Management Essay Example: Organizational Framework

Published: 2019-09-27
Management Essay Example: Organizational Framework
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Strategy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 966 words
9 min read

Strategic imperative management refers to the management of an organizations overall purpose, therefore ensuring that the needs and enablers of the present are balanced with those of the future. It is simply pertains all activities that are aimed at producing long term purpose and objectives of a company such that it achieves sustainable competitive advantages over other companies in the market (Tallman, 2009). These strategies may entail the development of a statement of the goals and objectives of the business that is a business strategy outlined and documented in a business plan. This will help define the short-term and the long-term goals of the organization depending on the different economic, cultural, governmental and market conditions of a given foreign location (Internationally, 2015).

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There should be an assured market in the foreign location of the organization. In this case, the organization should ensure that what they are providing for the consumers is as well marketable in the region they seek to start operation. Consequently, the organization should consider the social cultural factors that are followed in their new location. What was preferred by the customers in the organizations native location may be very different to what the customers of the new location since tastes and preferences differ demographically. The organization should be assured that what they have will be embraced in the new market location and if any modifications need be done on the way they deliver the services or on the nature of the product or the services then the organization should have enough strategies on the best way to improve these products/services so that they meet the new markets consumers (Internationally, 2015).

There should be availability of resources for expansion of the organization in the foreign nations. The organization should strictly consider whether the factors of production including labor, capital and land are available in the foreign location. Efficient labor of high caliber should be available in the new location of the business. The company should consider whether the available labor is affordable considering the legislations of the country and even the social cultural state of the new location. In terms of capital, the organization should be able to meet all the financial needs of the organization in the new location. In this case the organization should sustain itself in terms of the financial requirements such as ability to pay the taxes and any other incentives required of the company by the government of their new location. In terms of land, the organization should ensure that incase it sets up a branch in a given foreign location, there is a sufficiently big tract of land in case the organization requires expansion in the future (Tallman, 2009).

In other words, the organizations should ensure a good and effective business environment that circumvents the politico-legal, social cultural and the ethical environment of the new location. They should be assured of the ability to survive the competitive standards set up by organizations in the foreign locations. They should be able to meet and comply with the standards that are defined by the legislature, market and other factors of production set in the foreign economy. They should be able to do this in the initialization stages of the organization and even project these abilities into the future.

Additionally, the organization should be able to overcome the challenges that result from language and communication barriers and even the probability of a slower pace of organization growth in the new location. The organization should have systems put forth to ensure that they are able to tackle any of the oncoming challenges during the initial being of the organization and to be able to project into the future. These systems may entail acquiring the best partners in the new location, hiring the best team of staff, maintaining diligence and open mindedness on how they curb the oncoming challenges and most of all the systems should ensure the organizations consistency in branding while at the same time adaptation of the organization to the new environment.

Three types of organizational commonly employed are the functional, divisional and the matrix. The matrix employs both aspects of the divisional and the functional structures. The functional structure entails partitioning of the business into the various departments of carried within the country. In this case there exists: the financial departments, managerial departments, production departments among other departments. Each department has a different function in the organization thus easing management. The divisional structure on the other hand is used in larger companies whereby separate smaller organizations are within an umbrella group to cover different types of products or market areas. Each division has a different management which is answerable to the mother organization (headquarter). The matrix structure is used for multinational organizations. A current structure that is used by small organizations whose main concentration is on product expertise is the product structure (Tallman, 2009). This structure is an emerging issue and is employed mainly by the small scale firms but has not yet gained much popularity.

The above mentioned organizational structures are the most employed modes of organization; they provide a good managerial environment for an organization regardless of the few implications each face. For instance the hybrid matrix structure is prone to managerial complications due to overworking of some members of staff for instance a production manager may be susceptible to other managerial responsibilities incurred to him or her from the existing functional structure in the organization. The person will thus have to perform in two different sectors which may reduce his effectiveness and efficiency and leading to a low quality work.


Internationally, G. (2015). Going Global: How to Expand Your Business Internationally. Business News Daily. Retrieved 1 June 2016, from HYPERLINK ""

Tallman, S. (2009). Global strategy. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley.

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