Organizational Behavior Assignment, Free Essay Sample for Students

Published: 2022-03-30
Organizational Behavior Assignment, Free Essay Sample for Students
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Organizational behavior
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1037 words
9 min read

The culture of a country is a significant factor influencing the level of employee satisfaction in the various jobs. This essay aims at comparing the cultures of India, the United States of America, and France basing the argument on Hofstede's dimensions of culture. It also determines the national culture among the three that provides better employee motivation as well as higher job satisfaction.

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The level of individualism in the USA measures to about 91%. America treasures the rule of freedom and liberty to everyone, which raised the percentage of individualism to such levels. In India, collectivism dominates with 52% (Minkov, 2017). Indians prefer working closely in groups that explain the high levels of loyalty that exists among them. France is more like the United States that practices individualism but at a lower level of 71% (Karin, Lawter, Brockerhoff & Rutigliano, 2014). The power distance for the United States is 40% which indicates that people in America believe in themselves more and most don't rely on the influence other people inflict on them in various ideas and situations. Power distance accounts for 77% among the Indians (Minkov, 2017). The less powerful Indians highly expect and believe the fact that there is unfair power distribution in their country. Also, the level of power distance is also high in France (68%). Both France and India show acceptance of the idea that the inequality in their societies is contributed by both their leaders and the citizens.

In America, the level of avoidance of uncertainty is average (46%) (Minkov, 2017). It is also below average for India, (40%). It implies that Americans and Indians tolerate new ideas and inventions from anyone and give way to the freedom of expression (Minkov, 2017). However, they prefer fewer rules and are less emotionally expressive when likened to countries with a higher uncertainty avoidance. Furthermore, Indians Americans have the culture of wanting to stand out as the best in everything (Tong, Tak & Wong, 2015). However, France registers 86% of uncertainty avoidance. France has issues in welcoming new ideas and trying out current inventions and hence show feelings of being threatened by the unknown. France avoids situations of facing unknown circumstances (Minkov, 2017).

The level of Masculinity is high (62%) for the USA and 56% for India. A score above average indicates that winning and making significant achievements are the key motivators for the Indian and American people. Besides, femininity is more profound among the French people, scoring 57% (Minkov, 2017). France has a culture of caring more about others and ensuring a quality life for everyone compared to winning or being the first in anything. USA keeps a low track (26%) on their past in solving current and future issues. However, India and France show a higher percentage of the long-term orientation of 51% and 63% respectively. The two countries keep a measurable track on their past failures and successes in building on the present and future problem-solving techniques. The extent to which the American citizens control their wants and impulses is big, measuring (68%) (Minkov, 2017). The United States has weak control of their desires and are known for contradicting their decisions to compromise on the things they need. Nevertheless, France and India have an eye for restraining which involves suppression of human wants like enjoyment and fun through instructing strict rules and strong social norms. The level of restraint measures 74% for India and 62% for France (Minkov, 2017).

France is likely to have better job satisfaction than USA and India because of their leading care for restraint, concurrent reflection on previous trends on issues affecting the nation, and their high concern for people's welfare before other achievements. Indians have a significant degree of strain on the people's freedom. Freedom is vital for a good working environment (Tong, Tak & Wong, 2015).

A combination of the Maslow hierarchy theory and Acquired Needs theory apply best for the USA. Americans can compromise any rules given the extensive amount of freedom they have to achieve the acquired needs they have in their lives, power, fun, adventure, and achievement leading the way. The Indians like living in groups, building up trust and caring for one another, which associates with the equity theory and acquired needs theory. Indians treasure close relationships and the ideas of others, which have developed to be their way of life (Robbins, Judge & Millett, 2015).

On the other hand, Two-factor theory by Herzberg can get associated with France because the French people rely on the culture of putting the beneficial factors ahead of fun, enjoyment, and things that they can live without possessing or enjoying. The input of strict rules of social morality in France shows that they can survive without some motivators. It also lets people practice their freedom on every issue in their country. Such environment is good for work (Robbins, Judge & Millett, 2015).

The level of restriction on social norms in America is low. For instance, although America spends a lot of input to counter drug abuse, it remains the leading nation in drug abuse. Compromise for personal needs is high, which is not healthy for a working environment. From Robbins and Judge's texts, there is a great need for self-confidence in an individuals' ability to achieve. Self-confidence is the best form of motivation one can have. Also, people require the support from others to be successful (Robbins, Judge & Millett, 2015).

In conclusion, every country has its unique culture that developed over time depending on the distinct characteristics of people in various regions. Work satisfaction depends on a societies' nature, the needs they put first and what they treasure before anything else. Success comes with continues personal inputs accompanies with support from involved people and the society as a whole.


Karin Andreassi, J., Lawter, L., Brockerhoff, M., & J. Rutigliano, P. (2014). The cultural impact of human resource practices on job satisfaction: A global study across 48 countries. Cross-cultural management, 21(1), 55-77.

Minkov, M. (2017). A revision of Hofstede's model of national culture: old evidence and new data from 56 countries. Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management.

Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., & Millett, B. (2015). OB: The Essentials. Pearson Higher Education AU.

Tong, C., Tak, W. I. W., & Wong, A. (2015). The impact of knowledge sharing on the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction: The perception of information communication and technology (ICT) practitioners in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 5(1), 19.

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