Essay Exampl - Roles American Government Played During the New Deal

Published: 2023-11-27
Essay Exampl - Roles American Government Played During the New Deal
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics United States Government
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 551 words
5 min read

One of the roles undertaken by the American government in the 1920s was ending prohibition. Besides, the issue was more divisive in the 1920s by legalizing beer buying in American. Congress ended the ban of products by ratifying the 21st amendment, which President Roosevelt initiated.

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The TVA Act's creation into law facilitated the government to construct dams across the river Tennessee, generating cheap hydroelectric power for the area's residents and controlled flooding.

Enacting of National Industrial Recovery Act into law, which guaranteed workers unionizing right to bargain collectively for wages to increase and better working conditions. Moreover, it stopped antitrust laws, thus bringing federally sponsored public works management.

Formation of works progresses administration in April 1935 to help in job provisions to the jobless nationals. Besides, the current deal was not to compete with the private sectors; instead, they were concerned with building schools, post offices, highways, and bridges. WPA also provided jobs to musicians, writers, artists, and theater directors.

In July 1935, Wegner Act facilitated the creating a national labor relation board whose aim was to supervise election in the union and ensure businesses avoid mistreating their workers. In August the same year, FDR enacted social security law to enable pensions to millions of workers.

How the Roles Shaped the American Economy and Society

The national industrial act allowed the industrial sector to form cartels, which would raise payment of the workers and facilitate collective bargaining with their workers. Moreover, it shaped the industry and ensured that all employees got fair treatment, and their income is worthy of the job done. In 1935, the Supreme Court ruled the act to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

The new American deals created a new political coalition comprised of African American, white working, and left-wing intellectuals (Fishback 1436). More females joined the workforce as the president expanded various secretarial purposes in the government. Moreover, these groups shared powerful beliefs that were very good for their economy and their families.

Roosevelt reforms provided support to jobless youth, the elderly, and farmers. Through Farm Security Administration, farmers got financial support to acquire the farm inputs. Besides, the reforms ensured the banking industry's safeguarding and raising the economy after prices had decreased drastically.

Work Progress Administration, which formed in 1935, led to eight million Americans' employment in construction projects like bridges, schools, and parks. Such programs contributed significantly to the end of an excellent depression period. New programs facilitated the improvement of people's lives affected during depression times. Moreover, the federal government attains precedent to contribute significantly to the economic affairs of the country.

Americans voted overwhelmingly due to democratic promise to embrace the current deal as opposed to the laissez-faire philosophy. Besides, the new agreement advocated for the economy that the government could regulate to achieve its economic interests.

New deals tried to moderate the country's financial hierarchy to minimize the repetition of a stock market crash, high bank failure rates, and strengthen its financial stability. FDIC gave government insurance deposits for the banks, which were members of FRS and SEC. Besides, securities and exchange commissions protected the banking sector from fraudulent stock market practices.

Work Cited

Fishback, Price. "How successful was the new deal? The microeconomic impact of new deal spending and lending policies in the 1930s." Journal of Economic Literature 55.4 (2017): 1435-85.

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Essay Exampl - Roles American Government Played During the New Deal. (2023, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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