Some Critical Skills. Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-21
Some Critical Skills. Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Intelligence Communication skills Emotional intelligence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 682 words
6 min read

Life is mostly a continuous learning process, and we continually acquire new skills as we grow up. The challenges that we face serve more to strengthen our mental ability and push us to the next level. While others may be frustrated by life's challenges, I welcome them and learn lessons from them. In my experience, I have acquired some critical skills that have helped me face whatever challenges life throws at me. These attitudes include perseverance, happiness, and a good sense of humor.

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To persevere implies persisting in doing something, giving it your utmost best despite not achieving your desired result at the right time. It means never giving up, no matter how challenging life becomes. Life is never a smooth ride in the park. Challenges come in different measures. Failing to persist in the face of these challenges only means that one can never achieve the desired result.

As a baseball player, one has to go through vigorous and continuous training sessions if he is to become a good player. When you give up is the moment your dreams fade away, and you forget about achieving any good results. I learned to persevere in the training sessions on the advice of my coach. Had I not continued, I would not have developed the skills i was able to acquire. Perseverance is equally vital in the learning process. The process is never so smooth, and one does not just get desirable grades by sitting back and relaxing/. It is only achievable by working had, sometimes failing, yet not giving up hope.


Happiness may not be a thing that occurs naturally for most people. It is usually more of an inside job. Individuals have to put in a lot of effort to make it happen. It involves deciding to be happy than making the required changes in our behavior to realize the results. The process may include a lot of effort, but it pays off.

While growing up, I realized that I was unhappy most of the time because of the frustrations I went through and the things and people who disappointed me. When people behaved contrary to my expectations and things failed to work out the way I expected, i would be frustrated and thus unhappy. However, i have come to accept that items do not have to go my way, and people do not have to do things the way I want them to. I have taken that people do not live their lives for me, and my happiness does not depend on people. I have accepted that people are just who they are. Therefore, I have had to define my boundaries and know the people who fit in my life. Life has taught me to love and admire the things I get and the people around me and to see the inner good that they possess. In so doing, I get rid of frustrations, disappointments, and, therefore, unhappiness.

Sense of humor

It may be assumed that having a sense of humour is a trait that is inborn, natural, and that it cannot be learned through daily experiences. Yet, in practice, people with a good sense of humour tend to be friendly and exhibiting civility. As the saying goes, every person we meet is fighting a fierce battle. Therefore all we need is to be kind to them. Having a sense of humour implies being polite to such people both in speech and action. For the wheel of social interaction to roll smoothly, a sense of humour is an excellent lubricant.

A sense of humour is not an intrinsic quality to acquire, but it is an amazing one. It is not easy to remain angry with a person so amusing. Therefore, a good sense of humour remains a vital trait I learned in life.


While there are many negatives we can take from daily life and our interactions with people, I have chosen to take the positives from the challenges that life may through onto me. There is always something positive one can learn from any given interaction.

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Some Critical Skills. Essay Example. (2023, Aug 21). Retrieved from

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