Pediatric Care at Villa Health: Evidence-Based Collaboration - Free Essay

Published: 2024-01-08
Pediatric Care at Villa Health: Evidence-Based Collaboration - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Health and Social Care Communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1200 words
10 min read


The Villa Health case scenario presents an instance of Caitlyn, who is two years old. The child is admitted for pneumonia diagnosis. The presented case profoundly features health professionals who intend to offer evidence-based care planning to the patient. Upon the patient's readmission for the second time, the health care professional team proposes to run numerous diagnosis tests, that are centrally aimed to determine the causal factor of the patient’s prevailing condition. The outcome of the tests shows a positive result for Cystic fibrosis. The results were obtained after carrying out the sodium chloride test. This specific team is led by Dr. Copeland, who appears to have professional leadership skills to govern the health providers within the institute, also possesses relevant knowledge that he uses to offer directives for internal and external teams, to ascertain that the final interventions are of top quality.

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First, the nature of the interaction between the healthcare providers of Villa Health is used as a perfect illustration of distance collaboration. For instance, it is evidenced that the team members used Skype to quickly communicate and share information with parties outside the environment of Villa Health, but are part of the team. My central objective in this text is to provide a reflection that postulates the most convincing piece of evidence, by proposing an evidence-based plan and exploring the potential benefits and drawbacks that are associated with remote collaboration.

Evidence-Based Care Plan to Improve Patient Care Plan

Typically, the entire staff of health caregivers, led by Dr. Copeland, managed the correct patient ailment. This must be acknowledged as a positive in the Villa Health setup because appropriate tests were done before a care plan was designed. This means that the physician, technician, nurse, and available therapists eventually adopted a care plan derived from the evidence shown by the test. However, Cystic Fibrosis has no definite cure or treatment; hence, the health professional team adopted a strategy that suppresses the disorder's symptoms, hence reducing further complications for the patient. In the case scenario for Villa Health, the piece of evidence that I considered relevant and most useful was the ability and extent of personalization trait shown by the team throughout the care process. The team members personalized Caitlynn’s care plan, by extensively considering the cost of care and offering a medical staff with the utmost level of caring experience and understanding.

The Evidence-Based Practice Model

Imperatively, it is undoubtedly visible that the case scenario provided for the patient in Villa Health adopts a system of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), which was initially developed by Johns Hopkins for use in nursing when giving Care to patients. Even though it is unmentioned in the case, the caregiver's team proposes to utilize a three-step process, which I perhaps defined to satisfy the patient care needs. The three-stage process includes identifying the problem, selecting the best piece of evidence to use in giving Care, and the translation and integration process of the obtained evidence into Caitlynn's Care (Ryan et al., 2017). The evidence-based practice developed by Johns Hopkins offers a range of user-friendly tools that make the caring process more successful and smoother. Most importantly, the Evidence-based Practice at Villa Health is exceptionally incorporated to match the needs and estimated standard of proposed Care for Caitlyn (Ryan et al., 2017).

One of the most explicit evidence to confirm this from the Villa Health case is when a nurse collaborates with the therapist to reach out to the institution's social workers. Ideally, the two believe that healthcare quality will be enhanced exponentially, where everyone within the healthcare setup is informed of the roles that they are required to perform. The nurse and respiratory therapist also reached to Caitlynn's mother, to plan and advise on the benefits of continuity of care, even after being discharged from the hospital.

Benefits and Strategies to Mitigate the Challenges of Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Studies completed by health experts have previously suggested that interdisciplinary collaboration among health workers in an organization helps leverage and enhance the standards of care or quality of care delivered to patients under various conditions (Kamsu-Foguem et al., 2015). The Villa Health Case provides an elaborative justification that collaboration in an organization can be successful, even if the critical stakeholders holding the managerial roles are not centralized in a single location. The process is facilitated by the existence and availability of technological trends and inventions such as Skype, which supports video conferencing. Schmidt and Brown (2017) stipulated that interdisciplinary collaboration is a sufficient matrix that allows team leaders to exchange ideas, opinions, and knowledge on various practices, and understand the different cases, to provide a high-quality outcome, that offers benefits to the patients, and their respective families.

The flow of information from team leaders in various locations also provides a positive environment to exchange experiences on different patient scenarios, reducing the chances of committing medical errors while offering Care. Institutively, interdisciplinary communication and Evidence-based practice coincide to ensure that, the patient garners the highest percentage of benefits.

Nonetheless, most health procedures and practices have more advantages, but risks can cause several challenges when they are not properly installed, monitored, or managed. In the Villa Health Case scenario, Dr. Copeland was excellent in the process of initiating their communications via Sky video conferencing technology. Meanwhile, it is vital to understand that remote communications, especially on health care plans for patients, also have challenges that need to be addressed to realize the maximum benefit from remote collaboration. For instance, using a team of Care can help in mitigating the drawbacks of interdisciplinary collaboration. Using a wide range of Care reduces the distance between one team member and another, hence the transmission distance of information from one party to another is also reduced (Gougeon et al., 2017). In the Villa Health Case, shared decision-making and engagement in open communication are two of the most vulnerable approaches, that are subject to challenges in interdisciplinary collaboration.

Also, Dr. Copeland coordinates with other staff of the team caring for Caitlynn, offering a respectful treatment method to all partners in the scenario. The health care plan and strategy are respectful to the patient when the right disease is addressed. This is also extended to the family, where the nurse and therapists engage in open communication with Caitlynn's mother to explain why the patient should continue to receive care and attention, even after the delivery. The entire module of offering Care is a trigger to the value-enhanced patient, and the quality of care offered by the organization is high.


Gougeon, L., Johnson, J., & Morse, H. (2017). Interprofessional collaboration in health care teams to maintain community-dwelling seniors' health and well-being in Canada: A systematic review of trials. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 7, 29-37.

Kamsu-Foguem, B., Tiako, P. F., Fotso, L. P., & Foguem, C. (2015). Modeling for effective collaboration in telemedicine. Telematics and Informatics, 32(4), 776-786.

Ryan, P. L., Mamaril, M., Shope, B., Rodriguez, J., Garey, T., Obedoza, L., … Morse, E. (2017). The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Model: Learning the Process and Appraising the Evidence. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 32(4), e29-e30. doi: 10.1016/j.jopan.2017.06.098

Schmidt, N. A., & Brown, J. M. (2017). Evidence-based practice for nurses. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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