Free Essay on Socrates' Philosophies and Business Management

Published: 2022-02-14
Free Essay on Socrates' Philosophies and Business Management
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Business management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1847 words
16 min read

Socrates is among the first philosophers. He is well known for his Socratic method of handling and addressing issues. A Socratic Method is a form of an argument that includes a dynamic posing and answering of the questions to improve intellectual growth and the creation of new ideas (Burnet, John, and Socrates, Pg 14). The method is widely applied and more useful in the new B2B marketer especially when used through social networking. In many situations, Socrates would engage himself in a lengthy discourse concerning philosophies of life with his students. Likewise, marketers should use their knowledge to discourse about their theories of marketing. The paper connects the views of Socrates to business management and also gives reasons as to why they relate.

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The Connection of Socrates Philosophies with Business Management

Socrates' philosophies connect to business management in several ways. For example, the Socratic Method is concerned with issues that business managers are interested in improving their businesses. They give an idea of how to build or create a productive and ethically minded group of workers to flourish a company. Socrates philosophies are perceived as terms of guiding citizens towards establishing a beautiful nation. Their insights apply to a business for either a big group or a small one. From the Socrates philosophies, it is true that one cannot separate ethics and long-term productivity. It is either you think about the two equally otherwise4 the business cannot thrive.

The insight of Socrates' philosophies is to cultivate an ongoing atmosphere such that both difficult and important decisions will cater for themselves through a workforce that is loyal and more productive in the business. They help in describing an atmosphere that is the pursuit of truth as well as the pursuit of establishing expressions of goodwill. Therefore, as a business manager, one can learn better places where his/her business can perform adequately. Also, Socrates' philosophies connect to business management in the sense that they consider the essential principles which underlie the operation and creation of a business enterprise.

More so, they help in defining the nature and critical purpose of the business and the moral factors that concern to it. On the other hand, their enlightenment of the common good is replaced by logical concepts and the approach of increasing the profits in the business. Their sound ideas are further used in improving infrastructure which a bid to the criteria for market-driven in cost-effectiveness and profitability. Most importantly, he Socrates philosophies provide a meaning under which a business person can understand and hide from problems that manifest within the business operation.

The Socrates philosophies explore in profound the question of life such as why I should exist as a business manager, and how the business can organize itself to satisfy the desires of the customers. Also, they serve as a critical guide to how a business person should behave in the markets. An analysis of Socratic methods creates a framework for learning the entire world, explaining how we as humans we need to relate to others to handle our competing interests.

Socrates philosophies create a moral view of the ethics of business. For example, they enable a business owner or manager to decide on what is good or bad, the just and unjust among many others. Such philosophies help in establishing an organizational culture in the business (("How to Apply Moral Philosophy to Business Ethics, "N.P). The notions of wrong and right are quite fundamental in all types of the business. Business owners can use philosophies to define the culture of their company. In other words, the philosophical insights from Socrates are used to influence the culture of any business by encouraging honesty and ethical activities that a company may use to create positive interactions with the customers, workers and other leaders within the market.

The Socrates philosophies are applied in a more critical practical level of identifying how to discipline the employees who may act contrary to the expectations of an organization. By the help of code earn to react to various dilemmas in ethics. Furthermore, the philosophy from Socrates will enable a manager to understand the consequences that may exhibit as a result of their actions and behaviors.

Socrates philosophies are applied in the realm of ethics in business to identify how an organization is rated by the surrounding community. One of the primary questions here is whether or not should a company serve as a moral representative. In other words, the philosophy of Socrates aims at establishing whether the owner of the business is seen as a benefactor of the society. If the case is valid, then the owner of the company needs to determine the level of the fact. Again, it is through a philosophical knowledge that a business owner will decide on how to use his/her status within the market to help others through humanitarian efforts. The endeavor can, in turn, enhance the insight of the business due to its essential role in helping others.

Why Socrates Philosophies Connect with Business Management

Socrates philosophy combines with business management due to several reasons. However, the primary goal is to establish suitable conditions that support the success of the business (Belwalkar et al., pg 173). Socrates philosophies teach us more about leadership in the market. His Socratic way of questioning and reasoning is a suitable instrument for involving business team as well as nurturing the way of thinking. In fact, the aspect of asking questions is an essential approach to selfless and self-serving. It shows some interests that a business owner has to his employees and clients in the course of running the business. Most importantly, the questions derive some aspirations and motivations towards starting and running a business. It is essential to listen once you ask a question to emerge a good manager. In other words, never ask if you are not ready to hear. Anytime a manager wants to issue instructions to his/her employees, he/she should borrow ideas from Socrates and ask what the workers think instead.

