weakness that I have is that I have the challenge of correlating the sources; this is the challenge of connecting ideas from different sources to support a point in academic writing. This in most cases leads to lack of cohesion of the sentences in academic work thereby reducing quality of my academic works. There is need to develop the skill of harmonization of the ideas from different sources.

The challenge of writing too long sentences is also one of my weaknesses and this, in most cases, creates confusion in my academic works as it calls for the reader to take longer durations of time to read the academic pieces in order to understand my academic works. The long sentences also lead to the overlapping of ideas between sentences. Finally, I tend to forget to state thesis in most of my academic papers. This has the negative effect in that it the readers usually have the challenge of identifying the aim of the academic works. In this manner, lack of the thesis statements in my pieces of work then affects proper understanding of my work as there is usually the challenge of identifying the objective of the academic papers.

Question 3

In order to tackle the weaknesses that I have in academic writing, there are various strategies that I have implemented. One of the ways that has helped me to improve on my academic writing is to acquire skills of translation. Being a translator has proven to be of great importance because it has helped me to identify how to transfer words from one language to another without losing the content. In becoming a translator, I decided to begin by reading my favorite short stories, page on my favorite books or inspiring speeches and converted the ideas from the pieces into the native language. In the process of reading the stories and translating, I gained the ability to acquire the new choices of words and this has helped me to have the right transition between words. Translating between English and my native language has been of great importance as it has also enabled me to have a clearer sense of the English language and improved on my writing skills in academic writing.

The second strategy that has helped me to improve on my academic writing skills is to engage in the analysis of dissertations in my field of writing. By analyzing the academic works of other authors in the same field, I have had the ability to borrow ideas that other authors use in the process of doing their works. Analyzing dissertations from competent academic writers in the same field has greatly helped me to be more conscious in my writing and I therefore make fewer mistakes in the process of doing academic work in the modern society. It is of great importance to acquire good academic writing skills to help in the development of knowledge and the generation of income. Academic writing has been of great importance to the modern society and this has reduced the work load for the students. Academic writing is of great importance to the modern society and this proves the need to analyze personal strengths, identify the weaknesses and formulate strategies that can be used improve on the effective and high quality academic writing.

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