Paper Sample: Environmental Sustainability Orientation in Family Firms

Published: 2023-11-07
Paper Sample: Environmental Sustainability Orientation in Family Firms
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Environment Family Sustainable development
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1772 words
15 min read

Environment stability is an ideal situation that enhances the key prospects towards enhancing the growth and development of family firms. The key issues underlying the Environmental Sustainability Orientation and its key surrounding operate based on the SMEs. Major adopted knowledge and understanding of family firms as SMEs help in getting the ideal information on emergent trends (Hernandez et al., 2018). Sustainability Orientation is expressed as the level and magnitude of issues concerning the protection of the entrepreneurial environment, together with the observation of the social responsibility for individuals and company settings (Marshall, 2015). The arguments and ideas concerning the desired framework of environmental sustainability are aimed at establishing a comprehensive understanding as far as the subject topic is concerned.

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The environmental sustainability orientation is focused on understanding the measure that concerns the underlying attitudes towards the work from the internal and external sources that affect the environment. There are personal traits that matter as per the environmental protection regarding entrepreneurial firms (Hernandez et al., 2018). The need to look at a sustainable environment is essential in defining the best strategies for the organization and the operation of the business. Well-strategized firms especially need these structures to have devolved and settings as per the objectives of the firm (Hernandez et al., 2018). The future of the firm's success is fully dependent on the environmental issues that may arise.

The internal business environments together with the external business environments play a significant role in predicting the upcoming trends concerning the business world. The proper delivery of quality goods and services from a family firm can only be discovered through having ideal strategies that are all focused on the future of the business (Hernandez et al., 2018). The basic economic demographics are essential in having the best productivity from an SME. A sustainable environment can only be realized with specific features; these features are important as they help in establishing a competitive market; thus, more can be obtained from the orientation.

According to Cohen and Winn, a sustainable environment includes the maximum considerations from a social perspective, profitable economic outlooks, and the benefits held on the ecological initiative and adopted prospects. The framework that incorporates all the considerations for an ideal system of environmental sustainability orientation has to be devised fully to complete the misalignments that want to emerge in the context (Hernandez et al., 2018). From research conducted concerning the environmental sustainability orientation (ESO), major influences have proven very significant to the balance needed in the firms.

The assessments involved in the sustainability direction have positive outcomes that influence the relative performance of the company and the result. With this in mind, there is a need to look at the evaluations that should be put in place to ensure that the ESO is containable and produces a positive outcome for the SMEs involved (Alegre, 2013). There are theories that have been established to try and fix or rather work on the need and compatibility of ESO (Hernandez et al., 2018). The inclusions highly affect the state and nature of the family firms hence have issues that touch on the cost-effectiveness to the firm and also the strategic plan that the organization has to put in place to ensure that it realizes a qualitative and quantitative result. For instance, if a firm uses huge investment strategies with a favorable environment, it qualifies to give a better outcome.

Objectives of Environmental Sustainability Orientation in Family Firms

To help in foreseeing the upcoming trends that might affect the functionality and the fundamentals of the organization. It is essential to take relevant precautions about the issues that might fall into place as having an adaptable environment is concerned (Alegre, 2013). In the same way, a sustainable environment can be achieved by looking into the pillars for sustainability which will be looked into in the paper.

It helps to operate towards the need for developing key strategies that will expand the market need of the firm as far as the products and services produced are concerned. An essential and effective system will help in strategizing the issues that may arise as far as the sustainability of the firm is concerned.

To look at the gaps that relay the fundamentals necessary in promoting the expansion and the growth of the firm as a whole. The firm needs to grow, and with that, there is a need to look into the aspects that will ensure that the firm is fully growing in both perspectives of the social world and the economic sectors (Alegre, 2013). It actively helps in making proper decisions concerning the investment of the companies involved. Every company requires a self-dependency framework, and therefore the financial aspects of the firms critically check on accountability and accuracy.

To assess the need to develop a stable problem-solving strategy that takes into account the facts on being a small entrepreneurial body thus needed to have an elaborate plan that is essential in helping to solve issues that might arise therein. The business activities involve the public and with that, the urge to look into the crucial problems that might occur due to the interaction and the relationship that is there between the company's employees and the outside environment.

