Race in Media - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-30
Race in Media - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Race Media Society Stereotypes
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 963 words
9 min read

The media has vastly spread and massively captured the attention of every individual in the universe. The media has extended its root to analyze races and ethnicity in the continent. Media has led to negative and positive impacts on races being covered (Hall 46). For instance, the media has contributed to promoting negative stereotypes about races in various media platforms. Because of the stereotypes, some races endure disparities, and individuals are judged by the opposing characters associated with a race instead of personal characteristics. The media has divided race into majority and minority (Jensen 30). The media covers the positive attributes of the majority race and ensures that they are not associated with any form of negativity.

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The media aspires to cover stories that will capture the attention of the target audience. The media focused on the factors that negatively affect races because many stories that will interest the public. For instance, the media covers the struggles of Black-Americans in surviving in the all-White continent (Walton and Caliendo 29). The media has created stereotypes that Black people are associated with poverty, drug and substance abuse, and other criminal offenses. Black people will suffer the negative consequences of such media coverage. The media will have contributed to promoting racism, and Black people will not have the opportunities to showcase their talents. They will only be associated will crime and may risk prosecution innocently because of the negative information published by the media.

The media has promoted cyber-bullying in races and creating conflicting stories. For example, a false assumption about minority races might be made and vastly spread through social media platforms (King 69). The supporters of racial disparities incorporate the media platforms to argue and validate the hypothesis. It is complicated to erase any belief accessed by the public view. The media has become a new technological appliance that promotes race and ethnic disparities in the contemporary world (Hall 47). The internet has created immense difficulty to differentiate between the truth and false concepts about the rapidly rising assumption of various races. The affected races have no activists who use the online platforms to defend them from false accusations; despite the rebellion to eradicate racism, the technology introduced social media, which vastly contributed to distributing the negative attributes of minority races. The matter has worsened because no action is taken against the cyber-racists or protecting the victims.

The media is regarded as an educational tool in the contemporary world. With the increasing negativity on races, people gradually learn how to promote racism both on the internet and real-life (Jensen 30). An individual start by creating jokes about people of different colors, and they transform into professional cyber-racists. The government has not prioritized such crimes, and most races will continue to endure disparities and prejudice. Technology transforms and evolves periodically, and in the future, it will be a powerful platform for promoting racism across the globe (Walton and Caliendo 30). The media will normalize racism, and the future generation will learn that discriminating based on color and ethnicity is a regular thing. Most people rely on the media for information that will help them navigate their lives, and racism is an incredibly wrong type of message to pass.

However, the media could change the perception of racism and disseminate positive information on minority ethnic groups. The media should cover the culture, talents, and abilities of individuals in different groups. Despite the damage, the media should strive to eradicate the negative messages spread by promoting positivity. The internet should advocate against racism and encourage people to pass judgment to people of different races according to their behaviors and characters (Hall 48). The media should promote racial interactions by creating debates that will enable people from each ethnicity to participate amicably. Every race has its unique capabilities, and through media interactions, racial disparities will be eradicated.

The media should correct the stereotypes created in the mind of the public. The press should substitute negative stereotypes with positive information. For instance, the media should promote Black people as hardworking individuals instead of poverty, stricken people, and criminals. The internet should create different interacting platforms where people will communicate about the difficulties they face and provide solutions (Walton and Caliendo 31). The media should encourage people from various races to understand each other's behaviors, beliefs, and characters (King 68). The step is significant since people will eradicate the misconceptions they had about minority races. The media should correct its mistake by reducing the minority and majority race gap. Internet platforms should advocate equality in races.

Every individual has a right to equal treatment from the races despite their color differences (Jensen 21). The government should intervene and take action against those media platforms that promote negative information about minority races. Also, individuals who engage in cyber-racism should be prosecuted for their crimes (Hall 49). Promoting racism should be included as a punishable offense. The media has a huge role in eradicating discrimination and promoting peace and humanity across the world. The change instigated by the media will be successful since people rely on the media to obtain information. Gradually, the press will positively influence the race, and the future generation will learn to co-exist peacefully rather than racial disparities.

Works Cited

Hall, Stuart. "The Whities of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media. Dines, G., Humez, JM (eds.), Gender, race, and class in media, a critical reader." (2011).

Jensen, R. “Whiteness” In Caliendo, S. M., & McIlwain, C. D. The Routledge companion to race and ethnicity. Routledge, 2010. 21-28.

King, C. Richard. "Arguing over images: Native American mascots and race." Race/gender/media: Considering diversity across audiences, content, and producers (2003): 68-76.

Walton, F. Carl, and Stephen Maynard Caliendo. "Origins of the concept of race." The Routledge companion to race and ethnicity. Routledge, 2010. 29-37.

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Race in Media - Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 30). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/race-in-media?pname=speedypaper.com

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