STEM Unit Plan for Grade 3 Math

Published: 2023-01-05
STEM Unit Plan for Grade 3 Math
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Education Science Religion
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 934 words
8 min read

Education on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) forms the backbone of innovation and inventions in the society. Solutions to significant challenges facing the community require one to know these STEM subjects to devise solutions to them. STEM education integrates STEM subjects through design and problem solving instructional methods to allow for discovery and exploration strategies (Roberts, 2013). Mathematics, as one of the STEM subjects, forms a foundation rock on which all the other areas are derived. Knowledge in math will help learners to understand and resolve problems relating to science, technology, and engineering. There is, therefore, a need for all students to learn math, even those with physical and mental stabilities. All students need to get a fair playing ground regardless of their background differences, gender or culture background. The following is an overview of the strategies and resources used in teaching math lesson and integrating it with other STEM subjects for grade 3 class. It will also show how the plans are customized to meet individual student needs as shown in their class profile, and integrate technology and digital information to model the unit.

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Different strategies would be used to meet diverse learning needs for students. These strategies aim at ensuring that students learn and apply math in their day to day lives. They will appreciate the relationship between math and other STEM subjects as well as apply the knowledge to solve critical life issues. The strategies and resources to be used in the plan, are customized to meet individual needs and encourage student participation.

The strategies applied will include observation, in which students will observe and count objects on a screen and offer physical objects for students who are visually impaired. As a result, learners will be able to relate numbers with objects. Students will be encouraged to participate in turn, giving more attention to the ones with low concentration power. Lessons shall be segmented to allow students participation and draw the attention of low concentrating students. Parents and guardians of the learners shall be encouraged to direct the learners back at home to assist them in completing homework and use internet connection again at home for learning. Parents within proximity to school and who have no internet access will be advised to tap into school network for internet connection. Students will also be encouraged to train one another in which quick learning students will help improve slow learners through demonstration and in their level language.

Resources to be used include an interactive whiteboard, multiplication flipbooks, and story problems. The student will use these resources. To ensure literacy in learning, different approaches and resources will be applied and customized to learners with special needs. For instance, speech learning speakers will be used to help students with visual impaired problems, while coloring and utilizing dictionary and thesaurus will help slow learner students and those with short term concentration to grasp the content within the lesson schedule. Interactive screens will be used to assist in displaying data in multiple formats. The purpose of this is to help students to apply visual techniques and understand how multiplication applies in real life situations. The screens will display objects such as mangoes in which by learning on how to divide them over some people, the learners will appreciate division and multiplication applications.

The data of the class profile will help in customizing the STEM Unit Plan according to its individual needs and challenges. From the data, 15 out of 26 students are female. Based on a higher percentage of female students, a more emphasis shall be given to encourage them to love and appreciate STEM subjects and not to follow the belief that STEM subjects are challenging and are for boys only. To do this, girls shall be encouraged to participate more in class and a digital lab for them to get to the fare playing ground with their counterparts. Several students lack internet connection back at home. As a result, they may be unable to interact with others and learn digitally while at home. Parents and guardians of these students will be encouraged to put internet connection and for those close to school can utilize the school's network for learning. Students will also be encouraged to use the school computer lab for their knowledge and practicing purposes.

The advancement in technology and digital application has also influenced the ways of teaching and learning environment, more so in STEM subjects. Most students have access to the internet which offers them a pool of digital contents and resources for learning. To leverage these advancements students will be encouraged to apply these devices in their class and homework learning. Those with their own devices will be encouraged to come with them in a Bring Your Device (BYOD) initiative and apply them during class time to support learning and practice (Song, 2014).

For the disadvantaged students who cannot afford these devices, they will be encouraged to use the school IT lab where they can get these devices and be able to learn together with their fellows. Digital audio computers and other audio aids shall be used to help the students with visual and audio impairments. A preventive class environment shall be developed to prevent students from engaging in dishonesty (Manning, 2013). By defining and guiding them through digital policy guidelines, learners will become responsible and apply these digital devices for their excellent.


Manning, M. L., & Bucher, K. T. (2013). Classroom Management: Models, Applications, and Cases. Pearson.

Roberts, A. (2013). STEM Is Here. Now What? Technology and Engineering Teacher, 73(1), 22.

Song, Y. (2014). "Bring Your Device (BYOD)" .For Seamless Science Inquiry in a Primary School. Computers & Education, 74, 50-60.

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STEM Unit Plan for Grade 3 Math. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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