Talking About a Student with Parents - Free Essay Example

Published: 2022-05-26
Talking About a Student with Parents - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Teaching
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1808 words
16 min read

Learning involves a number of elements. The learning environment should be supported by many people and such people are not limited to students, teachers, parents, plus other stakeholders such as the government and the entire community. learning will be only effective if the combined efforts of the above-named individuals work together as one and set specific goals to achieve. The relationship between a student and the teacher in any learning settings is paramount that will always foster proper learning atmosphere in a unique manner. On the other hand, teachers and parent relationship always will see students in a certain situation that determines their final learning outcomes (Sheridan et al., 2017, p. 89). This is because, when teachers and parents have good relationships then the outcomes of learning for students will be automatically good. Also, parent and student affiliation are imperative to performance. The support of a parent and a teacher is import to a student. Therefore, the paper analyses how the relationship between parents and teachers affects the performance of students. Also, the significance of teacher-parent contact in support of the student learning, the reasons for such form of interaction and how such interaction is carried out in the best way and how it is done in the learning environment. Finally, the paper highlights a number of considerations which teachers have to be aware of at the time when dealing with a number of cultures and languages; and a reflection of real classroom observations where teachers interact with a range of students from a diverse culture and showing empathy with parents whose children are not performing well.

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Importance of Teacher-Parent Interaction

Teacher-parent interaction is important in supporting student learning in a number of ways. Research evidently shows the important power of parents over the children's commitment with learning, as well as over their children's enlightening achievements, however, this is a comparatively novel, and challenging part for several schools plus for various teachers. Seeking to improve the manner in which parents and teachers relate to one another could be confronting, and calling into questions that are long-held assumptions and beliefs concerning nature of learning and education in general. Concerning roles as well as responsibilities and regarding control and power; there are as well major logistical aspects that cannot be overlooked. However, regardless of these barriers, it remains worth persevering establishing means to support the engagement of parents in the learning of their children; also to support teachers and parents working collaboratively rather than in analogous and in cross purposes.

Teacher-parent interaction enables children to be more positive self-esteem. This will see them being more motivated to learn and they will be more positive concerning school and by so doing they will get good grades. Teacher-parent interaction provides a platform that would see learners relate such good affiliation in their individual studies that will enhance performance.

Importantly, the power of teacher-parent interaction and engagement have been deemed to overrides other aspects and factors of learning with shown influence on a child's attainment. Additionally, a variety of studies have revealed that, when teacher-parent interaction and engagement are actively engaged in children's learning, such influence seems to be more important than other factors such as socioeconomic background, parental education, or the eminence of the kid's level of schooling (Vandenbroucke, Spilt, Verschueren, Piccinin and Baeyens 2017, p. 123).

Also, the teacher-parent interaction will foster general behavior of the child. This is because, traditionally, a parent is a primary teacher of the child. A parent teaches a child initial norms that will see him/her become a very disciplined learner. On the other hand, a teacher is a second parent and what a parent had already taught a child will remain a stepping stone that a child will add to what the teacher will be teaching. Thus a teacher will get a platform when a parent plays his/her part is an apparent manner. This will then see their interaction create a good learning environment.

Teacher-parent interaction will enable a timely provision of all learning facilities that are needed in order for a student performance well. When teacher-parent interaction is wanting, then some of the key and primary needs of the kids will be ignored and by so doing, ruins the bright future of the child since it attracts poor grades. Teacher-parent interaction is a paramount weapon that by no means should be ignored. The teacher-parent interaction sets a podium that shapes learning programs since teachers will involve parents in every step they undertake to see learning of their children is taken is a proper manner.

Reasons for Teacher-Parent Interaction

There is the key reason of when teacher-parent is very crucial. The fundamental factor for good working relationship is all about the good performance of the children. When perforce is good, both teachers and parents shall smile and they will be happy for molding young people that will a society. A future society is determined by the current activities done by learners at school and at home. Education has remained the only light that outshines darkness among young people in the community. Thus a proper relationship offers a platform for young people to fulfill their desired dreams in a simple and unique manner (Volk 2017, p. 55).

