Article Analysis Essay on Saving Baby Boy Green

Published: 2024-01-28
Article Analysis Essay on Saving Baby Boy Green
Type of paper:  Article review
Categories:  Health and Social Care Pregnancy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 951 words
8 min read

Eva Holland tries to brief on a boy’s struggle for life born barely viable after 24 weeks. There are struggles that women go through when they are pregnant, thus forcing them to seek prompt medical attention, especially when they are pregnant and, at the same time, are attending work. Doctors try t9o ensure that mothers do not suffer the loss of losing a baby after carrying them in their womb for a long time then ending up losing the few days when they are about to give birth. There are situations that pregnant women encounter. They can only get help when they are admitted to the hospital to get close attention even though most of them always want to work or stay at home like Jessica Green.

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High-risk pregnancies require adequate care to ensure that a mother can be able t6o conceive successfully. Jessica had complications; thus, the doctors needed a close corporation so that they could be able to save the twins in Jessica’s wombs even though he wasn’t concerned about taking her situation seriously and allow the doctors to help her out. Human babies seem hopeless at birth, but a successful birth depends on the mother’s general attitude and commitment towards ensuring that she can get adequate care to give birth successfully. Holland (2018) states that “Over several decades, doctors and nurses have become better at grappling with all of these obstacles.

The threshold still varies widely depending on a baby’s circumstances and the care available immediately at birth.” The author implies that doctors tend to get more experience in dealing with pregnant women and giving birth successfully, even though they face many challenges when giving birth (Holland, 2018). Mothers try to keep strong despite the challenges they face when their babies are still inside their wombs. Being strong is evident in how Jessica and Schneider are ready to face what awaits them in terms of the pregnancy, making it clear that they are a strong couple and ready to stand by each other until they get a solution they are facing.

Despite the challenges they face, survival for pregnant women has improved due to cooperation between doctors and health institutions. Health institutions try to ensure they provide doctors adequate resources, including medical equipment and support, to see women survive challenges during pregnancy and birth. Advancements in providing care, technology, and drugs have helped solve issues that pregnant women face, similar to Jessica Green.

There are currently premises that can be used to provide adequate care for pregnant women, thus pushing the life expectancy rate to a level that can enable mothers to survive through pregnancy with their babies delivered safely. The neonatal intensive care unit helps ensure that pregnant women can get the care they need, especially when they have labor pains and small babies who have just been born can wind up.

Husbands need to take care of their wives whenever they are pregnant or going to the hospital for a checkup to ensure that the babies are doing fine inside their wombs. Doctors ensure that pregnant women are getting care in intensive care units that deal with pregnancy complications, and this is evident when the author says that, “For 12 more days she remained in the hospital, enduring regular inspections of her cervix by a pack of doctors who were watching for signs of infection.” Doctors are responsible for ensuring that pregnancies are a success to prevent the mother from suffering pain that is not easy to heal.

The article creates an academic environment where the research has taken place. Precisely, the author gives a case study that is detailed on how baby boy Green was saved. The article gives a chronological flow of incidences from when Jessica Green is nineteen weeks pregnant and attends the Whitehorse General Hospital to wait for her ultrasound images. The accounts in the case study are easy to understand and relate. After the ultrasounds are out, it turns out to be an emergency, and the birth was to be done prematurely.

The article contains a lot of information and gives detailed information on saving a baby born prematurely. Besides, the article contains credible research on neonatal medicine and how it’s put into practice. Strikingly, the research is reliable and valid without any form of biasness. Typically, through the information provided, readers get the opportunity to understand the role of an ultrasound technician in neonatal medicine. Besides, the author clearly explains the incidences that happen in the article. More so, the author’s information is known to readers. For instance, the author vividly explains that an unborn child’s guts and lungs take a long time to develop while in the womb. Furthermore, the precipitous reduction in the cervix’s size, also referred to as a precursor to labor, may affect the baby’s ability to digest food or breathe independently.

Generally, the article’s relevance and value are highly commendable. The author aims to educate parents and potential parents and create awareness about infants' medical care, especially those born prematurely. Notably, for the author to achieve his goal, he describes incidences comprehensively and gives a detailed neonatology account. Particularly, readers are made to understand that neonatology is a hospital-based specialty that encompasses neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Neonatal intensive care units play a significant role in taking care of the prematurely born until it reaches the desired period. Besides, the author educates readers on the use of incubators. These incubators give the baby a warm and conducive environment to stimulate the womb.


Holland, E. (2018). Saving baby boy Green. Wired, 26(4), 22-27.

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Article Analysis Essay on Saving Baby Boy Green. (2024, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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