There are other critical areas of intersection in which a business can thrive efficiently and emerge stronger by borrowing some ideas from Socrates philosophies. Although philosophy and market seem to be poles apart, at first sight, their interdisciplinary potential lacks proper recognition in traditional business schools. The philosophies from the Socrates open up more understanding of the thing to consider in business management. For example, they acquaint a business owner with skills of how to create a workforce that will deliver more than the strengths of an individual. Also, they tend to inquire whether the business has a close link in different changes of the projects so that they can understand their interdisciplinary and connections. Most importantly, the manager can decide on which relationships to create to add a great value to the customers.

From the Socrates philosophies, the business manager understands the fact that everything is continuously changing and hence nothing is fixed in the world. As a result, the manager can respond to some of the challenging questions that tend to support changes in a business. For example, the business owner learns how to adapt and cope with necessary amendments rather than criticizing them all the time. Also, he/she will learn how to adapt to all proceedings in a business within the changing needs. As a result, an individual is able to judge whether he/she is ready to pursue the business management as a course or as a career. Most importantly, the Socratic methods motivate an individual in all undertakings, and hence they remain devoted to working hard to achieve whatever they want. Therefore, individuals who would wish to start and run a business should borrow some philosophical ideas from the Socrates if at all they need to succeed (Mitroff et al., Pg 89).

More so, the Socrates philosophies connect to business management in the sense that it helps a manager to know more than what he/she can tell. For example, as a businessman, one can learn a tacit knowledge that exists in the workforce which an owner can borrow. Again, through the philosophical insights of Socrates, a manager can tell which changes deserve priorities. The Socrates philosophies focus on executives and managers. However, they also aim at helping individuals who are self-employed. Their intentions are not to convince them to cope with alienating procedures. By analyzing their concepts and by adjusting the behaviors, philosophy encourages individuals to rethink the way a business will function ("What can business leaders learn from ancient philosophers," N.P).

In conclusion, Socrates philosophies play a significant role in business management. They help the manager to develop different skills in the course of staring and running both a small and big business. For example, they cultivate an atmosphere that is appropriate for the company. Again, they help a manager to develop their business ethics which in turn helps in the creation of organizational culture. Most importantly, the way of questioning as seen in Socrates philosophy enables a business owner to respond to some of the challenges that may tend to hinder the success of the business.

Annotated bibliography

1. Burnet, John, and Socrates. The Socratic doctrine of the soul. London, 1916.

The book gives detailed explanations of the Socratic philosophies. It explains how Socrates thought individuals should reason to succeed in life. For example, it asserts that individuals should question themselves at all expenses.

2."How to Apply Moral Philosophy to Business Ethics." Smallbusiness.Chron.Com, 2018, Accessed 26 Apr 2018.

The article discusses how Socrates moral philosophies are applicable in creating business ethics. It points out some of the essential reasons as to why the Socratic approach is necessary for business management. For example, it describes how business ethics support the creation of organizational culture. It also illustrates on other matters concerning how to discipline employees to achieve the objective of an organization.

3. Mitroff, Ian I., Can M. Alpaslan, and Ellen S. O'Connor. "Reflections: What's wrong with business schools and why they need to change." Journal of Change Management 15.2 (2015): 85-91.

The article describes how Socratic philosophies can influence changes in an organization. It entails some of the relevant questions that a business owner needs to address to ascertain the success of the business. It also highlights how some of the issues turn to be a motivating factor to the business owner.

4."What Can Business Leaders Learn From Ancient Philosophers?". The Guardian, 2018, Accessed 26 Apr 2018.

The journal contains information on what ideas a business person can or leader learns from Socrates philosophies. For instance, it points out that as a business leader, an individual should be wise enough to differentiate what is right from bad. Again, the journal gives guidelines on how leaders should apply Socratic methods when relating with customers and employees.

5. Belwalkar, Shibani, and Veena Vohra. "Lokasamgraha: philosophical foundations of workplace spirituality and organizational citizenship behaviors." International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 12.2 (2016): 155-178.

The article explains why Socrates philosophies connect with the business management. It highlights the fact that through observing Socratic methods of quest...

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