How to Build Effective Teacher-Parent Relationships

Efficient and effective teacher-parent relationships could assist to foster parental learning engagement. Parents normally anticipate their child's teachers to instigate contact, and the approach this is handled is possibly determined the quality of the succeeding relationship, and even though whether any species of connection can start on. Aspects a teacher could undertake in supporting interactions which will steadily lead to reciprocated respect as well as understanding includes; always making parents feel welcomed at any time they visit their children at school. Secondly, teachers should be always listening to parents along with focusing on their concerns and priorities; by so doing make them feel comfortable and more concerned about school affairs at all times. At all times parents should be provided with a positive response rather than just reporting misbehavior of their children. Teachers at some points at school should identify positive elements of students and report to individual parents and appreciate them on their good work done of molding children to such a good level (Sheridan et al., 2017, p. 52). This will enable parents to see through the character of learners and motivate them more; and by so doing, it remains a positive aspect and a stepping stone of effective interaction between a teacher and a parent. Consequently, by keeping parents within the loop timely with personalized communication; teachers have to communicate directly with parents rather than writing a letter. There should a provision of telephone calls on a weekly basis for teachers to brief parents on some positive and negative issues concerning learners and this will enable parents to feel more concerned with all learning activities at school.

Therefore, when schools at large along with teachers function from this viewpoint, then they focus on approaches of connecting parents to support learners and will enable them to strengthen their operation with children they are at their respective homes. Thus by so doing, it lays proper foundations that will see a well-working collaboration of teachers and parents in which actions of teachers and parents harmonize each other (Fleming, McMahon and King 2017, p. 260).

Facilitating Teacher-Parent Collaboration

At the same time as there are a lot of traditions of enhancing parent-teacher teamwork, a review of many research studies suggests that there are consistent principles which apply across different learning contexts (Herman and Reined 2017, p. 89).

Be clear about why learning is crucial. By so doing, will see one avoid fragmented, ultimately and unfocused ineffectual action by being apparent regarding the purpose of parent-teacher collaboration. Be clear about what it undertakes at school. This is the manner in which the projected association is envisaged as well as described and can as well make a distinction. The connection between parents and teachers is more probably to be effectual when people involved admit and respect their personal areas of influence and expertise. Clarify perspectives is another way to facilitate teacher-parent collaboration. Parents and teachers might have different thoughts concerning what constitutes a 'good' schooling, regarding the 'right' method to educate and concerning the individual roles of parents and teachers. Find traditions to recognize and talk in the course of some differences that might be existed, and, in such process, it lay foundations for permanent conversations between teachers and parents, thus it, in turn, assists children, who are or else caught between on the planets of school and home (Gin, Clinks, Edberg, Warner-Metzger and Abler 2017, p. 105).

Learners come from diverse backgrounds and such background defines a number of issues among them. For teachers to deal with them in an effective and efficient manner, they need to understand all factors and aspects surrounding such cultures. By so doing, it will be a platform that assists them to create an appropriate learning environment for each and every student. Also, by so doing it will create a good working relationship between teachers and parents. The teachers dealing with different cultures as well as languages will enable them to understand the way to communicate with parents, the way to handle learners in different aspects.

Reflections of a Real Classroom

Reflections of real classroom observations interacted with various students from a different culture, and in many times I showed empathy with a parent whose child is not performing well. This is because parents spent a lot in terms of investing in their children. Thus a poor performance is a big frustration that parents have. Sometimes classrooms create real situations in future since indicates on how such children will lend their own life outside parent's provisions, but when having poor grades indicates that such learners will have a very bad life. This also frustrates parents and see them being sympathized at all costs (Harts, Wellford and Kohen 2017, p. 440).

Reference List

Fleming, A.P., McMahon, R.J., and King, K.M., 2017. Structured parent-child observations predict the development of conduct problems: The importance of parental negative attention in child-directed play. Prevention Science, 18(3), pp.257-267.

Ginn, N.C., Clionsky, L.N., Eyberg, S.M., Warner-Metzger, C. and Abner, J.P., 2017. Child-directed interaction training for young children with autism spectrum disorders: Parent and child outcomes. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46(1), pp.101-109.

Hartz, K., Williford, A.P., and Koomen, H.M., 2017. Teachers' perceptions of teacher-child relationships: links with children's observed interactions. Early Education and Development, 28(4), pp.441-456.

Herman, K.C., and Reinke, W.M., 2017. Improving teacher perceptions of parent involvement patterns: Findings from a group randomized trial. School Psychology Quarterly, 32(1), p.89.

Sheridan, S.M., Witte, A.L., Holmes, S.R., Coutts, M.J., Dent, A.L., Kunz, G.M. and Wu, C., 2017. A randomized trial examining the effects of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation in rural schools: Student outcomes and the mediating role of t...

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