The need to assess the inputs that are required in the company for it to operate effectively. This objective is essential as it helps to look into what should be done to make the delivery of services and products more economical and easy (Alegre, 2013). It will also help in assessing the quality and quantity of services and goods provided by the firm. Decisions concerning the technological advancements to be put in place are essential; therefore, looking at what is required to be done concerning this technology is vital in promoting the output of the company (Alegre, 2013). Also, when looking for personnel to work in the firm, this assessment will help in choosing the most competent and qualified persons to be included in the firm.

Family and Environmental Business Strategy

A family business or firm is one that is focused on a specific goal, and it is managed or governed with some aspects that are meant to shape and thus promote the realization of the objectives of the business body. In some cases, it may have been established that members of the same family or rather families have come together to work together (Alegre, 2013). From the societal context, there is a maximum need to come up with an environmental strategy that will cut across all the divides of the organization and thus make the firm work in line with its needs (Alegre, 2013). An ecological approach is specifically essential as it will help in realizing the most critical aspects that need to be carried forward to achieve the primary objective of a family firm. The environment is a very crucial aspect when it comes to strategizing for a business.

The situation involves not only the outward systems and issues but also the internal problems that affect the operation and objectivity of a given enterprise. There is a need to look into the environment for two basic reasons; the environment can be viewed as the builder of an enterprise or as an inhabitant of a given issue use (Marshall, 2015). Therefore, the situation can be productive and destructive according to how it relates to family firms (Marshall, 2015). When the environment supports the objectives of the SMEs, then the business is essentially favored by the concerned situation. The internal and external environments are essential as they matter to the quality that will be received by a given out by the family firms.

The internal and external business environments will matter to the input that the company injects to realize a favorable outcome. The interior business, for instance, will focus on challenges the business experiences from its internal organs. Thus the business has a high chance of responding credibly in accordance to settling the issues that might arise in the future (Marshall, 2015). The impediments brought about by the internal environment will help the firm to risk on the input, which will help in reducing the occurrence of the worse conditions.

When there is proper strategic planning that clearly defines the capabilities of the environment, the family firms will not experience the limitations that might affect their productivity. Planning is essential for better results and environmental planning, thus it is even better to look into it critically (Marshall, 2015). When the need arises, the environment has to be economically supporting the outcome of a family-based firm (Marshall, 2015). The family involved plays a part in the background; the situation concerning family can be an internal barrier as there might arise some issues that will significantly affect the business.

Corporate Environmental Strategy

A corporate environmental strategy is essential in describing the environmental aspect concerning the sustainability strategies that a firm should employ. There are three major ecological corporate strategies that need to be looked into as far as the ESO is concerned. These strategies touch exclusively on growth, stability, and the sustainability of a corporate body (Marshall, 2015). Corporate growth is needed when the firm needs to expand its corporate market and all that comes therein in the future.

With that, growth means that the market and the economies of the business will essentially be developed, thereby promoting the reliability of the firm. When the firms work to increase the revenues and all that comes in, it, therefore, shows a well-sustained experience and growth. Also, the market share will be increased consequently to meet the demands of the firms involved (Marshall, 2015). The stability anticipated comes in when the firm is in a state of focus, and therefore no obstacles occur that affect the operation of the firm. Balance can get a clear definition concerning the revenues being earned in comparison to the other.


In conclusion, sustainability as a corporate strategy defines the ability of the firm to run smoothly without any form of constraint from the financial perspective of the company. The need to develop an organizational plan is essential as it helps to devise the most stable system that will thus favor the existence of the firm in the market (Marshall, 2015). Concerning ESO the ability of a firm to remain calm can only be reached using these strategies well enough.


Alegre, J. (2013). “Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: The Role of Organizational Learning Capability and Innovation Performance.” Journal of Small Business Management 2013 51(4), pp. 491-507.

Hernandez, Perlines, Felipe & Ibarra, Manuel. (2018). The Role of Environment in Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation. The Case of Family Firms Sustainability.

Marshall, D. (2015), "Going above and beyond how sustainability culture and entrepreneurial orientation drive social sustainability supply chain practice adoption", Supply Chain Management, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 434-454.

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