Free Essay on Political Science: Popular Democracy and Representative Democracy

Published: 2019-10-30
Free Essay on Political Science: Popular Democracy and Representative Democracy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Political science Democracy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1232 words
11 min read

Popular democracy is a concept of direct democracy and it is based on referendums and other empowering campaign concretization of accepted spirit. The notion can be traced back to the political philosophy of populism seen as a completely democratic account of this accepted empowerment ideology. On the other hand, indirect or representative democracy is formed by combination of various democracy that has been established on the code of voted officials who represents a group of people.

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All techniques of democracy in contemporary western culture are representative democracies for example Ireland is a parliamentary republic. In a popular democracy, individuals settle on and vote on policy initiatives directly while in representative democracy a group of people votes for an elected official to act on their behalf and make decisions on their behalf. In the United States, representative democracy is employed due to the fact that they vote for different representatives at all level, for example, the municipality, region, state and centralized level. In a popular democracy, there are no elected officials because during voting, individuals vote on their behalf and an example is Ancient Athens were all women, slaves and foreigners were denied voting rights but everyone elses vote was needed during most important issues.

Representative democracy is possible in accumulated societies which permit for an efficient ruling by few individuals on behalf of a large number of people. People elect their lawmakers who will stand for them in government and it is an element of the parliamentary system and normally used in lower chambers for example House of Commons in U.K. The power is in the hands of elected members and the power they hold might include the authority to pick other representatives of other government officers. Authorities of the elected members are usually affirmed well in the constitution of a particular nation. The Middle East prepares and desires for a popular democracy with some of their leaders have sometimes been considered to practice it but American power prevents this.

Citizen Initiatives Used to Getting Law Enacted

Citizen initiative can be described as a method through which citizens draft a proposed law and it can either be direct or indirect initiative. In indirect initiative, people present to the parliament an anticipated law after it has been drafted. Frequently, the parliament does not pass the suggested law unless the bid is taken to the ballot with a opposing proposal that has been completed by the legislature. Indirect initiative allows residents of a country to outline a proposed law and have it walk off on the poll. The indirect initiative is not often used especially when the direct initiatives are existing. Also, the popular referendum is considered less powerful than direct initiative thus it is not often used and another reason is because direct initiative can repeal the past law and replace it with a new one while referendum infrequently repeals laws.

Usually, there is an input from countable concerned parties to the outlining of a proposed law in the parliament. After the bill is introduced by the author it is named committee which has the role of holding hearings followed by a vetting process were the parties with interest identify drafting flaws, negotiate to look for more optimal solutions and suggest modifications. On the other hand, citizen initiatives are often put in a draft by the sponsors and the text is finalized prior to beginning signature collection and regularly there are no informed deliberation, no consensus-building, and no compromise. There is arrangement of a certain procedure that integrates the best of initiatives by The National Citizens Initiative for Democracy. Citizen initiative encourages direct democracy, therefore, it is appropriate for countries that wish to practice direct democracy because it will enable the citizens to participate directly in the development of policies for a particular country (Butkovic, 2010).

Policy Paradox

Policy paradox concept was described by Deborah Stone when she came with a view that the assumption of many public policy makers defective. There is a general significance of saving public policy from the unreasonable and indignities of politics by fields of political science, public administration, regulation, and policy examination and therefore they expect to make policy instead with normal, analytical and logical methods. Her argument was that the idea of combining the missions of different agencies hoping to achieve a systematic way of coming up with a rational policy was a big mistake imagination of underlying them was paradoxical since those agencies were political. Therefore, all the analysis of the policies of these agencies were conducted in a political manner, for example, the strategically crafted argument that is meant to develop ambiguities and paradoxes determined in a particular direction.

She also had a task of finding a political analysis that has sense despite the fact that the idea of divorcing public policy from politics is a paradox. She started by examining the market odel then she articulates that contrasting the market model with the political model will demonstrate how grossly the market model twists political life. She also said that ambiguity and paradox are very helpful since they give people a lot of different courses of action were one can choose from and each one with a unique potential resolution while considering each will help the society reach the best solution. She recommended that there are five objects that can be exercised as aims for public policy while they are puzzled with uncertainty. The five terms are security, equity, efficiency, liberty and community. She then defines each of them then demonstrate how they can be defined in different ways depending on the desires of individuals who are giving the definitions.

Legalizing Marijuana

In the act, there are various terms that have different meanings such as marijuana which means cannabis and marijuana extraction which is the process of extracting marijuana with solvent. The ruling Marijuana Legalization Act proposes to regulate and be in charge of the licensing of the growing, industrializing, allocation, assessment and advertise of retail marijuana and retail marijuana products in the state and its licensing authority is the Department of Agriculture, Preservation, and Forestry.

In the state of Main the bill that was initiated allows one take marijuana in places that are not public such as residence that are private and provides prohibitions and limitations on smoking tobacco products in specified Ares as provided by laws apply to smoking marijuana and that an individual who smokes marijuana in a public place other than what the government law allow commits a civil violation for which a fine of less than $100 will apply (Jenner, 2011). Also, those who put cannabis on the market and those who sell marijuana products are obliged to pay a tax of ten percent

From this act Deborah Stone will describe the legalization of marijuana as a market model that will alter political life in the sense that there will be no security, equity,efficiency, liberty and the unity among the community as marijuana will highly alter with brain performance of great minds in a negative way especially if it is abused and her ideology will not be parallel with the federal law that legalizes marijuana.


Jenner, M. S. (2011). International drug trafficking: a global problem with a domestic solution. Indiana Journal Of Global Legal Studies, (2), 901

BUTKOVIC, H. (2010). How is Democracy Applied within the EU: Combining Elements of Traditional and Innovative Democratic Practice. PolitickaMisao: Croatian Political Science Review, 47(5), 27-43.

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